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Submitted By dterrick
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David Terrick II
Gist 2
Mirror With A Memory Throughout the early 1900’s, poverty was a great problem among many immigrants in The United States. Immigrants were forced to live in deplorable conditions, many of which, were in the slums of urban centers across the nation. This plague was relatively unknown to the middle class and rich who lived in the surrounding areas of urban centers. While reading “Mirror With A Memory”, Davidson and Lytle explain the work of journalist Jacob Riis and his effect on bringing the conditions of the impoverished to the rest of the country. Riis is viewed as both a great photographer, and as an upstanding citizen for his fight against poverty. Jacob Riis published “How the Other Half Lives”, a collection of photos and articles explaining and showing visual evidence of poverty in American slums. He explains the filthy, crammed, living conditions as well as the serious spread of disease. He talks of personal encounters as he would sneak shots of 13 men and women packed tight into a room only 13 feet across. Riis had the mindset that it was his personal duty to bring light to the rest of the public about the poor. I personally view Jacob Riis as an unsung hero. I do not believe he received nearly enough credit for what he had done. Riis devoted his life to changing the way the poor immigrants lived. Bringing visual evidence of the matter forced the public to become aware of the deplorable conditions, and make a change.

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