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Hermes In Greek Mythology

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Although the Gods are powerful and immortal they still need messengers to carry out their tasks for them. Hermes is the most famous messenger to the gods, particularly his father, Zeus. Although Hermes may not be a major god, he is still the god of travelers, merchants and unexpected riches. Hermes can also be associated with fertility. Along with these, he also guides souls to the underworld, is the protector of tricksters and thieves, has the power to send refreshing sleep as well as take it away. Hermes is also credited with invented, “the art of fighting, gymnastics, the cultivation of the olive tree, measures, weights, the alphabet, numbers, astronomy and music” (“Hermes”). Although Hermes may not be the most famous god and the other gods gave the orders, Hermes carried out the actual deeds. …show more content…
“When he was exploring he came across a turtle, which he killed and took out of its shell. He took the shell, drew strings across it and invented the lyre and plectrum, which is known more commonly today as a pick” (Phillips). After this, he went to Piera, stole eleven oxen, and put on a pair of sandals so he would not leave footprints. He then went to Pylos where sacrificed two of the oxen to the twelve gods, and is called the inventor of divine sacrifice and worship. Apollo realized that the oxen were gone and went to Maia’s to get them back. Apollo, seeing Hermes in his cradle, blamed him and then Zeus demanded that he give the oxen back. Hermes claimed that it wasn’t him, but when he saw nobody had believed him, he took Apollo to his oxen in Pylos. Apollo was going to take his oxen back until he heard Hermes playing the lyre and loved the sound so much he let Hermes keep the oxen. Hermes by then had also invented the syrinx, now called a pan flute. He shared his new invention with Apollo, and the two gods became close friends from that point

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