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He Would Have Caught a Grenade for You but Instead He Died on the Cross for You


Submitted By sutami
Words 557
Pages 3
“He would have caught a grenade for you.
He would have threw his hand on a blade for you .
He would have jump in front of a train for you.
But, instead, He died on the cross for you.” I’m so glad to see this post on my Tumblr account and made this as my wall post on Facebook. These phrases are excerpt from the song “Grenade” by Bruno Mars. The first time I saw it’s music video, Bruno Mars was portraying a man carrying his piano while some people was making fun of him and he will do anything even risking his own life for the woman of his dreams even though she won’t do the same for him. I was actually getting the idea of just what like Jesus Christ did for the mankind. He carried the cross while the soldiers knelt down and pretended to worship Him. They made fun of Him and shouted “Hey, you king of the Jews!” Then they spit on Him. They took the stick from Him and beat Him on the head with it (Mat.27:29-30). He accepted all of these because God loves us and wants us to offer a wonderful plan for our lives and no one can ever do the same just like what He did for all of us. Not one of us could ever earn or deserve God’s love and forgiveness. He gives it free to anyone who will stop trusting in his own good works and will place all his faith in Jesus Christ to save him. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16). You are special to God that He sent His son, Jesus Christ to become man and died on the cross for you. His death and resurrection has not only given us forgiveness of sin and eternal life but also power to live this life on earth. Although we have born in sin, and although we have chosen to go our own way, through the blood of Jesus Christ we are saved – not only from our past, but from the fear of failure in our present and from powerless

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