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Submitted By kent1996
Words 1559
Pages 7
1.0 Company Background

Haagen-Dazs is the world’s first super-premium ice cream, introduced in 1961. That’s when lifelong ice cream entrepreneur Reuben Mattus (who 40 years earlier helped his mother sell fruit ice pops on the streets of New York City) began selling Häagen-Dazs Chocolate, Coffee and Vanilla ice cream in pint-sized containers throughout New York City. For decades, he experimented, tested and ultimately perfected the world’s finest ice cream.

Not surprisingly, word-of-mouth passion for Häagen-Dazs has been strong from the beginning. When the first Häagen-Dazs Shop opened in 1976, it was an immediate success. International expansion followed six years later.
Now sold at retail and in more than 900 Häagen-Dazs Shops in 50 countries, Häagen-Dazs ice cream is savored around the world. Decades come and go, but Häagen-Dazs remains true to its passionate commitment to quality, creativity and, above all else, taste.

2.0 Company Success and Achievement

In 1961, Reuben Mattus develops the world’s first super-premium ice cream- Haggen-Dazs – free of stabilizers, preservatives, artificial flavors, colorings or additives. In 1960s the sales grow steadily, and the first pure strawberry flavor ice-cream were introduce to the market after a six-year search for the perfect technology to combine flavor with the ice cream itself. In 1980s, the world first sorbet ice cream was also introduced.The ice cream world falls for Haagen-Dazs Dulce de Leche, an argentine taste treat (1998). In japan, Haagen-Dazs unveils Dolce- a multi-layered sensation inspired by desserts of the world, it’s the most successful introduction in the brand’s history in 2007. Smoothies ice cream was debut in Europe later in the year 2009. Haagen-Dazs ranks as the No.1 Most-Liked brand in the Nikkei Brand Japan 2009 survey of the top 1.000 brands in japan in 2009

3.0 External

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