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Hispanic American Diversity


Submitted By diana4585
Words 1169
Pages 5
Most Mexican Americans speak informal Spanish and English as there languages. If they are bilingual which most Mexican Americans are, bilingual is really good for the country. What most Americans think is that English is not a hard language to learn but in fact it is one of the hardest language to learn and we should respect Mexicans for trying to learn English. Americans fear that any government recognition of minority languages sends the wrong message to immigrants, encouraging them to believe they can live in the U.S.A. without learning English or conforming to "American" ways. Bilingual education and politics and how some people think it is not a good idea to teach kids. It's still a bad idea for the country because bilingualism threatens to sap our sense of national identity and divide us along ethnic lines. The National Association for Bilingual Education is the only national professional organization devoted to representing Bilingual Learners and Bilingual Education professionals. The government really needs more people to be bilingual there are more and more immigrants coming over to the United States they like to live in our country and sometimes they do not know English and they might be to old to learn anything new. Which is why when they bring their kids over to the United States with them, they need to put them in classes to learn English. If they do not already know how to speak it or it would be hard for that child to make it in the world by himself. Legal and illegal emigration from Mexico to the United States, day laborers crossing the border regularly to go to jobs in the United States, the implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the exchange of media across the border all make the notion of separate Mexican and U.S. cultures obsolete in the borderlands. The economic position of the borderlands is complex in terms of

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