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Submitted By mzamora36
Words 1777
Pages 8
GAAP Research Project

Zamora, Marina
Intermediate Accounting
ACC 330-02
FALL 2012
Zamora, Marina
ACC 330-02

GAAP Research Project
Number 1
You are the assistant accountant for Tyler Corporation. It is mid January 2011 and you are helping to prepare the Tyler Corporation’s balance sheet for December 31, 2010. Tyler will publish this balance sheet on March 1, 2011, after the auditors have completed their work. Tyler has a $100,000 note payable that was issued in 2009 and that is due March 6, 2011. On January 5, 2011, Tyler sold 2,000 shares of it’s $10 par common stock for $80,000. It’s intent is to use these proceeds to repay the note payable on March 6. The head accountants says “I’m not sure how to classify the $100,000 note payable on December 31, 2010 balance sheet. Check this out for me.”

The company need to classify the $100,000 into the balance sheet. The assistant will have to try to help the head accountants to put it in the balance sheet for December 31, 2010.

When the company prepares the financial statements, it simplifies, condenses, and classifies the data. “The arrangement of each company’s balance sheet items and subtotals should be designed to be useful to its various external user groups” (page 137). If the company expects to hold the item for more than one year or the operating cycle, whichever is longer, it is classified as a long term investment. Long terms investments include holdings of available for sale debt and equity securities that the company does not intend to convert into cash within one year or the normal operating cycle.

Number 2
During 2010, one of the customers of Klote Company declared bankruptcy. This customer had been a major purchaser of Klote’s products and had owed $40,000 on account to Klote (a material portion of its receivables)

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