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Happy Being Single


Submitted By phausha
Words 4005
Pages 17
INFORMATIVE SPEECH 1) How To Be Happy Being Single

The life that we are bestowed with is truly a miracle. This precise miracle gets overshadowed with the contradictions that we live with. Contradictions like, the young want to be older and the old want to be young again; the dark want to be fair and the fair want to darken; the short want to be tall and the tall ones have their own problems. And just the same way, the single want to mingle and the ones with partners want to break free. Isn't that complicated enough? Well, let's take a moment and say aloud - "I am single. I am single! I AM SINGLE". Yes. It is not to rub salt on your wounds but for you to embrace it than dread it. Acceptance is the key to great decisions. It is, in fact, very empowering. Look at you. You live your life all by yourself because you are capable of being single and independent. If you still hate your relationship status, take another moment to remember all the things you have dealt with alone.

I am single. No, I really am single and everyday I push my limits to achieve something better alone because I can't afford to waste my time waiting for someone who may or may not show up just so I could have the cliché happy ending to my fairytale because Disney says so. No, that is not the end to my life or your life for that matter. Life is living it, not waiting for it to be over. And why on Earth would I ever want to cripple myself to the aid of a person who sees me as nothing more than a baby that needs to be constantly mothered? A person like that certainly has some serious parental issues of his own to deal with. There are seriously enough problems that people face being in relationships - infidelity, non-commitment, obligations, no sign of the ring, no children, no love, financial issues, temperamental differences, unreasonable restrictions, frustrating behavioral traits, and so much else. The very fact that you are focused on the 'single' part instead of love gives it away. Wait for love if you are so keen on it because it may be unpredictable but it definitely exists and finds us all at its own will, when it thinks you deserve it.

Why Being Single is Good

Being single should be an opportunity for you to find your true inner self, nurture it and love it. If you hate being with yourself so much, why would anyone else want to be with you? And who PUT IN the idea in your head that you must be a twosome to be truly happy? If you are a self-cursing single, you will always be oblivious to the happiness of life that is abundantly present around you. Unsurprisingly, your life is drab because that is exactly how you perceive it every single moment.

Right now, you are single and you have the freedom to make your own decisions without any liabilities. You are free to make your choices. I don't want to pretend to be a cynic to make 'life being single' sound like a bed of roses in paradise. I don't want to give you the false impression that you should never spend your life with someone because it is a path of thorns. In fact, someone once told me - "We all need someone to share our lives with". We do. But, don't stop your life for it. Make it so beautiful alone that when you find someone worth sharing it, it becomes even more beautiful and makes you far more attractive than a bunch of skimpily dressed people on the cover of a magazine.
I get it, being single can sometimes get frustrating, especially when all you want to do is pour your heart out to someone after a long and tiresome week. Ever heard about the concept of friendship? It is really not the statistic on your Facebook page. Step into the real world and make contact with your friends or make new ones. A friend will always stand by you, listen to you yak, stretch out a hand when you fall, share all your sorrows and joys. It feels amazing telling my friends and family each and every day that I love them and I will always be there for them. Somehow, it makes me feel stronger to be able to live my life, be happy being alone and still be able to look out for those so dear to me.

The day you find someone who lets you have your freedom, encourages you to venture further, brings romance to your life and still envelopes you in a strange sense of calm and safety; is the day you should be willing to trade in your self-satisfying solitude with being a couple.

That is an enriching relationship. But, you won't find this with every person and that is why you should be happy being single till then. It is neither healthy to be desperate to have a relationship, nor is it to be a commitment phobe. It is one life to cherish so stop limiting yourself by fearing or longing for a relationship. Not every relationship doubles your wings so you can fly higher. Many manage to clip them off. It's better to be happy alone than to be stuck in such a rut. Happiness can be found in the most unexpected places and the most astounding activities. Seldom do romantic partners inspire you to move out of your comfort zone and do something that will truly quench the innate thirst for progression inside you. Seldom do we do it for our own selves.
A lot of singles looking for a relationship are, in reality, just looking to be loved by someone. I do not say that there is anything wrong with that. But if we delve deeper on that thought, perhaps, they fear being alone or are only looking to fill the void of love that they haven't attained. To have the desire for something, it must first be absent. The feeling of being unloved is terrible. But, it is not necessary that it must be derived from another person in order to have it. We must learn to love our own selves first. A person who loves and desires himself or herself is not bogged down by inferiority or insecurity. It is wise to accept our own flaws because we often fail to do that. Instead, we choose to ignore them completely and turn a blind eye as though they are completely non-existent or we dismiss them as anything but imperfections.

If you really yearn for a healthy romantic relationship in the future, you must perfect your present and that is - YOU. Being single, I see it as an opportunity to recognize my flaws and work on eliminating them so that I can become a better person and contribute to the enrichment of the lives of those around me as well as my own. There is so much that you still don't realize about yourself. So, why not make it your endeavor to discover that side of you which is unbeknownst even to you? Stop waiting for someone to show it to you. Happiness is a state of mind. All you have to do is find those triggers that create feelings of happiness inside you - true happiness. I am not talking about momentary pleasure.

It is an unpredictable life. So make sure that on your last day, you don't regret procrastinating things in your life. Make yourself and everyone else around you feel special. Become a self-made person rather than having to rely on someone to make you a better human being. The way I see it as is - if a person is not happy when they are single, he/she is most likely to be a clingy partner. To my knowledge, there isn't one happy relationship that lasted in which either partner was clingy. Save yourself and your significant other the trauma of emotional exhaustion. There are so many of us that coyly live a ramshackle and hide our own crumminess under the pretext of being single. OK, since there is nobody watching you, is that a good enough reason to be a wreck? Probably, the hobo living on the next street thinks the same. The last time I checked, that was socially unattractive. Go kid, get yourself a makeover. Make yourself feel worthwhile. Most of all, change your perceptions about life because it is as simple and as complicated as you make it.

Stop whining about being single. If you aren't happy now, you will never be happy with someone else because the grass will always seem greener on the other side. That is not a healthy way to look at relationships. It is a recipe for disaster because you are keeping unrealistic expectations from your future partner who will, at some point, be exhausted living up to them and one day - give up. Then, you will whine about being in a relationship. Correct me if I am wrong. Happiness is deep within, not in someone else. It can only be shared for it to heighten its magnitude and spread it all around you. The reason why you are still single and unhappy is may be you aren't ready for an attachment yet. Look at yourself, you are not even willing to make that commitment to yourself yet. Have you wondered? Your unhappiness with your own self and your own life is probably the reason you are repelling love and relationships. That kind of negativity got no one anything better. Your life is a mirror of your mind. It doesn't dictate your emotions. Your thoughts do and you choose to think them.

2) Long-term Effects of Lack of Sleep

Insomnia or lack of sleep is one of the most common problems experienced by people all over the world. Teenagers and young adults are found to suffer from self induced lack of sleep that can be caused due to a variety of reasons. The common causes of insomnia include excess of work, stress, some underlying medical condition, anxiety, fear, old age, etc. Sleep deprivation, when continued for a longer period of time, can result in chronic insomnia, which is difficult to treat and cure. Also, chronic insomnia can lead to several side effects. Let us take a look at it in detail.

Negative Effects of Lack of Sleep

Sleep deprivation or insomnia can affect all the parts of the body. Common or immediate symptoms of insomnia include sleepiness, fatigue, lack of energy, headache, depression, constant feeling of drowsiness, irritability, etc. This occurs due to muscle fatigue in the body. The muscles in the body also require sufficient amount of rest and hence, when deprived, they tend to ache. Secondly, lack of concentration, nausea, memory lapses, loss of attention and alertness, etc., are some of the effects of lack of sleep. But, the long-term consequences include diseases and disorders of the brain, the heart and other vital organs of the body. The following are the serious consequences of not getting enough amount of sleep for a longer period.

Distorted perception
Heart disease
Heart attack
Heart failure
High blood pressure
Hormone imbalance
Irregular heartbeat
Loss of sense of reality
Low sex drive
Memory loss
Quick aging
Weight gain/ loss

Sleep deprivation in students can lead to negativity and a pessimistic outlook. Sometimes, it is found that people experience a sense of loss of reality due to lack of sleep. They may feel that they are in a dream world and may suffer from illusions or hallucinations. On the other hand, performance of every kind gets hampered as the person suffers from lack of energy. Most of the sexual and reproductive problems may also arise due to insomnia. Secondly, low immunity, impaired metabolism, digestion, etc. are also the long term effects of lack of sleep.

Weight loss or weight gain are also some of the consequences of lack of sleep. As mentioned above, insomnia can affect the digestive system, and the process of digestion and metabolism, which can lead to these changes in the body. A person who does not get sufficient amount of sleep also suffers from constant nausea, indigestion, constipation and other digestive problems. Similarly, having an improper diet and lack of sleep, together, can lead to severe problems in people of every age group. Lastly, one should also note that suffering from insomnia for a fairly large period, continually, can also lead to death.

Hence, in order to prevent this, it is essential to treat insomnia as soon as possible. There are several tips and techniques to fall asleep which aid in getting rid of insomnia. Some changes in the lifestyle, work habits, diet, etc, can help in treating insomnia and the symptoms caused due to it. On the other hand, sleep deprivation treatment also includes the use of medications and home remedies. One should consult the doctor if none of these remedies help to treat insomnia.

Lastly, as a concluding note, we can summarize that most of the effects of insomnia are irreversible, and can even lead to death. Hence, one should follow preventive measures to avoid them. Having a good night's sound sleep really helps in maintaining proper health. Take care!

3) How to Communicate with the Dead
Can we communicate with the dead? Considering this as a possibility may be difficult for some. This however, is not a concept. A lot of people are born with psychic abilities that enable them to communicate with spirits, while several others have claimed that they have effectively communicated with the dead, and that the dead have communicated with them in return. The medium of communication may vary from person to person, but several people say that they have definitely experienced some sort of sign as a symbol of communication from their deceased loved ones. Communication need not necessarily mean only talking to the deceased. Communication may occur through signs that an individual may have to read through to grasp, through other individuals who may provide answers that someone is seeking, through dreams, or through situations that eventually present answers. Sometimes, an individual may himself find the answer from within, without any external medium.

A lot of you may have some kind of feeling that is trapped in your heart, a feeling that you may want to let out about a loved one who has passed. Perhaps you were unable to express yourself then, and you are regretting it now. Several others may have questions that are still unanswered by their loved ones who have passed, and they wish to reconnect with them and find those answers. And then there may be some who can't do without the guidance of their loved one who is no more. For instance, the death of a father figure who always gave the right kind of guidance can be very traumatizing, and till you learn how to move on and live on your own, you may want to engage in some form of communication with him for some comfort. Whatever your purpose, you may take a look at some of these ways of communicating with the dead. Whether or not you will be able to effectively communicate with them is not guaranteed. However, these paranormal phenomena have been experienced by some, with success.

Ways to Communicate with the Dead * Communicating with the dead is no mean task, and requires you to put in a lot to achieve some success. As much as you wish it was as simple as making a phone call and finding out how they are doing, this isn't the case. A lot of concentration, attention and effort is needed to be able to effectively communicate with them.

* The first step in your effort is to believe that such a supernatural communication is possible. Unless you don't believe it from the depths of your heart, you are not going to achieve much, because even if you receive signs, you will fail to notice them due to your lack of faith. This concept of faith is applicable to anything you wish to do, and communicating with the dead is included in it.

* Then comes the intensity of your desire. You have to deeply desire communication with the deceased loved one for even a remote chance of success. You may be struck with intense emotions while trying to communicate such as guilt and more possibly, fear. These emotions may create an obstacle in your endeavor to communicate. You have to allow these emotions to pass, to heal, so that you can reach out to the one who has passed.

* Once you have inculcated the above-mentioned steps, your desire for communication with the dead will be conveyed effectively. However, now you have to watch out for the signs. No deceased one is going to directly materialize and talk to you. You have to look for signs as answers to your questions. You may have dream visitations from the deceased, where he/she may speak to you. The communication may also be very subtle, which you may not notice. This is why you must keep your eyes and ears open. You may have a vision, or a passing image, or just some subliminal messages that you will have to decipher to understand how the deceased is trying to communicate with you.

* When you receive a signal of communication from the dead, it is time for you to make your move. Most often, you may have questions in your mind; you can write them down in your diary as a mode of communication to seek guidance from the departed. In such a case, you may receive your answers through dreams or other such media, or through someone who may give you an answer that you are expecting.

* Lastly, you may wish to communicate with the dead through a psychic or a clairvoyant. The methods in which they offer communication may vary; however, they do function as more effective media than yourself for this purpose. Just remember that when you communicate through such a medium, do not give out any personal information to the clairvoyant. They usually do not even require it. Also, use a personal detail that only you and the deceased were aware of, as a sign of authenticity of the psychic.
As mentioned before, communicating with those who have passed is not simple, and requires a lot of time and patience. You may not receive communication from them for a long time after you express your desire. Then perhaps some day, there may be a sudden form of communication. The bottom line is, if you deeply desire it, don't give up on it. However, don't get fixated upon it either. Death and dying is an inevitable part of life. Sometimes, time answers your questions, and that is perhaps the best way to deal with your emotionally heightened state of mind. Psychics say that many a time, the deceased do not respond to communication from their loved ones because they believe that it will make it further difficult to accept their death. Instead, they simply allow time to heal them and overcome their grief.


1) To Persuasive The Audience To Overcome The Facebook Addiction

* Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD)

Facebook, and other such social networking websites, are meant to help stay in touch with friends, make new friends, play games, plan events, send virtual gifts, adopt virtual pets and do other such online activities. While all these activities are enjoyable, at times you get so used to them that you forget that you have an actual life to live. When you forget this fact and start spending more time online, thus neglecting yourself as well as people around you, it means you are suffering from this addiction disorder. Even though this is no medical term, going by the current trends it wouldn't be surprising to see it being included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders some time soon.

Symptoms * You wake up early in the morning and first thing you do is log onto your Facebook account to check what transpired when you were fast asleep at night. This may seem to be a coincident - but that's exactly what you did last night before you went to sleep! The fact is that this is no coincident, but a sign that you are probably suffering from this disorder.

* You wake up in the morning, and first thing you do is log onto your Facebook account.

* You spend more than an hour on Facebook - at a stretch or in short episodes over regular intervals.

* You and your siblings converse through Facebook wall and messages, even though you stay in same house.

* You can't seem to stop thinking about Facebook updates and comments when you are offline.

* You check Facebook for updates and comments after every hour at your workstation or on your cell phone.

* You look forward to get home in the evening so that you can see what is happening in cyberspace (on Facebook to be precise.)

* Your Facebook wall is full of status updates, comments, and applications that you just used.

* You can't go for a day without using Facebook, and even this thought makes you go into sort of depression.

* You give priority to Facebook over your commitments in professional and personal life.
And lastly, your day ends with you checking Facebook for that one last time and bidding people 'good nite' through your Facebook status update. (You may even get an urge to wake up at middle of the night to see whether anyone has commented on your 'gud nite' status.)

If you have been indulging in any of the aforementioned activities frequently, it means you are suffering from Facebook addiction disorder (or at least you are vulnerable to it.) Even though it may seem harmless to get involved in virtual life, it has the tendency to result in some serious consequences on your mental health as well as social life, and thus you need to get rid of it as soon as possible.
How to Deal With this Addiction?
The foremost thing to do is to admit that you are suffering from it and understand that it can affect your life. Only when you are convinced of these two facts, you will be able to make any headway towards your Facebook de-addiction resolve. The next step will be to decide how much time you would want to spend on Facebook every day - the lesser time you spend better it is for you. At the same time you should try giving up Facebook for other events and activities. Spending more time with your family and friends, instead of being glued to your personal computer in your room, will be of great help in your de-addiction drive. Depending on since how long you have been using Facebook, you will have this urge to check it every once in a while - when you are in the office, before you go to sleep, early in the morning etc. You will have to make sure that you don't fall prey to any such urges. Simply put, you need to treat Facebook-ing as a pastime activity rather than a necessity, and you will be able to get rid of this addiction within a few days.

Remember that Facebook addiction is just a facet of Internet addiction which can go much beyond Facebook. Basically, Internet addiction is a broad concept which encompasses addiction of social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, MySpace, etc., as well as addiction of online dating, video sharing, blogging and random surfing. Getting involved in the virtual world is not a bad thing, but getting involved to an extent wherein you ignore your personal and professional commitments surely is.

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...are changing their attitudes about sex and marriage. Many norms and standards have changed dramatically. Yesterday, the world was still a man-dominant society, but today, more and more women hold many senior jobs and show that they are as capable as males. Yesterday, young men were still struggling with how to make their girlfriends happy, but today, causal sex especially “hookups” are becoming more acceptable and popular among young people. Yesterday, the main goal for everyone was still to marry an ideal partner and built a family, but today, there are more and more singles saying “no” to marriage. It is really difficult to judge these changes because they are not just simply a positive or negative issue but also a reflection of human development. In my point of view, we should hold a positive view of the phenomenon that women have more economic power because it is a symbol of the improvement of female statues. However, when people are trying to break the bonds of convention and live freely, it is very easy for them to fall into a wrong path. I believe many people have lost themselves when they are pursuing causal sex and the status of being single. The increasing economic power of women not only shows women have the same capability as men do but also improves the status of women. It is true that this change threatens the traditional male-dominated culture and blows male’s self esteem. In the article “The End of courtship,” Alex Williams reveals that this change of women’s...

Words: 1569 - Pages: 7

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About a Boy

...About a boy: Gruppe nr. 1 (Julie V, Pernille, Luna, Ane) Give a summary of the film. In the movie about a boy, Will Freeman is a lazy adult, who has not really grown up regard his age. He does not do anything for living, since his dad was the writer of a very famous christmas carol, and Will is still living of his income. He does not have much more luck in his love life, so when he discovers the good qualities of having an affair with single mothers, he goes to a single parents group to find women. IN order to impress one of the single mothers, he goes to the park with her and some kids including a young boy called marcus. Marcus’s mum is mentally ill and tries to commit suicide. Will feels bad for Marcus and starts spending time with him, and they become really close. Marcus and Will learn a lot from one another and in the end, they both turn out to make one an others life better. Will end up falling love, and Marcus discovers Who grows up in this film? Will Freeman * He is living the good life because of his fathers success with his christmas song. He does not work and he does not really care about others. He has no respect for other people, because he lies about having a child. But then he meets Marcus, and things change. He started caring about him and learned that he actually liked to have people close to him. To have people that cared about him too. Marcus Brewer - Marcus is used to be alone. He does not feel good in school or at home because of his mom...

Words: 641 - Pages: 3

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...this world, we grow up for the sole purpose of becoming someone inx life, whether it is for a good or bad cause. I suppose most parents aim to educate their children to be someone good, productive and superb beings. As individuals, we are the major composition in the formation of a society. Seeking religious truth has been a channel through which I try to achieve a better purpose in life. Through learning, teaching and joining the Seventh Day Adventist church and the vegetarianism communities, I gain a moral sense, a peacefulness of mind and a healthier life style. In 2007, when I arrived to the United States of America, my life was without purpose or goals. I had to face the loneliness and the sorrow, because I left part of my family, friends and the one that I love. Once I arrived, Hector my new co-worker and friend, was the one that introduced me to a world with religion. On Christmas Eve of 2008, he gave me my very first Bible. When he placed the Bible in my hands, he said: “This is just a book, filled with paper and letters for some people, but as you begin to believe it will be soon become a treasure.” He wrote for me a sentence, that to this day I still have it in my head. “This is the light that will guide you to happiness, you just need to believe”. A single individual in society especially in this country, welcomes people from all over the world, but with the same dreams and beliefs that pursuit happiness. These were the factors that led me to join the religious...

Words: 1662 - Pages: 7

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To Be Married or to Be Single

...To Be Married or To Be Single? Ortavious Byrd Course COM/155 November 17, 2013 MICHELE ARMENTROUT How does one decide to be single or to be married? Which is truly the best decision? Does marital status determine how stable, successful, or even happy an individual can be? While there are several ways to view life, singles or married. Certain studies show that marital status does have a tremendous effect on the outcome of one’s success, stability, happiness, and sometimes even health. Several studies conclude that married couples generally live longer than singles. Marriage is also a great tradition and ritual in American and several other cultures. Despite these finding, being single is now trending at an all-time high. Today’s fading marital rate, which was at 72 percent in 1970, is now at only 59 percent and desperately needs to be restored. These days, there are not any real pressures to get married. In fact, there are several justifiable reasons not to get married. One of the most glamorous reasons for being single is freedom. Singles have freedom to do whatever, whenever, however, and with whomever one wants. What is there not to like about this portion of the “fabulous single life”. One can also enjoy the opportunity to completely focus on oneself, without the added pressures of a significant...

Words: 1070 - Pages: 5

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What Is Happiness Interview

...definition would be to be being at peace with yourself and being at peace with who you are and where you are emotionally and mentally. Me: What makes you happy in life? Jared: A loud 375 hp Trans am with the top down (chuckling), being with a good woman. Me: Would you consider yourself to be a happy person, why or why not? Jared: No, some things make me happy, but still struggle with inner demons and I think too much most of the time. Me: Do you think you will ever get past your inner demons and be happy again? Jared: Yea, just personal things I have to deal with, my personal demons cannot be fixed, they are in the past and you can’t always change the past. Me: What experiences have influenced your definition of happiness? Jared: No real experiences, it is just what I think happiness is. Me: Has your definition of happiness changed over time? Jared: Yes, ten years ago I was just happy to have another party to go to, but now I see it is more about being at peace with yourself. Me: Do you expect the definition to change again? Jared: I am sure it probably will. The second person I decided to interview was someone I know very well, my Mom. She is 48 years old and she was a single mom of three girls and has since married a wonderful man and made a wonderful like for herself and her children. The interview went as follows…. Me: What is your definition of happiness? Rita: My definition of happiness is being content with your life. Me: What makes you happy in life? Rita: My...

Words: 353 - Pages: 2