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He's the Man


Submitted By val2727
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He’s the Man

We were sitting next to the wedding cake, flashing lights and music beats filled the open space under the night sky. As I sat next to my friend Brenda, I reached over and began asking her dad questions about his life, all of which lead to some intriguing stories. Brenda and I have been friends since high school and before this wedding night I had not met her parents. You see, Brenda and I were friends but she was a year older than me and graduated the year before I did, so meeting her family hadn't been an occurrence. He stood over me, a tall man with semi-long hair (for a male at least), with a trimmed mustache and a welcoming personality; He made me feel like I was part of his family, like if our meeting was meant to be. His sense of humor reminded me of the men in my family. He picked on his nieces, nephews, and even his daughters, getting everyone to laugh. And just like in many Hispanic families, he was admired simply for being a man. I enjoyed every minute that I shared with his family being that I had been away from home for almost a month and I wouldn't see my family for another 3.
We started with basic questions like his name, where he grew up, his birthday and things of that sort. Mr. Angel Santos was born in Del Rio, Texas on July 4th. Recounting his childhood, Mr. Santos tells me about one of his favorite childhood memories. “I learned to play music from a blind man. This man thought I was so talented that he one day told my father “Take him home; there is nothing more that I can teach him. He has learned it all.”” With this Mr. Santos then went on to tell me about his passion for music and how he had been part of a band at a young age and would play at a local restaurant and bar called Doc Holidays. With practice he has learned to play the guitar, accordion, drums, and his favorite the piano. Now that he has matured, this family man

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