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Historical Development of Nursing


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Historical Development of Nursing
Valerie Spalding
Theoretical Foundations of Practice NUR 513
May 31, 2014
Dr. Noura Kassis

Historical Development of Nursing The development of nursing has made giant leaps throughout the last century. Starting with Florence Nightingale, the history of nursing will be discussed. A few significant events, theories and theorists will be depicted. In addition, the relationship between nursing science and the profession will be described. Moreover, the influences on nursing science of other disciplines will be mentioned. Because nursing has a plethora of history and events, a few momentous historical events will be referenced.
Theorists, Theories and History Theory as defined in Taber’s (2013), is a statement that best explains all the available evidence on a given topic. In 1859, Florence Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing that concentrates on the manipulation of the environment for the interest of the patient is recognized as the first nursing theory (George, 2011). Although more defined, so many of her notes are used in nursing practice today. “Every nurse ought to be careful to wash her hands very frequently during the day” p.20 (Nightingale, 1860 & Lim, 2010). Today, the World Health Organization and Center for Disease Control have strict guidelines for hand washing in nursing practice. In addition, Nightingale’s work corroborates the transformation of nursing from the perception of one with no professional knowledge tending to individuals with health issues, to providing competent healing practices for the total person that is supported by facts and evidence (Burge, Sullivan, & Cox, 2012). Nightingale helped define nursing as a science. At the turn of the 20th century, prominent

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