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His145 Week 2 Matrix


Submitted By broncosfann
Words 388
Pages 2
University of Phoenix Material

Modern America Matrix Week 2

Week 2: 1960s Part One

Kennedy’s Presidency

From the following list, choose five events from the 1960s. Identify the basic facts, dates, and purpose of the event in 2 to 3 sentences in the Identify column. Include why the event is significant in the Significance column, and add a reference for your material in the Reference column.

• Domestic Reforms • Tariff Reductions • Tax Cuts to Spur Growth • The Age of Camelot • The Peace Corps • Space Exploration • The Alliance for Progress • The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 • The Equal Pay Act of 1963 • Marilyn Monroe • Jacqueline Kennedy • JFK’s Assassination

|Event |Identify |Significance |Reference |
|Marilyn Monroe |She was a Movie Star and had an |At the Time she was involved Joe | |
| |affair with JFK in 1961 and 1962, |Dimaggio and was also the biggest and | |
| |also with Bobby Kennedy. Sang her |highest paid movie stars, she attracted| |
| |Famous Happy Birthday song in 1962 |a lot of attention wherever she went | |
|JFK Assassination |November 22, 1963 JFK was riding in a|He was arguably at the time the most | |
| |car in downtown Dallas, Texas and he |influential President that had ever | |
| |was campaigning for his next Term as |taken office. He also had both parties | |
| |President. |on his side and ran country effectively| |
|Jacqueline Kennedy |She was born in 1929 and was first |She was an accomplished writer and was | |
| |lady in 1961 and was one of the |firs lady for only 18 months but had | |
| |youngest first ladies |influence on many world issues and made| |
| | |kids a priority | |
|Tas Cuts To Spur |JFK signs a bill in 1961 to cut |After JFK death his tax cut bill did | |
|Growth |taxes. Business tax in 1962 and |spike the economy a 48% increase | |
| |personal taxes in 1964 |between 1961 to 1969 more growth than | |
| | |ever in history. | |
|Space Exploration |JFK had a challenge to congress to |We landed on the moon in 1969 and sent | |
| |fund the space program and beat the |men in orbit around the earth in 1962 | |
| |Russians and put a man on the moon |and 1963 which was first for any cou | |
| |and have a man orbit earth |ntry on both accomplishments | |

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