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Gorilla, My Love


Submitted By meshae12
Words 721
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Teresa Stringer
Diaon M. Cook ENG 101
Final Exam Yes your vote does count

Why Americans (or young people) be more involved in politics? Our forefathers were beaten and mistreated and fought for us to have the right to vote. We should take the time to get involved and go out exercise our right to vote. Not just Americans should go out to vote, but especially women and Blacks. Our future depends on what is going on in politics. Therefore we should be involved in America the land that we love. Our forefathers fought for us to have the right to vote. Think back to your grandfather and great grandfathers and grandmothers what they went through in order to have the right to vote. My grandmother told me that she had to take a test to be able to vote, and so did Rosa Parks. This was not fair to our people but they had to endure it. Selma to Montgomery march made history for us as a people. They were hosed down with water and dogs let loose on them. Our foreparents were proud and wanted to be treated equally and fairly. The color of someone’s skin should not dictate the way that they should be treated. The Bible teaches us to love our neighbor as ourselves. We as American people should care enough about our country to get out and exercise our right to vote. We have earned the right to vote and we should utilize our rights as American citizens. If we don’t get out and vote then when things are not going right don’t complain, because you forfeited your right to vote. When you didn’t go to the poll and, vote you was saying I don’t care what happens and I don’t care what they do. It is important to go out and vote know what’s going on in the country. Listen to what the politicians are saying and what their plain of action is once elected to office. Do they have good ideas? Yes, your vote does count! So many people think that their vote doesn’t count. Presidential election 2008 is proof that your vote does count. That year was the biggest turnout of voters in a long time. That proves that our votes do count and that our voices were heard. It’s another election year in November we need to get out and vote to show our support to the person of your choice. Young people should be more involved in politics because it is their future that is at stake. If the young people get involved in politics then things could go in a whole different direction. In order for this to happen some old and young people need to get together and brainstorm work on some solutions to making this a better America. It’s time for a change for the better a new season old things passed away. Great minds together will enhance great possibilities for the American people. Encourage young people to be a part of American and become involved in politics. Know what’s going on in the world you live in don’t be passive about your future. In conclusion, don’t allow our forefathers’ and foremothers’ work to be in vain. We as Americans should cherish the fact that we have the right to go out and vote. Our future and our children future depends on your vote. If you don’t vote you have no voice so don’t complain about what is going on in America. Make your vote count I can’t stress it enough how important it is for young as well as old people to go out and vote. If you don’t vote don’t complain because you gave up that right when you didn’t go to the poll and vote. Don’t allow the politicians to determine our future, because they may not have our future in their best interest. If you don’t like what they stand for voting is a good way of letting them know. When they don’t get elected they will know that the American people have spoken and did not like his/her agenda. Be proud to be an American and take part in what is going on in our country. Yes your vote counts! Go out and vote in November it’s your time to speak.

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