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Hangover Part 2


Submitted By aleksandrad
Words 251
Pages 2
The hangover 2:
“It happened again”. The hangover has begun, oh yes it has. The tragic trashed trio have yet again repeated their actions from the first film, where they woke up in a chaotic Las Vegas suite with no memory of what happened the night before at all. But this time, they’d done even worse, and lost their friend Teddy, whose disappearance has totally broken his sister’s husband-to-be, Stu (Ed Helms). The wedding was to be in a couple of hours in one of the world’s amazing and exotic places, Thailand.
Although Stu had decided to have a subdued bachelor party due to the unforgettable bash 2 years ago in Las Vegas, Stu is taking no chances and has opted to have a quiet bachelor party. However, this did not satisfy the boys, especially Phil(Bradley Cooper) and so instead, they have a buttoned up pre-wedding drink, and before they know it, they wake up totally demolished inside and out in Bangkok in a cruddy hotel with amnesia, AND with one member of the party missing which they only realise after checking up on their faces. However the worst has yet to come. They are all fully determined to find their friend Teddy although the circumstances are terrible and they have to meet with a series of humiliating disasters, and gross situations. Déjà vu has attacked them again, and what happened in Vegas was a total disaster, but what happens in Bangkok can’t possibly be real.

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