...undiscovered depression in primary health care: a case–control study Lena Flyckta1 c1, Ejda Hasslera2, Louise Lotfia2, Ingvar Krakaua2 and Gunnar H. Nilssona2 a1 Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Stockholm Centre for Psychiatric Research, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden a2 Department of Neurobiology, Care Science and Society, Centre for Family and Community Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden Abstract Aim To identify clinical cues indicative of depression in medical records of cases in primary care with undetected depression. Background Depressive disorders are common; the lifetime risk for men and women is 27% and 45%, respectively. Despite effective treatment methods such as antidepressants and cognitive behavioural therapy, depression often remains undiscovered in primary care, with great implications both on the individual and societal level. Methods Clinical cues indicating depression were sought in medical records the year before an opportunistic screening for depression in primary care. In a previous study of 221 patients in the waiting room of a primary care centre during 10 randomly selected days, 45 (20%) showed signs of depression (MADRS-S ≥ 12) and 60% of these were verified as having depressive disorders (Prime-MD). These 45 patients constitute the cases in the present study. Age- and gender-matched controls were selected among those who scored below the chosen cut-off level. Findings Seventeen (38%) of the 45 cases compared with...
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...the Great Depression, some of which include “The Great Crash” of the stock market, lack of spending by the average person, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act and a massive drought in the Mississippi Valley. From this nation-wide crisis came Social Security as we know it, the creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority Act, the creation of the SEC and stricter banking and stock market regulations. Overall the Great Depression had a large impact on The United States that can still be seen today. Causes of the Great Depression In January of 1929 an editorial (Encyclopedia of American Studies, 2010) said “It has been twelve months of unprecedented advance, of wonderful prosperity. If there is any way of judging the future by the past, this new year will be one of felicitation and hopefulness.” This was obviously not the case. When the stock market crashed on October 29, 1929, it was possibly the greatest contributing factor to the depression. Some believe, though incorrectly, that the “Great Crash” is the same as the great depression. The stock market crash had people scared to spend money. People no longer bought nearly as many products which led to a drop in production, which in turn led to layoffs in the work force. Coupled with these layoffs, were huge debts being defaulted on by stock holders; this all inevitably to the failure or closing of many banks. The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act was passed in June 1930 to protect farmers affected by the Great Depression...
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...one illness that was not known until the 1850s, still today some people are unaware if they have dipolar disorder or not. Many times doctors may confuse it with depression. Though this may not be the case, there is similar symptoms a patient will have that is similar to depression. This is called a depressive episode; other diagnosis can be manic episodes. As we look into the effects of bipolar disorder, we will find out where this illness comes from and what can we do to help others with this similar case. Bipolar disorder was first...
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...Depression in Adolescents: A Look at Effects, Causes, and Treatments Christopher Marshall Jaffe Vanderbilt University Abstract This paper describes and analyzes the very general term of depression, specifically keying on depression in adolescents. The paper is split into four main sections, the first being the definition of the problem. This section will discuss what the problem is and how it is defined in the scientific world. The second section will outline and present the effects and importance of depression on the individual, family, and society as a whole. The third section will discuss the causes of depression using theories such as the Hopelessness Theory of Depression, the Response Style Theory of Depression, and Beck’s Cognitive Theory of depression. And lastly the fourth section of this paper will discuss different treatments to the problem and their effectiveness. Definition Depression Depression has been around before the ancient Greeks and even before it got deemed “depression” the famous, “Greek physician Hippocrates, called it melancholia” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012). It is so common in the psychological world now that some refer to it as the common cold. Depression can be described simply as, “A mood or emotional state that is marked by feelings of low self-worth or guilt and a reduced ability to enjoy life” (Encyclopedia Britannica...
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...Case Study Question 1 What is a Case Study? “A case study is an observational method that provides a description of an individual” (Cozby & Bates, 2012). The sample size in a case study usually only consists of a single person or organization, but by design only studies one single social phenomenon. They typically use field-related research to produce qualitative data and help to prepare for future qualitative research. Question 2 What are Some Reasons for Using a Case Study Approach? Case studies are useable within the social sciences to help explain rare circumstances or behaviors. In the world of music, the ability to name correctly and consistently an audible pitch without relating it to any other pitches is an extremely coveted talent. One case study by Lucinda Pearl Boggs (1907) provided qualitative data on a participant known as Miss C. Disinukes, who possessed the gift of perfect pitch. Boggs discovered that Miss Disinukes began learning about music at an extremely young age, and that she had very talented, musical grandparents. This research sparked further quantitative research to test whether having early musical education aids in the development of perfect pitch. Question 3 What are Some Advantages and Disadvantages of Using this Approach? Like pilot studies, case studies are very helpful in exploring a topic on a smaller scale initially and beginning a larger product using the data gathered in the case study. For example, a researcher may be studying...
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...Presented here it is a critical evaluation of biological approach for treatment of depression. Antidepressant are the most common biological treatment for this type of disorder, but treatments such as Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT), alteration in sleep patterns following body temperature cycle are also used to relief the symptoms of depression. However antidepressant drugs provide an effective and inexpensive help, studies have found that the behavioural effects of these drugs could take over two weeks before showing any benefit and any perceived effect before this period would be a placebo effect (Kalat, 2001). Some studies proposed the existence of a two models markers for depression: Biological/endogenous & psychological/reactive depression. Based on this assumption an endogenous depression would only respond to a pharmacological treatment while a psychological depression would only respond to psychological treatment (Free & Oei, 1989). Further we will evaluate the effectiveness of a combined (cognitive-behavioural therapy and antidepressant) intervention in order to achieve a better outcome on treatment of depression. Depression is one of the most common illnesses and is characterised by symptoms such as loss of energy, sadness, difficulty in concentration and in the most serious cases the patient can contemplate or commit suicide. Research found that women are more likely to suffer from depression, with depressive episodes more probable to occur between 25 to 44 years old...
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...The Spark Study Mindy Bacon. Clark Community College The Spark Study Americans have increasingly become sedentary, non-active people. This results in obesity, an alarming rise in type two diabetes, attention deficit problems, heart disease, and chronic depression in both adults and now is an epidemic in children. This book explains why physical activity especially aerobic activity is crucial to the way our brains learn, affect mood, depression, stress and attention. In Chapter one of “Spark, The Revolutionary New Science Of Exercise And The Brain”, shows how exercise improves brain functioning. A revolutionary case study was performed in a school district outside of Chicago. Naperville Central High School in Illinois transformed nineteen thousand students into very healthy and fit students with only 3 percent overweight versus 30 percent overweight nationally (Ratey & Hagerman, 2008). The students are also among the smartest in the nation. In 1999 Naperville’s eighth graders took an international standards test: Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Asian countries have out performed United States of American students in math and science for many years. As stated in the New York Times, most Asian countries score well, almost half of the students score in the top, while only 7 percent of U. S. students do (Ratey & Hagerman, 2008). The children from Naperville, Illinois took the TIMSS and astonished the world. They scored...
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...Case Study Paper Developmental Learning Disorders PSY/410 Case Study Paper There once was a little girl who dreamed of becoming a mom. She wanted, it more than anything in the world, and she knew that one day her dream would come true. This young girl would sit for hours on end thinking of names to call her future baby. So eventually this little girl grew up to become a woman. She eventually met and married her true love, but she was having difficulties becoming pregnant. The more time that went by she came to the conclusion that her dream of having a child wasn't going to happen without medical help. This in turn started the long process of fertility treatments. When these treatments did not work, she started to get depressed and frustrated, feeling like she had failed. Finally, she found out her dream had come true she was pregnant. She had a great and uneventful pregnancy and gave birth to a baby girl. But something was wrong because instead of being happy and relieved that her dreams came true, she could do nothing but cry. Is this normal or is this mother whose dreams have come true suffering from Post Partum Depression (PPD). Biological Component Post Partum Depression has been found to affect between 10- 12 percent of mother after the birth. PPD is different from what most of us would call “the baby blues,” which in all actuality affect around 70% of women after birth (Meyer, Chapman, & Weaver, 2009). In most instances a women who has suffered...
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...children in the household. Research for the paper was conducted with the APUS Campus Library Pro Quest database. Studies suggest that either one person in the marriage may not be happy so the theory that people are happier after marriage isn’t true. Psychological Effects of Marriage Research has been conducted to show that people are happier after getting married if they were once depressed prior to their marriage. Does marriage really propose psychological effects change after getting married? Supporting studies have claimed different because individuals with in marriages are still not happy according to the data collected on the topic. The research could have been conducted more thoroughly to ask a few more supporting questions to see if all individuals are effected the same by marriage. In the article Depression and Psychological Benefits of Entering Marriage the Author states that the studies provided may not actually represent what the study was intended to. Marriage has different effects on all individuals of different ages (Frech and Williams, 2007). Case studies show the difference between people varies depending on the variables of the study. Many supporting factors did prove that a lot of people enter a different psychological state after marriage. Alcohol use and spousal abuse declines after the people have entered marriage. Ultimately even though a case study is conducted I believe it’s not enough supporting information to determine that people are in a better mind...
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...Application of Clinical Psychology Paper Amanda Ayers PSY/480 March 02, 2016 Mark Peterson Application of Clinical Psychology Paper What is a case study? According to Merriam Webster, a case study is a process or record of research in which detailed consideration is given to the development of a particular person, group, or situation over a period of time (2016). In this paper, a case study will be examined and applied to clinical psychology aspects in real-world situations. The case study will be looking at a 19 year old Chinese male named Joe. Joe’s situation will be discussed in overview. Following this will be a discussion of the biological, psychological and social factors that are involved in Joe’s case. Lastly, the case study will be used to explain the different interventions that would be appropriate to use in relation to the field of clinical psychology. Now let us take a look at Joe and his case. The Overview The case study applied in this situation looks at a 19 year old Chinese male. This individual suffers from episodes of depression along with some anxiety. His name is Joe. Joe has an overwhelming feeling of not being “good enough”. In his daily life, he takes the responsibility of taking care of his invalid mother as well as two younger siblings. Joe’s father left when he was 5 years old and an only child. At the age of 12 his father returned. Within two years after his father’s return his parents had 2 more children. At the age of 16...
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...been classified, they include anorexia nervosa, personality, eating disorders, mood disorders, and in this case depression disorders. The rate of depression is higher among poor people than wealthier people The majority of people who have mood disorders mostly suffer from depression and this is known as unipolar depression. The patients have never had incidents of mania and the mood returns back to normal when depression ceases, those who suffer from mania it’s known as bipolar disorder. (Comer, 1992). Black box warning The State has for along issued caution on the use of anti-depressant drugs in adolescents, children, and young adults this is because these drugs have been for to cause suicidal in these people. This evaluation explored on the management of depression has that led to the cautions and successive data. It as well addressed the efficacy of anti-depressant management and the connection to suicide rates to anti-depressant management. It also included the resolutions of black box cautions that had been based on prejudiced data and unfounded theories. The decisions were unsupported. After the a black-box caution on anti-depressants drugs by FDA that described the potential suicide risk in children there was a sharp declined overall use , not only with children but also with the adults especially with the use of fluoxetine In this case antidepressant use in pediatric and risk suicide brought about this tension to...
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...Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD™) test to discover what pain is existing and determine best treatment method. 2 1.1.1. This is where psychologist study the patients body and determine what their levels of pain intake and evaluate the findings. This is where a great deal of research comes into play. 2 2. Medical Illnesses 2 2.1. Perform the Millon® Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (MCMI-III™) to determine what the illness is and find treatment methods. 2 2.1.1. Psychologist research the answers from the assessment and discover why the patient is going through the severe pain. They study the patients body and history. 2 3. Behavioral Psychology 2 3.1. Perfrom the Million Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD), and the popular Beck Depression Inventory®– (BDI®– Both of these test will discover any issues that may II II. case the patient to be distraught. 2 3.1.1. Psychologist determine what behavioral issues may cause the patient to be unhappy and discover ways of treatment. 2 Healthcare Psychology, tynkalicious 1 1. Chronic pain management and evaluation 1.1. Perform the Millon® Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD™) test to discover what pain is existing and determine best treatment method. 1.1.1. This is where psychologist study the patients body and determine what their levels of pain intake and evaluate the findings. This is where a great deal of research comes into play. 2. Medical Illnesses 2.1. Perform the Millon® Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (MCMI-III™) to determine...
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...Predictors of Postpartum Depression Postpartum depression is a disorder that causes significant functional impairment and develops risks of poor mother-infant bonding and can delay infant development. PPD is “a physical and emotional condition that may be life-threatening, involving the symptoms of depression occurring from a month to one year following childbirth and thought to be caused in part to dramatic hormonal shifts occurring in conjunction with childbirth.” (Piotrowski & Benson, 2017) Postpartum depression symptoms often involve feelings of sadness, restlessness, guilt, insomnia, decreased energy and motivation, unexplained weight changes, frequent crying, irritability, and lessened feelings of self-worth. Research question Recognition...
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...Baral**COUNSELING**case study – Depression**4/02/2004 AD**page 1 case study: DEPRESSION Robert Baral 4/02/2004 AD Robert Baral**COUNSELING**case study – Depression**4/02/2004 AD**page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. PRESENTATION OF THE PATIENT II. ASSESSMENT OF THE PATIENT III. THERAPY FOR THE PATIENT IV. PLAN OF CARE V. BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR INTERVENTION VI. FINAL OBSERVATIONS Robert Baral**COUNSELING**case study – Depression**4/02/2004 AD**page 3 I. PRESENTATION OF THE PATIENT We are presented with an elderly woman with a history of long term Multiple Sclerosis, married 40 years, presenting with severe depression and suicidal gestures. The patient agreed to therapy on the advice of 1 of her 3 sons for the complaint of “difficulty relating to her husband.” The patient raised her 3 now adult sons mostly by herself due to her husband’s 20 year career in the Merchant Marines. The patient had periods of severe anger towards her husband apparently because of his alleged lack of emotional support and love. When she engaged in self harm to gain his attention, that having failed, the patient apparently progressed to increasingly severe forms of suicidal gesturing. The husband’s response was, not to offer the emotional attention and love the patient craved, but rather to arrange for commitment of his wife to a psychiatric facility. The patient and her husband had recently moved 60 miles from their long time home where she had a school support job that yielded great satisfaction in interacting...
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...In this essay I will analyse in reference to the case study, how psychological theory informs our understanding of mental health disorders. I have chosen the following two theories to analyse, Psychodynamic and Cognitive. I will also evaluate how certain therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Psychotherapy may help or change a depressed person’s behaviour. Depression is a potentially disabling illness that affects many, but is understood by few. Suffers often do not recognise the nature of this terrible illness until they are so devastated that they can no longer help themselves. (Ainsworth 2000). According to Houpt 2010, Jamie is clearly showing signs of depression. Jamie is exhausted and his schoolwork is falling behind. He has fallen asleep in class and states that he feels depressed and anxious. He also feels a great sense of loss and his eating behaviour has changed drastically. Houpt states that depression reduces, depresses and slows a person’s functional level. It slows mental and bodily activities. Therefore a slowed mind is unable to process and respond to all incoming data. Adolescent depression is a mental and emotional disorder affecting adolescents and teens. More commonly referred to as teenage depression, adolescent depression is not medically different from adult depression and can affect a teen’s personal, school, work, social and family life therefore leading to social isolation. Empfield and Bakalar, 2013). A psychodynamic...
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