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Submitted By Seaweedq2
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Pages 2
|Brock Wilson |Rubric Score Scale based on a total of 50 points (=abbreviated pts.) | |
|Score: 50 points | | |
|Category Description |EXCELLENT |GOOD = |NEEDS WORK |UNACCEPTABLE |Assigned Score |
|no# 1 to 5. |(earned points= 10 ) |(earned points= 8 or 6) |(earned points= 4 or 2 points) |(earned points = 1 or 0) |For the designated category |
|Each category is worth 10 points |0 items missing; |1 to 2 items missing |3 - 4 items missing |5 or more items missing | |
|2. TITLE PAGE has due date, course |10 | | | |10 |
|name, Course No# (HIIT 102) project| | | | | |
|name ( = Post “ E-Team Project” | | | | | |
|and the selected topic title) , | | | | | |
|Team No# & team member’s names & | | | | | |
|submission date. | | | | | |
|INTRODUCTION has project purpose, | | | | | |
|goal, approach explanation & the | | | | | |
|responsibilities of each member | | | | | |
|3.IMPLEMENATION OUTLINE of the |10 | | | |10 |
|steps used to complete project in a| | | | | |
|schedule format with dates , | | | | | |
|activity description or discussion | | | | | |
|summary and participating staff | | | | | |
|member’s names for each activity | | | | | |
|4. POWERPOINT HARD COPY |10 | | | |10 |
|---with 3 slides/page & has all | | | | | |
|selected topics mentioned | | | | | |
|----Reference List is at the end | | | | | |
|with designated student’s name in| | | | | |
|title page area | | | | | |
|5. E-Team Project PARTICIPATION | 10 | | | | |
|SCORE and/or BLACKBOARD | | | | |10 |
|Communication) (PRINTED COPIES of |E-Team Member participated|E-Team Member participated and|E-Team Member participated and |E-Team Member participated and | |
|all email communications are in |(100%) and communicated |communicated with team members|communicated with team members |communicated with team members | |
|date order Blackboard group |with team members |(66-99% of the time) from the |(33-65% of the time) from the |(0-32% of the time) from the | |
|discussions indicate participation |continuously from the |start of the E-Team Project |start of the E-Team Project and |start of the E-Team Project and | |
|and timeliness |start of the E-Team |and met 75% of deadlines set |met 50% of deadlines set by the |met 25% of deadlines set by the | |
| |Project and met all |by the team |team |team | |
| |deadlines set by the team | | | | |
|6.**PARTICIPATION PENALTY E-Team |- 0 penalty | | |-0 |
|Project PARTICIPATION SCORE | | | | |
| |(-10 points) |(-11 to -20 points) |(-21 to -30 points) | |
| |E-Team Member did not |E-Team member did not participate until the last 1-2 weeks |Member made little to no | |
| |participate and placed in |before Presentation. (Member non participation will not affect |contribution, despite instructor| |
| |solo group. |the team grading) |comments and continuous team | |
| | | |correspondence | |
|E-Team Report Submitted by the due |Yes submitted on time |Comments: The final version of the E-Team Project Paper & |No. Submitted on: |Yes submitted on time |
|date. | |PowerPoint was submitted on time. | | |
|TOTAL SCORE | | | |50 |

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Mba 5652 Unit 3 Research Artice Analyst

...A. “The Case for diversity in the health care workforce” 1. How directly is the text reviewed in the reading related to the earlier writing? In the primary partially of the reading, the text assessment was not as intimately connected to the preceding writing studied. The initial part of the document was utilized to set the background stricture of the learning and to clarify the essential epidemiology and basis for the reading. The following element of the document was more directly associated with preceding writings assessment. The information covenant unswervingly with the explore matter and the behind writing and referenced commentary dealt entirely with the matter at tender. 2. Is the evaluation current? Are there any exceptional position you identify about that exist absent out? I would think this appraise to be rather current. The facts limited in this explore document and the connected situation commentary date back to 2002 and the editorial was available in 2003. Characteristically published investigate scheme that are 7-10 years old, are careful to be pertinent investigate substance. Found upon the obtainable investigate at the occasion this editorial was available, I have approach to the end that no exceptional mention were absent out. This lesson started in 2001 and was finished and available in 2003. The writer of this document used in order that was obtainable to them as current as 2003. 3. Can you recognize the declaration of the trouble? The declaration...

Words: 7155 - Pages: 29

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Gender Stereotypes In Fashion

...The fashion industry has always challenged stereotypes. When gender norms are challenged, it becomes a hot topic of discussion. The designers of Gucci & Yves Saint Laurent, Alessandro Michele and Hedi Slimane respectively have been dressing lads like lassies (and vice versa) for several seasons. Last month, Louis Vuitton’s designer, Nicolas Ghesquiere, signed up the 17 year old Hollywood actor, Jaden Smith to star in the advertising campaign for their recently launched ‘Series 4’ womenswear collection for Spring-Summer 2016. Jaden Smith has been very proactive in breaking the Gender Barriers in fashion. Not only did he feature in Louis Vuitton’s Advertising campaign for their SS16 womenswear collection, but has also been quite active on social...

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