Premium Essay



Submitted By alexparmar1997
Words 310
Pages 2

This is the questionnaire which I had created in order to get feedback on what went well on my website and also any improvements that people might have suggested I do.

D2 - Improve the effectiveness of a website on the basis of a client review

After I got my feedback from the four people I had asked Karan had said that I should consider increasing the size of the images that I had used so that it could reduce the load time of the website, after I obtained this feedback I had then gone and done this by reducing the size of the images as displayed below:

One bit of feedback that I had got from everyone is in relation to the size of the font because everyone said that I should increase the size of it because it was something which should have been bigger as it was difficult for them to read the text, therefore, after I had got this feedback I had gone back and increased the size of my text as displayed below:


I was also told by everyone that I should consider changing the colour of my text because it strained their eyes or it was hard for them to read because of the conflicting colours, after gaining this feedback I had then made the decision to go back and change the colour of my font to one which I believe is a lot easier to understand and does not strain the eyes, here is the new colour for the text that I had picked:

I have chosen to go for a more turquoise colour for my font because I think that this colour conflicts less in comparison to my old colour, this meant that it was easier to read the information compared to the colour which I had used

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