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Giddens Definition Of Trust Essay

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Different definitions of Trust exists, but , according to Davis (1) “ all embody the notion of expectations: expectations by the public that health care providers will demonstrate knowledge, skill and competence; further expectations too that they will behave as true agents (that is, in the patient's best interest) and with beneficence, fairness and integrity. It is these collective expectations that form the basis of trust,”
Trust determinants are difficult to identify or quantify, but the term is used in association with confidence and reliance. Despite that Oslen (2) identified two elements of trust considered important in all health policies. First, elements of trust explaining behavior and second, the concept of trust as the outcome of …show more content…
But this should never underestimate the importance of the first element.
Giddens (3) conceptualize trust and its accompanying notions by set out the elements involved as a series of points include a definition of trust and develop a range of related observations.
According to Giddens, "Faceless" is concerned with knowledge (or ignorance) ,and what Giddens terms "backstage expertise", determining in this case the health services system and its trustworthiness. Oslen, Handbook of trust research p 365)
"Facework" is concerned with the "access points" at which the delivery of the system is presented. Handbook of trust research p 365.
If trust in systems is ‘faceless’ and trust in persons involves ‘facework’, then systems obtain a ‘face’ at their ‘access points’, which sustains or transforms ‘faceless commitments’(Giden, p. 88).
. The concepts involved here are the experience, attitude and expertise of the provider as well as the level of focused interaction between the provider and the

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