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Garden Of Eden, Free Will: An Analysis

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We can all agree that human existence has a beginning, and it will have an end: birth and death. Whether you believe the time period in between those events of life here on earth as a human being are predetermined for you by a higher power, or you believe that you have the free will to pick and choose your life is an inevitable question. Life can be described as “free determinism” in a way that our destiny is predetermined: death, but, when we are living we have the freewill to choose as long as we accept the consequences, this is shown in the story The Garden of Eden, Free Will by John Perry, and in everyday life events. Freewill life has been shown ever since the beginning days of The Garden of Eden when the first people: Adam and Eve, were created. If their lives would have been predetermined, God would not of allowed them to sin against him and eat the fruit of knowledge, after they were obeyed to stay away from the fruit. Adam and Eve, although tempted by the Serpent, were not physically forced to eat or refuse the fruit of knowledge that then after doing so, changed history forever. Much less, there would have been no sense of God creating Adam and Eve as humans if they would have just been made to act like robots, we were created individually to act on our …show more content…
Therefore, the only “predetermined” event in our life occurs at the very end of it: death. During life, when we are living, breathing, speaking, acting, and making our own decisions in life, we have the chance everyday to change, improve, or start something over in life, this is the beauty of free will life. Without this choice, and the consequence sequence system that comes with it, no one could say what was good or evil, therefore, we would have no system whatsoever in

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