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Google It Strategy


Submitted By dilmeet
Words 518
Pages 3
Google’s Mission: To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Google launched the Nexus One mobile device

1998: Sergey and Larry were able to get rid of Spam results

1999: Google had index of 1 billion pages

Reading Assignment

Read the Google case and Sections 15.1 – 15.4 and 15.10 of the text and think about the questions presented at the end of the case. In addition, think about:

1. How does Google generate search results? 1999: Google depended on algorithmic search -PageRank algorithm favored pages that wee linked to other pages

2. How does Google generate revenue? 1999: Generated revenue by licensing software to other search engines Cost-per-impression: Google charged advertiser every time a user VIEWED an ad (didn’t have to click) 2003: AdSense – showed relevant sponsored links on a website. Paid Listings Revenue Depended on: Coverage rates Click through Rates Average CPC Revenue Splits

3. What is their key value discipline?

4. While some of the non-search products they offer for free create opportunities to show sponsored ads, others, such as Google Earth, do not. Some of these products are very expensive to develop. How do they generate value for Google?

5. Which markets represent Google’s best bets for growth?

6. What firms are the most significant threats to Google? Why?

Case Write-up

1. What is Google’s key value discipline?

2. While some of the non-search products they offer for free create opportunities to show sponsored ads, others, such as Google Earth, do not. Some of these products are very expensive to develop. How do they generate value for Google?

3. What are the characteristics of an information-age organization? Note that

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