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Globalizimi eshte nje nder diskutimet me serioze që zhvillohet sot në fushat sociale, e jo vetem. Te gjithe veme re se bota është bërë mjaft “e ndërvarur”, si pasojë e zhvillimit të komunikimit dhe lëvizjes, të mundësuara keto nga zhvillimi teknologjik, i cili po kalon pritshmerite e cdokujt. Sot shtetet, njerëzit, shoqëritë, kulturat, subjektet tregtare, etj, janë më pranë njëri-tjetrit se kurrë, por kjo shkakton edhe nje kaos të paimagjinueshëm në këtë “trafik” ku levizin njerëz, para, mallra, ide, modele sjelljesh, etj. Problemi qëndron ne menaxhimin e kesaj situate, dhe pikërisht këtu ndahen globalistët dhe antiglobalistët, ata qe e mbeshtesin globalizimin dhe ata qe jane kunder tij. Per shembull, ne aspektin ekonomik, globalistët dëshirojnë një hapje të ekonomive të vendeve të tjera, me qëllim që tregu botëror të mos ketë norma kufizuese, duke besuar kështu që konkurenca midis firmave në botë të bëjë që të gjithëve t’u ofrohet malli më i mirë dhe me cmimin më të leverdisshëm të mundshëm. Por problemi eshte se kjo ia hap rrugën monopolit, duke qenë se firmat e mëdha janë të pakonkurueshme. Ndërsa antiglobalstët kërkojnë që tregu botëror të mos jetë tërësisht i hapur, por të ketë norma që kufizojnë sundimim e firmave apo ekonomive të fuqishme në vendet më pak të fuqishme, pasi në një liberalizim të tillë të tregut botëror normalish “peshku i madh do t’a hajë të voglin”. Jane me dhjetra ceshtje, qe kane qindra argumente pro e kunder globalizimit. Por si te vendosim nese jemi pro apo kunder globalizimit? Kete do ta shohim me kalimin e kohes…

“Nje bote, nje gjuhe, nje monedhe, nje fe, nje ligj dhe barazi”, kjo eshte motoja..
Globalizim do te thote nje rrezim i kufijve ekonomike, teknologjike, shkembyes, kulturore, sociale, politike, etj, ne menyre qe cdo aspekt i jetes te integrohet, ashtu sic ka nisur te behet keto 50 vitet e fundit. Disa nga shkaqet qe kane cuar ne kete fenomen boteror ishin: fundi i Luftes se Ftohte, zhvillimi i teknologjise, kostot dhe shpejtesia e pakenaqshme e import-eksporteve, problemet globale (ngrohja globale, migrimi), liberalizimet, etj. Pavaresisht veprimtarive te ndryshme, instancat qe i japin forme te plote globalizimit jane marredheniet dhe marreveshjet midis shteteve te fuqive te ndryshme dhe institucionet nderkombetare perkatese.
Globalizimi ndikon ne disa dimensione te jetes, por nder me te rendesishmet jane ata kulturore, ekonomike, tekonoligjke, juridike dhe politike. Ne aspektin ekonomik, globalizimi shfaqet ne: rritjen e nivelit te tregtise nderkombetare, shtimin e rrjedhjes nderkombetare te kapitalit, lidhjen e marrëveshjeve ndërkombëtare që kanë cuar ne krijimin e organizatave si WTO (Organizata Botërore e Tregtisë) dhe të karteleve ekonomike siç është OPEC (Oranizata eVendeve Transportuese të Naftës), zhvillimin e sistemeve globale financiare, rritjen e rolit të organizatave që merren me transaksione ndërkombëtare, etj. Ne aspektin kulturor, globalizimin e shohim ne: shkëmbimin kulturor nderkombetar gjithnjë e me ne rritje, përhapjen e multikulturalizmit ( përmes industrise se filmave të Hollywoodit e Bollywoodit), turizmin e gjere ndërkombëtar, emigrimin ne nivele te larta, perhapjen e prodhimeve lokale edhe ne vende te tjera, ngjarjet botërore muzikore, sportive, etj, zhvillimin e një sërë vlerash universale. Ne aspektin teknologjik, globalizimi shfaqet ne: zhvillimin e një infrastrukture globale për telekomunikim dhe transportim te dhenash pertej kufirit, shtimin e numrit të standardeve të zbatuara në shkallëglobale ( ligjet për të drejtat e autorit, patentat ekskluzive, etj). Edhe ne aspektin e juridiksionet globalizimi ka ndikimet e tij me iniciativat e shumë avokatëve për themelimin e gjykatave ndërkombëtare për krime lufte dhe lëvizjeve ndërkombëtare për drejtësi ( ICC – Gjykata Ndërkombëtare për Krime Lufte, dhe ICJ – Gjykata Nderkombetare e Drejtesise).
Per shkak te dimensionit te tij shume te gjere dhe kompleks, globalizimi ka ardhur me nje sere efektesh. Ai konsiderohet nga studiues të ndryshëm si një mundësi e mire, por edhe si një rrezik apo kërcënim për shtetet. Mbeshtetesit e tij shprehen se eshte nje progres i natyrshem dhe i pashmangshem, qe krijon kushte me te mira jetese per kedo. Kritiket thone se dale-ngadale, globalizimi do te coje ne shfarosjen e origjinaliteteve lokale. Por per te marre nje pamje me te mire te efekteve pozitive dhe negative te globalizimit, na duhet te analizojme disa prej tyre.

Globalizmi ka sjelle shume pasoja, pozitive dhe negative. Ne disa vende, mjafton te permendim fjalen globalizim dhe shohim se sa shume shprese sjell kjo fjale. Nuk ka nevoje per shume pyetje, nje pjese e madhe e popullesise e mendojne globalizimin si nje mundesi zhvillimi dhe jete me te mire. Dhe ne fakt nuk gabohen..
Duke filluar qe nga paqja dhe permiresimi i kushteve te jeteses. Duke bashkepunuar sa me shume me shtete te tjera, askujt nuk i intereson krijimi i konflikteve, sepse kjo do te thote prishjen e intereseve te tjera. Keshtu, te gjithe do te punojne edhe per ruajtjen e paqes, duke mos lejuar konfliktet dhe ne rast se ato ndodhin, duke i garantuar mbrojtje te plote shtetit qe mund te sulmohet. Duke kaluar me pas ne permiresimin e kushteve te jeteses, gje qe eshte mese e vertete. Pak dekada me pare, pjesa me e madhe lindjes ishte jo pak e varfer (perfshire ketu edhe Shqiperine). Por fale globalizimit dhe tregetise nderkombetare, keto shtete kane pesuar nje rritje ekonomike te dyfishte dhe ne tashme jetojme shume me mire se c’jetonin gjysherit apo prinderit tane. Gjithashtu, tregetia nderkombetare synon t’i mbaje cmimet e ulta dhe te ofroje produkte me cilesi te larte. Cdo here qe nje shtet ka synuar ta centralizoje ekonomine e tij, kjo ka rezultuar ne perjashtimin e ketij tregu nga ai nderkombetar, duke sjelle mungese konkurence, rritje te cmimeve, mungese permiresimi te cilesise se produkteve, rritje te cmimeve dhe deri tek hiperinflacioni. Jo vetem kaq, globalizimi ndihmon edhe ne ruajtjen e mjedisit. Dekada me pare, cdo shtet mund te “prodhonte” aq ndotje sa i nevojitej per te vene ne pune pajisjet apo fabrikat e tij. Por sot, me standartet e vene nga institucionet nderkombetare, ndotja, dhe jo vetem, kontrollohet per cdo shtet. Nese vihet re shkelje e standarteve, menjehere merren masa per permiresimin e kushteve ne fjale. Madje nje ceshtje mjaft e rendesishme, e cila ka pesuar ndryshime mjaft pozitive fale globalizimit, eshte edhe ajo e te drejtave te njeriut. Sot ka me dhjetra institucione e konventa nderkombetare qe i mbrojne ato me ligj, vecanerisht te drejtat e grave dhe femijeve, dhe qe japin ndeshkime te menjehershme per cdo shkelje te tyre. Globalizimi eshte nje promovues mjaft i mire i turizmit. Shtetet qe tashme mbeshteten ne reklamimin nderkombetar, perfitojne nje rritje financiare te ndjeshme si pasoje e turizmit. Duke qene se globalizimi sjell edhe shkembimin e mallrave, kjo do te thote qe shumica e shteteve nuk kane pse prodhojne cdo gje vete. Sigurisht qe mund ta bejne kete gje, por ka shtete qe jane “shume te zote” ne prodhimin e dickaje, Duke mos pasur nevoje te prodhojne edhe shume gjera te tjera, keto shtete mund te fokusohen ne prodhimin e asaj qe dine te bejne me mire. Kjo do t’i jepte atyre nje reputacion mjaft te mire, duke u identifikuar ne njefare menyre me ate produkt. Ky lloj specializimi do te sillte nje rritje te ndjeshme financiare dhe natyrisht, kushte me te mira jetese. Globalizim do te thote nderveprim mes shteteve. Nje tjeter efekt mjaft pozitiv i ketij nderveprimi eshte hapja e vendeve te reja te punes. Me liberalizimin e shkembimit te mallrave dhe shkembimeve, le te themi qe vendet e fuqishme do te hapin fabrika apo do te zgjerojne veprimtarine e bizneseve te tyre ne vendet e tjera. Sigurisht qe kjo do te kerkoje fuqi punetore, qe do te thote vende te reja pune. Do te kete me shume mundesi punesimi, faktor ky mjaft pozitiv per mireqenien e popullesise. Duke pasur akses dhe duke pare ose njohur sadopak menyren e jeteses ne vendet e tjera me te zhvilluara, kjo do t’i shtyje te gjithe te punojne per nje jetese me te mire. Duke marre shembull nga jetesa ne vendet e tjera, njerezit do te kene ambicje dhe pritshmeri te reja, duke e bere keshtu jeten e tyre me kuptimplote. Nje efekt tjeter mjaft i rendesishem i globalizimit eshte zhvillimi teknologjik. Duke bashkevepruar, shtetet jane te afta te pajisen me teknologjine me te fundit. Kjo do te ndikonte shume ne ndertimin e fabrikave apo punishteve me procese prodhimi te avancuara, ne pajisjen e forcave te rendit me sistemet e sigurise me te mira, etj. Sistemi i arsimimit ka ecur perpara fale kontributit te globalizimit. Duke qene pjese e nje grupi shtetesh qe bashkeveprojne me njeri-tjetrin, normalisht qe duhet te kene nivele te peraferta persa i perket aspekteve te ndryshme. Per shembull arsimimi, ne mjaft vende shohim praktiken e te njejta sistemeve arsimore, qofshin keto ne ciklet e uleta apo te larta. Nese nje shtet nuk i permbush standartet per adoptimin e nje sistemi te caktuar arsimor, atehere ai punon per te arritur aty. Me pak fjale, arsimimii do te kete zhvillim sipas standarteve nderkombetare. Nje ceshtje sociale qe shpresojme te ndryshoje me globalizimin eshte ulja e nivelit te paragjykimeve. Ka shume njerez ne bote qe paragjykojne njerez ose rraca te tjera. Me ane te globalizimit dhe levizjes se lire te individeve neper bote, rracat e aragjykuara do te mund te njihen me mire per ate qe jane dhe per punen qe bejne. Kjo do te sjelle nje njohje te sakte te tyre, dhe shumica e atyre qe i paragjykonin, pra ata qe arsyetojne, sigurisht qe nuk do te kishin me mendime boshe per to dhe pse jo, do mund edhe te bashkepunonin, duke fshire keshtu cdo lloj dallimi. Zhvillimi kulturor eshte dicka per te cilen ne duhet t’i jemi mirenjohes globalizimit. Sidomos dekaden e fundit, kane ndodhur shume huazime nga kulturat e tjera, vecanerisht nga ato perendimore, duke filluar qe nga gjuha, simbolet e ndryshme te komunikimit, elemente te ndryshme artistike, stile te ndryshme ne menyren e jeteses, etj. Huazimi kulturor eshte nje hap mjaft i rendesishem i integrimit, dhe globalizimi na e mundesoi ate. Ne aspektin politik, globalizimi mundeson jo vetem stabilitet por edhe zhvillim. Duke qene se institucionet nderkombetare kontrollojne levizjet e cdo shteti, ato nuk mund te lejojne kaosin politik qe mund te shkaktohet ne nje shtet. Gjithashtu, ato sugjerojne politika te reja, per funksionimin me te mire te organeve shteterore dhe permiresimit te ceshtjeve te tjera. Privatizimet e institucioneve te ndryshme nga kompani te huaja mund te jene nje hap mjaft pozitiv per sherbimet qe ato ofrojne. Duke qene ne mbikqyrje te shtetit, jo te gjitha institucionet mund te funksionojne aq mire sa c’duhet ose jo te gjithave mund t’i jepet vemendja e kerkuar. Per kete arsye, eshte mire qe disa prej tyre te privatizohen nga kompani te huaja, Kjo do te sillte sherbime me te mira me standarte ndoshta me te larta. Dhe jo me pak e rendesishmja, eshte garantimi i lirise. Me ane te globalizimit, vjen edhe vendosja e demokracise. Me vezhgimin apo edhe nderhyrjet nga shtetet e tjera, asnje popull nuk mund te kontrollohet me plotesisht nga diktatoret e tij, ashtu sic mund te kete ndodhur dikur.
Ashtu si ka argumente pro globalizimit, ka edhe argumente qe nuk e mbeshtesin ate, madje e kundershtojne. Duke marre parasysh shtrirjen e seciles pale, vihet re se ajo kundershtuese perfshin grupe qe nuk duan te perfshihen nga ndryshimet shoqerore, si per shembull grupet konservative. Por a kane te drejte keta individe qe nuk e mbeshtesin globalizimin? Argumentet tregojne..
Nisim me nje nder ceshtjet me te rendesishme qe thuhet se ndikohet nga globalizimi, trafikimi i qenieve njerezore. Duke qene se globalizimi sjell nje sere lirish, perfshi ketu edhe ate te levizjes, eshte vene re se dekadat e fundit jane shtuar rrembimet (kryesisht te femijeve), per t’i trafikuar ata e per t’i perdorur per pune “ne te zeze”, per prostitucion, etj. Turizmi, ashtu si sjell rritje ekonomike dhe nje promovim mjaft te mire te shteteve, ka edhe pasojat e tij negative. Me gjithe globalizimin e tij, vjen edhe perhapja e semundjeve. Kjo vihet re qe nga semundjet qe shkaktohen nga ndryshimi i ambjentit, deri tek ato me te renda si HIV/AIDS apo epidemi te tjera, qe perhapen me pas ne cdo shtet me ane te turisteve. Globalizimi mund te sjelle edhe pabarazi, ne kete rast ekonomike. Eshte shume e vertete qe ai solli nje rritje ekonomike per te gjithe, por ka vende qe jane prekur edhe nga pabarazia. Per shembull, ne Azine juglindore, u vu re nje rritje mjaft e larte e te ardhurave ekonomike, por jo ne menyre te barabarte. Te varferit kane perfituar nje rritje te moderuar ekonomike keto dekadat e fundit, ndersa te pasurit jane bere shume me te pasur. Krijimi i nje tregu global ka te mirat, por ka edhe te keqijat e veta. Me pare, nese nje komb bente nje gabim financiar dhe tregu i tij permbysej, ai zor se ndikonte ne vendet e tjera. Ndersa sot, nese shtete si Meksika, Kina, Amerika, Rusia, etj., hasin ne probleme financiare, atehere ajo do te ndikoje ne menyre direkte tek vendet e tjera. Fare te fresket kemi rastin e krizes ekonomike aktuale, qe filloi vetem ne pak shtete, e tani po perfshin gjithe globin. Edhe pse hap vende te reja pune ne disa vende, ne vende te tjera globalizimi ka shance te rrise papunesine. Per shembull nje vend i zhvilluar qe deri dje ka prodhuar dicka ne fabriken e tij, vendos te zgjerohet dhe te hape fabrika edhe ne vende te tjera. Duke qene vende me pak te zhvilluara ai gjen shume fuqi punetore, me cmime me te uleta ndaj edhe i leverdis qe ta levize prodhimin aty perfundimisht. Por kjo ben qe te gjithe ata punetore qe me pare punonin ne “fabriken nene” te humbasin punen e tyre. Vendet e zhvilluara, eshte tashme e ditur qe zoterojne pothuajse cdo industri te mundshme. Dhe me ane te globalizimit, firma te caktuara depertojne neper tregjet e te gjithe shteteve te tjera. Por me gjithe teknologjine e fundit dhe cilesine me te mire, eshte e padyshimte qe ato jane produktet me te mira, dhe me gjithe aksesin e mundshem per t’i patur, eshte e pritshme qe te gjithe do te drejtohen tek ato, duke lene ne hije keshtu industrite e ngjashme te vendeve te tjera. Problemi i paragjykimit u permend edhe me lart, por globalizimi ka edhe efekte negative ne te. Disa njerez mund t’i kapercejne mendimet e nxituara qe kane per disa rraca ose grupe njerezish, por disa te tjere, ata qe mund te jene fanatike mendimeve te tyre (rraciste, nacionaliste, etj.) do ta kene me te lehte per t’i “goditur ata”, fale levizjes se lire. Gjithashtu mund te themi se “qeverisja globale” që ekziston është e pjesshme dhe mjaft e dobët, në një kohë kur globalizimi ekonomik i privon shumë shtete nga politikat e pavarura, ose i detyron ato të bëjnë zgjedhje midis konkurences ekonomike dhe ruajtjes se sigurisë shoqërore. Sa më shumë që sovraniteti shtetëror mbulohet nga globalizimi, aq më shumë shtetet kapen pas asaj që u ka mbetur atyre. Globalizimi nuk e ka sfiduar plotesisht as natyrën e fortë kombëtare të qytetarisë. Jeta ekonomike zhvillohet në një shkallë globale, por identiteti njerëzor mbetet kombëtar, ndaj vjen dhe rezistenca e fortë ndaj homogjenizimit kulturor. Përgjatë shekujve, shtetet, sidomos ato ne regjim diktatorial, janë përpjekur të rrenjosin një ndjenjë identiteti të përbashkëtë ne popujt e tyre. Por sot, asnjë fuqi nuk mund t’a bëjë një gjë të tillë, pasi do duhet te crrenjoset ajo ndjenje qe tashme ze vend thelle, dhe te implementohet nje ndjenje e re uniteti. Deri tani kemi një botë te njësuar nga teknologjia, por ende nuk ka solidaritet kolektiv. Permendem me pare zbutjen e konflikteve mes shteteve si pasoje e stabilitetit qe siguronte globalizimi. Megjithate, ka eksperte qe mendojne se kercenimi i luftës në mjaft shtete mbetet ende prezent dhe se globalizimi nuk ka forcën e duhur t’i sheshojë ato. Përkundrazi, këto konflikte duket se po priren të acarohen edhe më tej. Globalizimi i medias krijon mundesi informimi per te gjithe. Por kjo nuk eshte gjithmone dicka e mire. Perhapja e medias bën të mundur që më të privuarit dhe më të shtypurit të krahasojnë fatin e tyre me ata qe zoterojne liri dhe pasuri. Kjo con ne nje lloj depresioni kolektiv, i cili mund te shprehet ne shume forma, si per shembull deri ne rebelim, vetevrasje apo akte terroriste. Ndonese thuhet qe globalizimi perfshin te gjitha shtetet, ka raste qe ne praktike ndodh ndryshe. Duke qene nje proces me investime te medha, kjo i favorizon me shume shtetet e fuqishme, te pasura dhe te industrializuara. Keshtu keto shtete marrin aftesi te hartojne e te kontrollojne rregullat dhe t’i zbatojne politikai si dhe kur t’u interesoje atyre, pa marre shume parasysh nevojat, kerkesat apo mendimet e shteteve te tjera. Aq sa i mire eshte shkembimi i kulturave, aq edhe i demshem mund te jete perzierja e tyre. Thame qe me globalizimin, ka ardhur edhe nje diversitet kulturor. Por heret ose vone kjo mund te coje ne zhdukjen e disa elementeve autentike dhe do te ishte humbje goxha e madhe per shume shtete, qe te mos kishin me pjese te trashegimise se tyre kulturore disa karakteristika qe deri dje i identifikonin. Emigrimi eshte nje problem relativisht i vjeter, sidomos ai i paligjshem. Por me fenomenin e globalizimit ai eshte bere shume me i thjeshte, per shkak te levizjes se lire. Mendoj se kjo ka dy pasoja negative. Se pari do te ishin rastet kur ai eshte i paligjshem, kjo eshte nje pasoje e favorizuar nga globalizmi. Gjithashtu do te ishte edhe problemi i mbipopullimit te disa shteteve. Duke qene se eshte mjaft i njohur fenomeni i shtetasve ne nevoje qe shkojne drejt vendeve me te zhvilluara, me gjithe lirine e levizjes, do te shkaktonte jo vetem nje mbipopullim te ketyre shteteve te zhvilluara, por edhe ulje te lindshmerise te “shtetit meme”, me qene se shumica e atyre qe largohen jane te rinj.

Globalizimi mund te kete ndikime pozitive apo negative per jeten tone, kjo ne varesi te vendit ne te cilin jetojme. Zakonisht vendet e varfra, kane tendencen qe ta perqafojne menjehere globalizimin, per shkak te deshires se madhe per ndryshime dhe per nje jete me te mire, si populli, ashtu edhe qeveria. Por ne vendet e pasura, duke qene se me globalizimin vjen edhe shtrirja e bizneseve ne vende te tjera, dhe zhvendosja e fabrikave apo punishteve ne rajone me cmime me te lira, atehere punetoret rrezikojne shume te humbasin vendin e tyre te punes, dhe kjo eshte nje arsye mjaft madhore se “popujt e pasur” nuk e pelqejne globalizimin. Nga ana tjeter, qeverite e ketyre vendeve e deshirojne globalizimin, pasi e shohin si mundesi per te pasur kontroll mbi ceshtje mjaft te rendesishme globale, lidhur edhe me interesat vetjake.
Me gjithe te mirat qe mund te na sjelle globalizimi, qe nga mireqenia me e mire, rritja e te ardhurave monetare, liria per te levizur, mundesite e njohjes dhe bashkepunimit me kulturat e ndryshme neper bote, garantimi i nje sigurie me te larte, etj, mendoj se ai eshte nje fenomen qe duhet te ndodhe, per ta bere boten te funksionoje me mire. Por pavaresisht arsyeve qe mund te kemi per ta mbeshtetur globalizimin, duhet te kihet parasysh qe te mos kalohen caqet dhe te respektohen te gjithe njesoj, pasi mund te cenojme vlerat e kombeve perkatese ose akoma edhe me keq, te krijojme pakenaqesi qe mund te cojne ne konflikte. Globalizimi do te jete efektiv nese dime ta trajtojme ate ashtu sic duhet. Ndersa nderthurja e elementeve eshte pozitive, deri ne piken qe ajo nuk cenon origjinalitetin dhe trashegimine e kombeve.

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...Globalization is necessary in the world. Different theories on the concept of globalization provide distinct reasons on the need for globalization. The world’s advancements and technology help drive the need for globalization. Communities and organizations alike are affected by globalization, and smaller countries benefit from the generosity of larger participants in the world’s market. Globalization, in the business sense, is to make a product or service available in the global market. Any investment that is across national borders is also part of globalization.... [tags: Business International Globalization] 1326 words (3.8 pages) $6.95 [preview] The Implications of Hyperglobalist Globalization on World Regions - Even though the globalization skeptics and the transformationalists both have viable interpretations of globalization, I believe that the hyperglobalist perspective is the most accurate. The evidence for hyperglobalization is found all over the world, but for the purposes of this paper, I will focus on the expansion of NAFTA, the 2004 Indian Elections, and the increasing global outsourcing of labor. I will then outline the implications of hyperglobalist globalization on world regions and the regional approach.... [tags: Globalization ] :: 4 Works Cited 1208 words (3.5 pages) $19.95 [preview] Globalization and Interconnectivity - Fast Globalization and interconnectivity create the major driving force in creating and enhancing chance. Therefore, the society...

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...Introduction Globalization is an idea whose time has come. From obscure origins in French and American writings in the 1960s, the concept of globalization finds expression today in all the world’s major languages (cf. Modelski, 1972). Yet, it lacks precise definition. Indeed, globalization is in danger of becoming, if it has not already become, the cliché of our times: the big idea which encompasses everything from global financial markets to the Internet but which delivers little substantive insight into the contemporary human condition. Clichés, nevertheless, often capture elements of the lived experience of an epoch. In this respect, globalization reflects a widespread perception that the world is rapidly being moulded into a shared social space by economic and technological forces and that developments in one region of the world can have profound consequences for the life chances of individuals or communities on the other side of the globe. For many, globalization is also associated with a sense of political fatalism and chronic insecurity in that the sheer scale of contemporary social and economic change appears to outstrip the capacity of national governments or citizens to control, contest or resist that change. The limits to national politics, in other words, are forcefully suggested by globalization. Although the popular rhetoric of globalization may capture aspects of the contemporary zeitgeist, there is a burgeoning academic debate as to whether globalization, as an analytical...

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...manufacturing and local food markets, or has Globalization ultimately made this impossible? Globalization is all about integration, combination and incorporation of economies around the world but, it is also the exchange of ideas, culture, and technology. The effects of this phenomenon have reached every country in the globe, the greatest economies as well as the poorest. This affects especially those local manufacturing companies and food markets in the United States. As every new movement of this magnitude, it has been positive for some economies, negative for others and a combination of both elements for some. After been around for a while, globalization became really important as an economic philosophy in 1947 with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), later known as World Trade Organization (WTO). In the last ten years since the Second World War, many governments have adopted free market economic systems. Globalization is a current wave that has been driven by policies that have opened economies domestically and internationally. Governments also have negotiated dramatic reductions in barriers to commerce and have established international agreements to promote trade in goods, services, and investment. Taking advantage of new opportunities in foreign markets, corporations have built foreign factories and established production and marketing arrangements with foreign partners. The principal driver of Globalization has been technology, all this advances in technology...

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...Running Head: Globalization Student’s Name: Course Code: Instructor’s Name: Date: Globalization: Outline I. Introduction A. An overview of globalization II. Discussion A. Discussion on the positive and negative effects of globalization III. Conclusion A. This part of the report will cover a summary of the findings Introduction Globalization is an increasing unity of various world economies brought about by the breaking or elimination of barriers to international trade. The barriers include tariffs, export fees and import quotas. Its aim is to raise goods, services and material wealth from a global division of labor (Robertson, 1992). Globalization is a process, driven by a combination of factors including financial, technical, sociocultural, political, and biological. The term may also refer to transitional circulation of ideas, languages, or popular culture (Waters, 2001). The history of globalization is debatable. Some people perceive it to be from the ancient times dating back to occasions like Ottoman Empire spice trade routes in 1453 spurring exploration of different lands. Others situate the origins to the modern era, citing examples like the ending of the First and Second World War in the mid-20th century which was necessitated by the need to break down borders and foster peace (Osterhammel & Petersson, 2005). Expansion of multinational companies and exchanging of scientific developments and information has led...

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...and have become an essential part of our life. Many goods, which were once limited to some countries, are now available across the world. Work can be outsourced to any part of the world that has access to the Internet. Because of improvements in traffic infrastructure now it is easy to reach one’s destination in a relatively short period of time. This great phenomenon can be called as globalization. Globalization has been defined in many different ways, but central to most of them is that globalization is the interaction between different countries in order to improve the global economy and society. Furthermore, “process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of political ideas through communication, transportation, and trade is classified as globalization”. There are three main factors that contribute to globalization are the efficiency of international transportation, making international trade and enterprise profitable and growth of the informational technologies. Cause 1 One of the factors that lead to the process of globalization is the efficiency of international transportation as a fundamental element of supporting the global economy and market as whole. International transportation it is a factor that causes international trade to spread faster, because international trade needs infrastructures which can support trade between some firms. For instance fast growing economic development in China has been...

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...When discussing a complex issue such as globalization, it is important to set forth having a solid foundation. Having a clear and concise understanding of the denotative meaning of globalization is important in order to eliminate any confusion. The Miriam Webster definition of globalization is, “the act or process of globalizing : the state of being globalized; especially : the development of an increasingly global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets.” (MerriamWebster) This definition highlights both the causes and perceived effects of globalization. Globalization occurs when countries open up cross border trading which allows the free flow of capital. This definition also highlights one of the many controversial issues many may have with globalization: the reallocation of human capital to emerging economies. This negative connotation of the definition perpetuates the fear anti-globalizers associate with the progression of globalization. Though the progression of globalization does not come without objectors and protestors, it is hard to refute that since countries have progressed towards a more globalized society the overall quality of life for a country’s inhabitants has improved. Mandelbaum states, “More countries joined the global economy, and the volume of cross-border capital flows expanded rapidly, increasing by an average of 11 percent per year between the beginning of the 1990s and the middle...

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...GLOBALİZATİON People around the globe are more connected to each other then ever before. Information and money flow more quickly than ever. Goods and services produced in one part of the world are increasingly available in all parts of the world. International travel is more frequent and international communication is commonplace. Globalization is an economic tidal wave that is sweeping over the world. It can’t be stopped, and there will be winners and losers. There are some disadvantages and advantages of globalization. The disadvantages of globalization 1. “The general complaint about globalization is that it has made the rich richer while making the non-rich poorer. 2. Multinational corporations are accused of social injustice, unfair working conditions as well as a lack of concern for the environment, mismanagement of natural resources, and ecological damage.  3.  Multinational corporations which were previously restricted to commercial activities are increasingly influencing political decisions. Many think there is a threat of corporations ruling the world because they are gaining power due to globalization. 4. Globalization makes it easier for rich companies to act with less accountability. They also claim that countries’ individual cultures are becoming overpowered by Americanization. 5. Some experts think that globalization is also leading to the incursion of communicable diseases. Deadly diseases like HIV/AIDS are being spread by travelers to the remotest corners...

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...Globalization and Bangladesh According to Oxford Dictionary “Globalization is the fact that different cultures and economic systems around the world are becoming connected and similar to each other because, of the influence of large multinational companies and of improved communication”. According to Wikipedia (an web encyclopedia) Globalization refers to increasing global connectivity, integration and interdependence in the economic, social, technological, cultural, political, and ecological spheres.    Shahzaman Mozumdar (IT Professional and Freedom Figher) says, "Globalization evokes different feelings to different people. Some look at globalization as "the panacea,"-the elixir that will eradicate all poverty, remove disparity, and enable the global citizens to enjoy a decent lifestyle-the lure of globalization. Others view globalization as "the evil" that will further enslave them to the rich” In the broadest sense, Globalization implies integration of economies and societies across the globe through flows of technology, trade and capital. Integration of production, accelerated cross-border investments and more trade are the logical outcomes of this process. It is a phenomenon of 21st century.    When I think of globalization in the context of Bangladesh, I think of a person like Hosne Ara Begum, a 40-year-old garments worker at Dekko Apparels Ltd. Hosne Ara, living with her unemployed husband and two children, was driven out of her village in Comilla because...

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...Globalization "Globalization" is a term that came into mainstream use in the 1980's to portray the expanded development of individuals, information and thoughts, and merchandise and cash crosswise over national outskirts that has prompted expanded interconnectedness among the world's populaces, monetarily, politically, socially and socially. Globalization as a concept refers both to the compression of the world and intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole both concrete global interdependence and consciousness of the global whole in the twentieth century (Robertson, 1992: 8). Despite the fact that globalization is regularly considered in monetary terms (i.e., "the worldwide commercial center"), this methodology has numerous social and political ramifications too. A lot of people in nearby groups partner globalization with modernization (i.e., the change of "conventional" social orders into "Western" industrialized ones). At the worldwide level, globalization is considered regarding the difficulties it postures to the part of governments in universal issues and the worldwide economy. There are warmed verbal confrontations about globalization and its sure and negative impacts.  "Friedman realized early that to write intelligently about world economics he needed to make himself an expert in six tightly integrated domains that are usually reported separately: financial markets, politics, culture, national security, technology, and the environment" (Brand, 2002, Introduction...

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...Globalization The numerous advances in technology haves resulted in the world becoming a much smaller place than ever before. The ability for goods and/or information to reach a destination anywhere on Earth in a relatively short period of time can be attributed to these technological advances. Additionally, there is increased trade and outsourcing among nations which basically results in these nations working like partners because they are working together in order to better their situation. Globalization has advantages as well as disadvantages. It is viewed as a cause for increasing problems and also as a way of balancing things with one another. Globalization is all around, can be seen everywhere, and effects everyone. Globalization is a continuous process through which different societies, economies, traditions, and cultures integrate with each other on a global scale. This is made possible through the various means of communication and the interchange of ideas. Globalization goes all the way back to the Silk Road. It ran across central Asia, connecting China and Europe. The Silk Road made it possible and easier for the exchange of goods between the two which would have been virtually impossible otherwise due to the great distance between them. (Mann) The extreme advances in technology, travel, and telecommunications over the past 30 years are responsible for the recent huge increase in globalization. The period from 1980 through the present is the most remarkable period...

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...Globalization Has Increased Poverty Although the concept of globalization is very recent, it has existed throughout the history. Globalization began to take greater height from the Industrial Revolution 200 years ago in England which was the most developed countries in the world. Technological and political changes have changed the meaning of globalization. Today, the term globalization is defined as “the process enabling financial and investment markets to operate internationally, largely as a result of deregulation and improved communications. It is the social, political and economic integration that comes with the increased flow of trade, people, capital, and ideas” (Steger). The purpose of this essay is to show how globalization has increased poverty and affected some countries and people’s lives. While many people argue that globalization has reduced poverty; others, has disagree because there are facts that show clearly how the rate of poverty has increased. According to Sachs, Professor of Health Policy and Management at Columbia University, poverty is the result of “low productivity per worker, which reflects poor health, lack of job-market skills, patchiness of infrastructure (roads, power plants, utility lines, shipping ports), and chronic malnutrition” (Sachs). In many countries, the economic situation is going from bad to worse. Poverty has been rising steadily “from 21% in 1984 to 40% in 2002” (Nissanke). Sachs said that every day more than 20 000 die of dire...

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...Essay Globalization Globalization Debate Globalization is the bringing down of the walls of commercialism that has been going around the whole globe since its inception in the 1880's. By nature we do not trust other countries other than our own but globalization is beginning to change all that. There was one way to describe country-to-country relations back then: non-existent. Well at lease when we talk of relations that is founded in trust and understanding. We forge alliances only because of the things we get from it. But globalization has formed some semblance of unity among all us and the concerns of other nation that back then were opted to be resolved on their own are now an issue with other countries as well and all unite to propel themselves to a solution. Globalization is often used for its financial connotations. The influence it has however is not contained solely to the economy. Other international aspects such as social relations, political discourse and psychological manifestations are also a part of globalization. We have constantly heard the globalization pros and cons and the debate of these globalization pros and cons continue up until now. Here is a bit of a crash course of the pros and the cons of globalization. Pros of globalization are that more accessible market for anyone all over the world regardless of color, race, and social class. “Steady supply of cash to developing countries and even the well established ones. There is an increase in the production...

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...the idea of Globalization and global connections in today’s world. Globalisation has various definitions attributed to it, but it is mainly the ways that individual countries have teamed up and act together. The political meaning of globalisation is that the world is considered as one country sharing one citizenship; a global one. Treaties and agreements continue to solidify globalisation as they focus on unity. The United Nations is an example of a union created to encourage globalisation. It also makes sure that conflict between nations is handled democratically as to avoid wars. Globalisation takes also form in sociological terms. It means that human suffering and discrimination should be banned on global basis. International solidarity should be enforced. Globalisation in terms of culture refers to the fact that people with different cultures should show tolerance towards each other and to the transmission of ideas, meanings and values across world. Globalisation could not have been possible without the latest technology. The technological definition of globalisation therefore refers to the way communication was made possible with such advancements including the internet and telephones. Economical globalisation refers to the way countries now depend on each other economically for goods, service, technology and capital. Multinational companies are an example of how various countries interact with each other economically. As everything else in life, Globalization has its pros...

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...Name: Phan Ngọc Phương Mai Student ID: BAFNIU12018 Writing AE2 Class, Friday afternoon – Room C404 Unit 2 Task 17 The world is witnessing the fast-growing changes of globalization. Even though this term has been commonly used since the fifteenth century, it was not until late 1990s that globalization had a significant impact on human beings. The development of multinational corporations, international organizations, etc has changed the complexion of the world. Thanks to the continued advance of technology, transportation and communication, many countries in the world have changed stategies to integrate the environment of an intedependent economy, culture and society. Globalization affects many different aspects of individual’s life; especially, the Internet and the international market are among the most recognizable impacts, with both positive and negative sides. Internet is currently growing at a rapid rate more than ever before. In a recent survey conducted on Americans, it was revealed that people use Internet primarily to maintain social releationships. With the outbreak of Facebook, Twitter and many other social networks in recent years, people have more chances to extend their acquaintanceship by making friends around the world. It is the up-to-date characteristics of the Internet that create more opportunities for people to know faster what is happening around the world, even when it is unecessary to travel along. However, it shoud be noted that the dark side...

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...Globalization and the Future Tom Lombardo, Ph.D. Introduction Globalization is perhaps the most significant and pervasive contemporary trend. Humanity is moving from a set of relatively autonomous nation states to an integrated global reality, more ruled by international corporations and organizations, and economic and ecological interdependencies, than national and political ideologies and issues. Fueled by global communication, technological networking, expanding transportation systems, economic exchange and competition, and the growth and spread of a global culture, globalization is seen both as a positive and as a negative trend. What are the main features of globalization, what are the future possibilities, and how will globalization have an effect upon your individual life? Outline “Nothing will be done anymore without the whole world meddling in it.” Paul Valéry  The History of Globalization  Positive Images of Globalization  Imbalance, Diversity, and Conflict: The Problems of Globalization  Global Tensions, Challenges, and Evolution for the Future Howard Bloom – The Deep History of Globalization – Reciprocity and Conquest  Global Communication and Networking of Life  Global Expansion of Humanity  Emergence of Cities and Trade Routes  Reciprocity and Conquest Robert Wright The Evolution of Win-Win Reciprocities in Human History  The Expansion of Economic Interdependencies and Exchange  The Expansion of Communication Networks  Cumulative...

Words: 1140 - Pages: 5