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Submitted By rdcaranza
Words 387
Pages 2
In the Philippines, when it comes to cakes, there are only two kinds of bakeries that can provide customers with the best kind of cakes in the Philippines, and those are the Red Ribbon Bakery and the Goldilocks Bakery.
The Red Ribbon Bakery and the Goldilocks Bakery have been serving us their scrumptious and delectable of as long as we remember, but what else do we know about those two?
First lets talk about the first bakery that taken over the bakery service in the Philippines, the Goldilocks Bakery.
The Goldilocks Bakery is a Philippine-based chain of bakeries that specializes in providing Filipino cakes and pastry. The Goldilocks Bakery was first a family business that started on 1966 in a one-door apartment of a two-story structure on Pasong Tamo Street, Makati City.
But later on, the Goldilocks Bakery grew and now boasts its 192 branches in the Philippines alone. It has branches not only throughout the Philippines, but also in the United States that are currently confined to California and a single location in Las Vegas, Nevada and there is also one outlet in Vancouver, Canada, where they cater for the Filipino expatriate communities there.
The Goldilocks Bakery specializes in cakes and pastries, but some branches have incorporated a Foodshop, offering Filipino cuisine, including beef, chicken, pork, seafood and vegetable dishes as well as their Thirst Quenchers, such as halo-halo, gulaman, fruit salad and sago.
That’s all about the Goldilocks Bakery. Now let’s talk about the bakery that came that came in slow, but is now keeping a good pace with its competition, the Red Ribbon Bakery.
The Red Ribbon Bakery is a popular fast-food chain and bakery in the Philippines and the United States, offering a wide range of cakes and pastries.
The Red Ribbon Bakery first opened its door in 1979 in Quezon City along Timog Avenue, 13 years after the foundation of the

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