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Harriet Tubman A Hero

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Moses of the 1800’s A miraculous hero once said “[M]y people must be free” -Harriet Tubman. Tubman was born into slavery which ignited her desire to free the colored. The “Underground Railroad” became born and led the people to freedom. Her heroic acts weren’t finished, she later became a spy and created a home where runaway slaves could stay. Harriet Tubman may have started her life as an abused slave, but the woman known as Moses determined to become not only a spy, but a hero. As a child, Tubman was having a rocky time being the color she was born with, yet through it all she still had faith as strong as an ox. All hero’s struggle in the beginning and “[P]hysical violence was part of daily life for Tubman and her family”(“Tubman, Harriet”). …show more content…
After succeeding with the “Underground Railroad”, “...she fed, sheltered and nursed any blacks who came to her house for aid”(“Harriet Tubman”). Every black knew Harriet Tubman and they knew she would help them. She cared for her people and wasn’t going to let them starve or die from being wounded. After caring for blacks at her own home for many years, “...she was able to sponsor a home for needy blacks in Auburn” (“Harriet Tubman”). This movement in Harriet Tubman’s career shows a lot about what she stands for. This home was built in 1908 and it still stands today in Auburn where she lived after escaping slavery. She was granted many awards and one includes “...a pension, it was not given to her for her own deeds, but because she was the widow of Nelson Davis, a civil war veteran whom she married in 1868”(“Harriet Tubman”). This is one of the many awards Tubman received while alive. She was honored even after she died. Her husband, Nelson Davis, was her second husband. Her first husband, whom she was forced to marry, refused to go to the North with her and when she came back he had already moved on. Harriet had become a true hero overall even after he works with the “Underground Railroad”. In conclusion, Tubman started low but rose to the challenge and became a hero through determination and faith. As a kid, Harriet Tubman was faced with many challenges, but that didn’t change

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