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Great Depression Usa


Submitted By mohitkokil
Words 1317
Pages 6
Macroeconomics Assignment
Great Depression USA

1. Why did the neo-classical theory fail to explain the cause for Great depression? The neo classical theory of economics focuses on determining the prices, output and income distribution through supply and demand phenomenon occurring in the market. This theory proposed that even if one variable changed, i.e. supply or demand, the market would stabilize and attain an equilibrium state automatically, since the other variable adjusted itself to the changing conditions in the market. Under the supply demand scenario, the income constrained individuals would be concerned with maximization of utility and cost constrained firms employing available information and factors of production, with profit. During the great depression, the financial meltdown initiated by Wall Street in 1929 wiped out billions of dollars of assets. The wealthy American's who owned almost all of the nation's stocks were hit hard by an 80% decline in value of the stocks. This also caused a rampant failure in the banking systems, with two out of three banks which collapsed between 1929-1933. All of this was as a result of abundance of materials. The supply side was excess with labor, but not with enough firms to hire them, and goods but not enough money to buy them. This is where the neo-classical theory failed to explain the causes of the great depression, as to why did not the market automatically adjust itself to attain an equilibrium state. The failure in the neo-classical theory was explained by Keynesian and Friedman's theories, which stated that the tragic disconnect between the needs the economy and the rational actions of the individuals gave way to the failure in the economic system. When one farmer struggling to make his mortgage payment encountered falling prices for wheat, his rational response was to produce more wheat to

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...context which of these two sources is more valuable at explaining the impact of the Great Depression on Germany? [25 marks] German artist Lea Gruding recalls in her autobiography that the unemployed suffered massively during the great depression not only financially but mentally, having no job to go to anymore. This source was published in 1964, 35 years after the Great Depression making it a secondary source. Some may argue that due to it being a secondary source it is less reliable as it wasn’t written primarily at the time and could differ from the actual events that happened during the Depression. It also maybe exaggerated. Despite this however Gruding doesn’t use statistical evidence which means even though this source could be exaggerated it is not numerically exaggerated. This source on the other hand from historical knowledge is fairly accurate and so is useful because what happened in Germany during the time is represented accurately. It’s true the Weimar Republic was devastated by the Wall Street Crash of October 1929 and the Great Depression that followed. The Crash had a devastating impact on the American economy but because America had propped up the Weimar Republic with huge loans in 1924 (the Dawes Plan) and in 1929 (the Young Plan), what happened to the American economy impacted the Weimar Republic’s economy and society due to them being so dependent on American loans (the USA was also Germany’s biggest trading partner which affected Germany massively). America...

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