Premium Essay

Heroism In Elie Wiesel's Night

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Pages 3
Flying fiercely across the sky, cape rippling behind, tightly clasped fist outstretched ahead, and a broad-shouldered, square-jawed face gazing down upon a helpless metropolis – this is the vision that is most often connected with the word “hero.” This iconic symbol is ingrained into the minds of toddlers all over the world, and it continues to capture the awe of movie-goers today. While this may be entertaining and certainly enjoyable, it breeds a false idea about what being heroic means. Heroes do not always have supernatural powers; they may not even aspire to fight evil. A hero is someone who faces the worst of what life has to offer but takes a chance – a brief moment of courage. Whether in realistic tragedies, comical science fiction, or in supernatural TV thrillers, heroes are just ordinary people who go out on a limb to do what is right. Elie Wiesel was only fifteen when he was taken to Auschwitz, one of the most horrific concentration camps of the Holocaust. In his memoir, Night, he tells of the dark and sadistic mistreatment of the Jews imprisoned in the camp. Among endless other tales of heroism, one man, who is not even named in the book, shows courage in a simple way that makes a huge impact on Wiesel. When they first arrive at the camp, this unnamed man secretly advises Wiesel and his father to lie about …show more content…
One of the most heroic characters in the show is Mike Wheeler, a young boy whose best friend has disappeared under foul circumstances. Mike is just a regular Dungeons and Dragons geek plotting to overthrow the Demogorgon in his basement, but he transforms into a fearless crusader as he leads his group of rag-tag friends on a journey to try to find his missing friend. He is not someone who would normally be thought of as a hero, but his bravery in difficult times propels him into hero

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