...Hypothesize Future Correctional Problems Future correctional problems that will need to be addressed include rising health care issues including HIV positive inmates and conjugal visits. An example of a current problem that keeps growing worse in prisons is the issue of health care and medical problems in prison. The get tough attitude has led to many longer sentences for offenders in prison. This means that there is a larger aging population in prison. This in turn leads to more prisoners who develop health problems while in prison (Muraskin & Roberts, 2009). Health care can be very costly and increases the budget of running prisons. One-third of inmates incarcerated report a chronic medical condition. The most common medical conditions are HIV, hypertension, asthma, arthritis, cervical cancer, and hepatitis (Bingswanger, 2009). Administrators must hire more prison health providers and allocate much of their limited resources toward early detection and management toward health conditions among the inmates (Bingswanger, 2009). Inmates with communicable diseases and in particular HIV must be kept separate from the other inmates. People diagnosed as HIV positive in the prison population is five times higher than in the general population (Calderon, 2006). Segregation reduces harassments of infected prisoners by noninfected inmates and allows prison guards to take proper precautions. The problem of segregation for these inmates brings up human rights violations. ...
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...Correctional Philosophies and Increasing Correctional Population In society, the philosophy of sending a person to prison has drastically changed. The criminal justice system has put much emphasis on how it looks at people who commit criminal acts against other people. The future correctional philosophies associated with increasing correctional population are as follows: rehabilitation, retribution, restoration, deterrence, and incapacitation (Johnson, 2005). Rehabilitation For years, researchers have looked upon rehabilitation as the answer to cut down on the number of people who return to prison. Unfortunately, the so-called rehabilitation programs have become ineffective, and caused the recidivism rate to increase. Over the years, society has formed the mentality that nothing works to change criminals and their acts. The reason that most rehabilitation programs do not work are because of poor funding, poor teachers, and poor performance. There are many factors that cause the rehabilitation of prisoners to return to prison. For instance, prisoners seem to return to prison when they are increased monitoring, referrals, and management toward them (Bacik, nd). Retribution Retribution has been linked to increasing correction population because of its mentality toward people who commit crimes. Society believes that when a person commits a crime, he or she should be put into prison. When this happens...
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...Correction Trends Evaluation Paper Angela Rosado CJA/394 Contemporary Issues and Future in Criminal Justice September 19, 2011 Christopher Manning Paper Correction Trends Evaluation The question at hand today is where and how is our correction system going to be in the future? But to understand and know how the future of our corrections will be, we must first understand the past and the present trends of corrections. In this paper I will discuss the past, present and future trends of corrections, I will analyze current and future issues facing prisons and prison administrators as well as the role/issues of alternate correction systems as a developing trend. Past Corrections In today’s society the jails and prison pretty much function in the same ways. The history of the State prisons began at the Walnut Street Jail in 1790, it was called the first American penitentiary located in Philadelphia, and the building had been operated as a city jail. Some of the same functions and principles were used in England, also these functions were used in the United States as early as the eighteenth century, in England during that time did very little when it came down to punishment. There was very little difference between the two correction systems in the United States, the punishment was significant, but it was very noticeable that the American’s corrections’ system difference in punishment, for example: the use of capital punishment. Therefore, when it came down to the death...
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...Correction Trend Alfreda Jernigan CJA-394 02-15-2012 University of Phoenix Correction Trend Compare and Contrast- Past, Present, and Future trends pertaining to the development and operation of institutional and community based corrections Correctional programming today is at a level of effectiveness that exceeds previous expectations. Jurisdictions throughout the United States there are other programs that utilize research-based programs to educate, train and motivate offenders. Gone are the days of haphazard implementation of programs that sounded good, but often just occupied time for the offenders. The past evolution occurred for many reasons (Corrections Today, 2010). One of our biggest wake-up calls was the claim made about 30 years ago that, nothing works in corrections, in terms of rehabilitation. Although this widely publicized statement was removed from its context for some less-than-honorable purposes, it did in fact bring some attention to the conundrum that many prisons were not effective as change agents for offenders, but rather seemed only to serve the purpose of separating problems from society (Corrections Today, 2010). 7,225,800 adults were under correctional supervision (probation, parole, jail, or prison) in 2009 (U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2010). While this singular purpose was acceptable to many citizens, the more visionary leaders, both inside and outside of corrections, understood that the only good thing that could ever result...
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...of treatment to prepare them to return to the community as productive, law-abiding citizens. Correctional agencies implemented a variety of treatment programs to improve offenders and to provide them with the tools necessary to be successful members of society (Seiter, 2011). The need for rehabilitation of offenders was emphasized by the Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice, appointed by President Lyndon Johnson in 1966, which noted a need for “substantial upgrading” of the correctional system and its reorientation “toward integration of offenders into community life” (Seiter, 2011). Throughout the years, many processes have been created to form the rehabilitation process of criminal justice. This process has reached out to many offenders and their families by allowing them to return to the community as changed individuals. Rehabilitation has many different process, but most, if not all have been proven successful in returning offenders to the community as changed individuals (Seiter, 2011). Rehabilitation is defined as a return to a previous form. In criminal justice, rehabilitation is referred as a designed attempt to change attitudes and behaviors of inmates, concentrating on the prevention of an inmate's future criminal behaviors (Seiter, 2011). The emphasis of rehabilitation is clearly proactive and focused on preventing future crimes. Correctional officials believe this may be their most important function, protecting society in the long term...
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...Correctional Officers Patricia Johnson CRJ 303 Prof. Lott April 18, 2012 Correctional Officers The life of a corrections officer is and can be very dangerous. Corrections officers have to deal with hundreds of inmates on a daily bases and ensure that each inmate is safe and secure while under their supervision. Being a corrections officer can also be very stressful and dangerous. They are not only concern with their safety, but the safety of other officers, visitors, and the inmates. This job is not for everyone only for the strong and strong minded. As with any job, corrections officers have to perform a post order, before getting started for the day. Their day consist of routine activities and constant communication with inmates and other staff members. Their shift will start first with them arriving and reading the log book, then dealing with inmates going to work, eating lunch, going to the recreation yard and them ending it by recording what happen throughout the day and turning over their keys to the next shift. Corrections officers play crucial roles in the functioning of correctional institutions. They create and maintain the social and security milieu within prisons and often have direct impact on the behavior of inmates through their daily contact with inmates. Studies showed, however, that the correctional work environment was fraught with stress. Many studies found that corrections officers experienced excessive stress, which manifested in physical illnesses...
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...implicate in a future study. As mentioned in the study, inmates had different release dates, some closer than other which could have affected their stress and anxiety levels. As well, some inmates were released earlier than expected lower the participant number. For the future, it may be beneficial to start selecting offenders that have similar release dates. The prison setting is filled with unpredictable situations and events that can have a positive or negative impact on participants which in turn can affect results and scoring (Ferszt, Miller, Hickey, Maul, & Crisp, 2015). Implications for the Authors Practice As a psychiatric nurse currently working in a female correctional facility it is accurate that most incarcerated women do suffer...
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...Evolutionary Changes within the Correctional System Emily Correctional Systems- 2313 Nov. 23, 2014 Mr. Charles Williams Evolutionary changes within the Correctional System Abstract: Corrections is defined as “a process whereby practioners from a variety of agencies and programs use tools, techniques, and facilities, to engage in organized security and treatment functions intended to correct criminal tendencies among offender population” (Hanser, 2013, pg. 2) But the word corrections also originates from a separate meaning which is the need or desire to provide a punishment to individuals that have committed behavior not found suitable or acceptable by the society. Therefore in this essay I will discuss the changes within the American Correctional systems that have caused them to evolve to the present day. Introduction: The correctional prison system within America has changes in multiple differential aspects between the mid 1900’s to the present day. But the most important of these changes which have occurred are: Prison programs, classification systems, housing, the professionalism, and the shift in authority and management. Programs for inmates have improved. The system used to classify inmates have altered. New intermediate facilities have been formed, including the development of adaptive housing. The professionalism between the prison staff as well as the formation of organizations, has increased. Lastly, among the more important aspects of changes, the use of applying...
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...The duties of a correctional Psychologist Donterise L. Anderson Saint Leo University Abstract An increasing rate of violation of crimes characterizes the current global environment. Different forms of violence and aggression, including drug trafficking and abuse, robbery, and rape cases among other forms of violence necessitates the need for analyzing the roles of a correctional psychologist. The special roles played by the correctional psychologists such as providing environments that improve the safety of the staff and inmates, psychological services, inmate management, and conducting an evaluation of the inmate/prison population and its influence on inmates’ health necessitated the study into the topic. In addition, the fact that the correctional psychology has numerous ethical dilemmas and conflicts makes it wanting to study the topic. Introduction Today, corrections are a complex, high profile operation, which consumes a significant portion of the federal operating budget. This paper will concentrate on the duties of a correctional psychologist. The paper begins with an overview of legal issues pertinent to psychological concepts and legal rights of inmates. We then examine the practice of forensic psychology in the correctional environment. Legal issues This section describes the common legal issues facing psychologists working in correctional facilities. The issues...
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...-Corrections is a booming business prisons + crime = profitable industry we have an Increasing number of people under correctional supervision 6 million people under the correctional system by the end of the century - Tough on Crime Political Stance popular public policy 20 million victimizations in 2009 repeat violent felons off of the streets treat minors as adults create mandatory sentencing laws reduce time-off-for-good-behavior - Shift in Public Opinion 4.3 million violent crimes 33 million personal theft crimes - 7.2 million 3% (1 in 33) of adults in the U.S. are under some sort of correctional supervision -Probation (community sentence) and parole are NOT the same thing -1.3% average annual increase from 2000 to 2009 But declined 1.3% in 2010 to 2009 “has the correctional population supervision increased or decreased from 2000 to 2009?” Answer: INCREASED - the majority of people in the corrections system are on PROBATION - Percentage breakdowns for types of offences: 9% Public Disorder (35% federal) DUI, indecent exposure, drunken disorderly, prostitution, etc. 18% Drug Offence (51% federal) 19% Property Offense (less than 10% federal) 53% Violent Offenses (less than 10% federal) - Regions highest to lowest South West Midwest Fed? North East - Top 5 States Federal Texas California Florida New York Notes From Ch. 1 in Textbook- - Penology the study of the use of punishment for criminal acts - Penitentiary typically used...
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...Correctional Counseling and Treatment Correctional counseling is a type of counseling that assists criminal offenders in dealing with specific problems their current personality structure lack, so they can make better decisions in the future. Correctional Counselors deal with specific life-adjustment situations, while trying to expand on the underneath "good" personality that already exists. In our correctional system, this type of counseling exists, but is it effective? With news flashes of violence daily, and deadlines burred with murders and violent acts constantly, it is easy to say no. The re-offending rates in our country are among the highest in the world, and several underlying problems exist in offender lifestyles and upbringing that will allow them to be treated. When you read a newspaper or see the news you often encounter stories of violent acts by criminals with long wrap sheets. They have not been helped simply because the correctional system has not been able to deal with the enormous number of offenders, and therefore cannot give them the individual treatment that they would need. This lack of specific counseling allows the offender to go untreated, and commit more criminal acts. Next, some believe that if we want to rehabilitate criminals we must do more than just send them to prison. For instance, we could give them a chance to acquire job skills; which will improve the chances that inmates will become productive citizens upon release...
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...Running head: THE CORRECTIONAL SYSTEM IN AMERICA The Correctional System in America in need Of Revamping, Yes or No? Abstract The correctional system in America is failing, and it impact on the community is disproportionate. It has a direct and indirect influence in the community, in it values, family structure, and in the lives of the inmates it hold. Americans should take stand and revamp the system today to avoid regretting it tomorrow. Introductory Paragraph I. A growing number of Americans are seeking reforms for the correctional systems in the country. Some agree with this thought and some disagree with it. II. With more prisoners being added by the hundreds each week, chaos is dominating the correctional department. III. Whatever the case may be, there is not a doubt that the correctional system in America is not working, and is failing to resolve important issues such as: A) Crowdedness. B) Health and drugs problems. C) Rehabilitation. Transition Body IV. Prisoners need to be packed like sardines. V. Violation of privacy. VI. The government has to care even for criminals. VII. Lack of personal space might have psychological effects on prisoners, it has been proven. Transition VIII. Health and drugs crimes are also being committed outside. IX. Prisoners are being force to live with health and drugs issues. X. Government should provide...
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...Criminal Justice Trend Evaluation Terry Milton CJA/394 June 25, 2012 James Beeks Criminal Justice Trend Evaluation To keep up with the criminal problems in society, functions and components of the criminal justice system has to evolve in order to be able to detect and keep up with growing trends in society. New laws need to be created to help keep up with the evolution and its new trends. In this paper the evaluation of past, present, and future trends that connect to societies and the components of the criminal justice system will be discussed. It will also assess the recent and future contemporary issues that affect the criminal justice system. The purpose of this paper is to show that the criminal justice system has a major role in an ever changing society. Recent and future trends have always and will always affect the criminal justice system. New trends in technology, law, terrorism, gender and diversity will always effect the functions of the criminal justice system. Technology in the 21st century is one of the legal issues that have caused controversy. New technology devices such as hand geometry biometrics and the use of retina and iris devices have the ability to gain information not only on people’s health but also their medical history as well. When it concerns the criminal justice system, many of these new technology devices are being used to detect drugs and concealed weapons that are sneaked into prison facilities. They help prevent illegal activities...
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...individual’s population and what particular issues they may deal with in a correctional setting: relationship s with other prisoners and staff, possible issue with authority, treatment-related concerns, and relevant research on this population and its interaction with the correctional system. Next, discuss different aspects of the correctional settings and how they could be influencing the individual or population as a forensic psychologist: treatment options available for a particular individual or population needs, include treatment options while in prison, discuss the availability and flow of treatment as the individual or population, and discuss the efficacy of treatment...
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...Leadership in a Correctional Facility XXXX Columbia Southern University Abstract This research was focused on the utilization of leadership within law enforcement agencies and more specifically correctional facilities. Information related to leadership was gathered from different forms of media to include online sources as well as written text. The information utilized focused on several key areas of leadership. These areas were further investigated in an effort to better describe leadership methods that can be deployed within a correctional facility with the intent of increasing productivity and staff satisfaction. These key areas included exploring the difference between being a supervisor and a leader, expectations of both leaders and followers, setting the example, creating a common goal, empowering others, rewarding accomplishments as well as providing leadership succession planning for the organization. The results of this research showed that leadership is vital to the success of correctional facilities and that the time and expense required in developing leaders will result in a better operating facility. Leadership in a Correctional Facility Leadership vs. Supervision Dictionary.com defines leadership as “the position or function of a leader, a person who guides or directs a group; ability to lead; an act or instance of leading; guidance; direction; the leader of a group” (Dictionary.com, 2014). For the purposes of this paper the definition provided...
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