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Generation X


Submitted By Jennhogue74
Words 1291
Pages 6
Generation X- The Truths and Misconceptions
Jennifer Hogue
December 15, 2013
Amy Sloan

Generation X- The Truths and Misconceptions
While generation X encompasses about 50 million Americans born between 1965 and 1980 ( 1965-1976 depending on the information you look at) The term generation X was a term coined long before the generation came into existence. But what does the term mean? Numerous historical events happened during this time; ranging from Neil Armstrong landing on the moon, to U.S troops being sent to Vietnam, but that is not what defines this generation. Some refer to this generation as a group of selfish, lazy, slackers. There are many misconceptions of the motivation and aspirations of the generation that was stereotyped before they were born. While some hold truth, others are as mythical as an urban legend.
Studies have shown that this generation in question, is smaller than generations surrounding it. As of 2011, the population of the United Sates is made up of 24.7% Baby Boomers, or those born 1946-1964, 24.9% Millennia’s- those born between 1977 and 1992. Generation X only covers 16% of the U.S population (Keene PH.D & Handrich PH.D, 2012), but they are the ones who have been given the bad reputation.

Although many born in this generation would like to be slackers, they are not fortunate enough to have that luxury. During this generation, divorce was on the rise and many children born during this generation were raised by divorced parents. Due to this, they had to become self-sufficient at a young age, becoming “latch key kids”; they had to do many things for themselves. This generation had to make a way of their own with very little help from their Baby Boomer parents, or even society. According to the U.S Census Bureau, as of 2012 there were 49,197,918 Gen X’ers. Met-Life surveyed a total of 1,000 individuals born during this generation and found that slackers they are not. 75% of these individuals are working, with 65% working full time and 10% working part-time. Only 3% of the 1,000 surveyed did not complete their high school education. Their annual income varies depending on other factors but ranges from 36 thousand a year to 46 thousand on the low end of the scale. (Demographic profile America's Gen X, 2013)
Another misconception I noticed while researching this topic is the ongoing accusations of selfishness. Thought of as a disaffected crowd with tattoos and piercings, they only care about themselves. This generation has taken on the responsibility of parenting their own kids, as well as bringing their elder (and sometimes ill) parents into the home to take care of them. According to an article posted in the Wall Street Journal dating as far back as 1996, it stated that 24% of people under the age of 32 have provided hands on care for a family member or friend. Almost 20 years ago I am sure that number has grown. There are assisted living facilities across the nation, and if you walk into one of them you will find that a majority of their staff are young individuals, caring for residents with various demands. While some will tell you it is just a job, there are other who will tell you it is because they hope someone will be there to take care of them, with the love and compassion they show to these people, one day.
Parenting in this generation is not like parenting in the past. Technology and the introduction of social media. As generation X’ers seen the rise of the World Wide Web and various social media sites, their children have seen the same rise and are fully embracing the technology of this world. When I say it is not like parenting of the past, I mean Baby boomers were not all that interested in what the X’ers were doing and they did not have a common interest when it came to their hobbies. Today you have just as many X’ers blogging and tweeting, as you do Millennia’s, and the new found I-generation. X parents have to constantly be on their toes, because it is not as easy as going in and finding a diary, there is much more involvement required to assure the safety of their children.
It has also been said that Gen X’ers are materialistic when it come to work amenities.. “Another myth is that Gen-Xers demand flashy amenities-yet our respondents said that was not the case. Only 22% called a gym membership very important, while even lower percentages placed high value on convenience services or an employee lounge (14%)”. (Anonymous, 2005, pp. 38-40) Generation X’ers are more focused on advancement and job development than the perks that come along with the advancement. What also matters more to then the perks is the support they receive from their supervisors that they work under. “Not unlike their counterparts of previous generations, they want to make a real contribution and be recognized for it.” (Anonymous, 2005) Generation X’ers have a high work commitment and over 80% of individuals asked state they are willing to go the extra mile for their employer and that they worry about the fate of their employer. There are some studies that still show that males still are trying to come to grips with women in the workplace. "Contrary to what most people believe, Gen X men don't really get it when it comes to women in the workplace." (Lewis, 2011)
There are also myths stating that those from generation X are not in control of their lives. “`In contrast to the media images of `aimless drifters,' the majority of those in this generation appear largely stable and in control of their lives during these times of change, They are also very optimistic about their own prospects around life and career.” (Carey, 1997) Many individuals that are from this generations are already doing far better than their parents did. Some may not be living the ideal American dream, but some dreams vary from others- depending on ones perspective. Generation X’ers tend to be in control of their lives and are working towards maintaining their dream or making strides to attain it at the very least.
In conclusion, while some will still see this generation in a negative light- many have proven these stereotypes wrong. Generation X is full of hard working, family oriented, educated individuals that will continue to prove the neigh-Sayers wrong. While many of those born in this generation have proven the stereotypes right and have no desire to prove everyone else right, most of the misconceptions and stereotypes of gen X'ers have been proven wrong. It will be like this for generations to come. The future lies in the hands of those who are willing to cross the stereotypes and barriers set forth on their generation.

Works Cited
Anonymous. (2005). Journal of Accountancy.
Carey, E. (1997). Forget the myth, Generation X is 'in control of lives': [Final Edition]. Toronto Star, A.1.
Census, U. S. (n.d.). Census. Retrieved from
Demographic profile America's Gen X. (2013). Retrieved from Met Life:
Fincher, D. (Director). (1999). The Fight Club [Motion Picture].
Keene PH.D, D., & Handrich PH.D, R. (2012, January 31). Talkin’ ‘bout our Generations: Are we who we wanted to be? Retrieved from The JuryExpert:
Lewis, D. E. (2011, December 16). STUDY CHALLENGES GENERATION X MYTHS: [THIRD Edition]. Boston Globe, p. G2.

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