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Submitted By linette25
Words 478
Pages 2
What Makes A Leader What I can bring to the table is what I believe makes me a good leader. The ability to go beyond what is expected, to lead, show motivation and most of all inspiration. A leader takes responsibility of ones action, accepts there wrong and learns from that to make it better. A leader isn’t just born, it takes the life experiences, its mistakes and learns from ones mistakes for the better of tomorrow. At a young age, I can strongly say that it has not been easy to get where I am, and although I have made it far I am still learning, but even a leader still is learning. A leader never stops learning. That’s what makes an individual unique and qualified. When I set a goal, I execute it. I graduated earlier than the time that was expected of me. I dedicated myself to perform excellently both academically and mentally in all of my classes. Whether it was a core class or an elective class, I treated both with the same level of importance. I took classes that were beyond my level, such as AP Chemistry, AP Biology, and Anthropology. I took the challenge and performed to my best ability in every task that was assigned. When I found myself confused with the material I took the initiative to seek tutoring. I sat with a tutor on multiple occasions, and I became more familiar with the material. This allowed me to thrive in my academics. Multiple times I was faced with opportunity yet challenge to lead a group whether in many occasions. I took it as a responsibility to take control. I lead the group as best to my ability. Always putting my all my effort. As a leader I motivated my group into putting there best efforts. With my positive attitude I was able to motivate my group into trying there best, I showed dedication towards the assignment, resulting as a motivation within them. I learn from today for the better tomorrow and that’s what makes me a

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The Rise of the Band "The 1975" in the United Kingdom on 2015

...PHILIPPINE STATE COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS PICCIO GARDEN, VILLAMOR, PASAY CITY A.Y. 2015 – 2016 THE RISE OF THE BAND “THE 1975” IN THE UNITED KINGDOM ON 2015 Presented By: Montefalcon, John Marco C. AAMT 1st-5 Presented To: Mr. Mark Erickho Dela Cruz March 10, 2016 I. INTRODUCTION The Band “The 1975” is a British alternative rock band based on Manchester. The band currently consists of four members, Matthew Healy on guitar and vocals, Adam Hann on guitar, George Daniel on drums, and Ross McDonald on bass. According to SEX, DRUGS, AND MUSIC: AN INTERVIEW WITH THE 1975(2013), they were formed when they started playing in punk bands in their high school age. Since then, they never left their side since 2002 until now. For me, I can see and notice it that their bond as a band is as strong as ever. And as said by the The 1975 from THE 1975’S EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH THE UNTITLED MAGAZINE(2014), They met at Wilmslow High School, and they said they kind of started out of boredom. The 1975 had a various genre and band names before settling on “The 1975”. Those names are Talkhouse, Drive Like I Do, BIGSLEEP and The Slowdown. But they are not all from Manchester. Healy is from London and Daniel is from Belgium with some roots in Seattle. They played different genres, including punk, pop punk, rock, alternative rock, rock and ballad and many more. The band plays on many live shows, concerts and tours. Their name, apparently, is derived from an entry in a book of Beat...

Words: 1561 - Pages: 7