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Hep C Article


Submitted By Jlmelvin
Words 988
Pages 4
UPMC said today that the reason it shut down its live kidney donor transplant program was that a patient recently received a kidney from a donor who was hepatitis C positive.

The revelation prompted UPMC late Monday to voluntarily suspend the program until a thorough review can be completed by the United Network for Organ Sharing, the agency that oversees the nation's transplant centers.

"We have voluntarily postponed currently scheduled living donor kidney cases until UNOS can complete a review of a situation we discovered in one isolated case, which we self-reported to UNOS," UPMC spokeswoman Jennifer Yates said today in a statement. "The specific case involved a kidney transplant recipient who received a kidney from a donor who was hepatitis C positive. This temporary suspension of the program allows us to thoroughly evaluate our protocols and donor screening processes to reassure our patients that they receive the very highest standards of care. We fully anticipate a resumption of cases in the very near term. We strive for excellence in our clinical care with the well-being of patients as our highest priority."

In addition to UNOS' review, the state Department of Health and the Allegheny County Department of Health are both planning to investigate the error, officials with the state and county said.
How hepatitis A is spread
The hepatitis A virus (HAV) is found in the faeces of someone infected with the virus. It only takes a tiny amount of faeces getting inside another person’s mouth to cause hepatitis A infection. Personal hygiene, such as careful hand washing, can minimise the risk of the virus being passed on.

HAV is a common infection in many parts of the world where sanitation and sewage infrastructure is poor. Often people become infected with HAV by eating or drinking contaminated food or water.

Hepatitis A is also classed as a sexually transmitted disease (STD) because it can be passed on sexually, particularly during activities such as anilingus (rimming). The washing of genital and anal areas before sex, and the use of condoms or dental dams can help to prevent this risk.

Hepatitis A can affect all age groups. Once a person is exposed to the virus it takes between 2 and 6 weeks to produce symptoms.

Signs and symptoms of hepatitis A

It is possible to experience mild or no symptoms whatsoever, but even if this is the case the person’s faeces will still be infectious to others. Many people who become infected with HAV will have symptoms that include:

A short, mild, flu-like illness; nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea; loss of appetite; weight loss; jaundice (yellow skin and whites of eyes, darker yellow urine and pale faeces); itchy skin; abdominal pain.
The infection usually clears in up to 2 months, but may occasionally recur or persist longer in some people. Once a person has been infected and their body has fought off the virus they are permanently immune. Occasionally symptoms may be severe and require monitoring in hospital.

There are rarely any complications with hepatitis A infection. Permanent damage to the liver is very unlikely, but in extremely rare cases the infection can be fatal, particularly in older people.

Where to go for help
If you have any symptoms or you are worried you may have been infected with hepatitis A, you should discuss your worries with a doctor. They may be able to run tests themselves, or else will refer you to someone who can.

Some countries have specific sexual health clinics that can help you directly. Check our help and advice page or your local telephone directory to see if you have a clinic near you.

What does a positive test result mean?
HAV is tested for using a blood test. A positive test result means the patient has either had a past infection or is currently infected. The type of antibody detected in the test will indicate whether the infection is current or has been cleared. A patient who tests positive may be asked about recent contacts and sexual partners that may need to be tested too. A patient who has already had the infection and fought it off is naturally immune to HAV.

What does a negative test result mean?
A negative test result means the patient is not infected with Hepatitis A. If the patient is believed to be at high or ongoing risk of infection, a doctor may advise immunisation.

Treatment for hepatitis A

There is no specific treatment for HAV and most people fight off the virus naturally, returning to full health within a couple of months. The doctor will advise avoiding alcohol and fatty foods as these can be hard for the liver to process and may exacerbate the inflammation.

Patients should get plenty of rest and eat a nutritious diet. They should also ensure they do not spread HAV by washing their hands after using the toilet and before preparing food. Patients with more severe symptoms may be monitored in hospital for a short period.

Hepatitis A immunisation
Hepatitis A immunisation is given in a series of injections. The first single injection in the arm gives protection for a year. The second booster injection at 6 to 12 months extends protection for up to 10 years.

The hepatitis A vaccine may be routinely recommended for young children living in areas with high incidence of hepatitis A, and anyone travelling to countries where hepatitis A is endemic. In addition, immunisation may be recommended for people whose sexual practices are likely to put them at risk.

Immunisation may also be recommended to prevent hepatitis A developing if a person suspects they have been exposed to the virus.

Someone who is infected with hepatitis A should limit the amount of alcohol they drink. Their doctor may also offer dietary advice.

The doctor will advise about any precautions necessary to avoid infecting others with the virus.

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