Premium Essay

Historical Events


Submitted By efgame9
Words 1766
Pages 8
After many centuries of relatively stable existence, the teaching profession has changed dramatically in the past 150 years, beginning with the development of the free public school, or common school. Whereas for most of Western history teachers were chosen for their content knowledge, teachers today must demonstrate competency in not just their subject matter but also in child psychology, pedagogical techniques, and a number of other skills. “Throughout history all societies have engaged in some form of education of their youth. In” the absence of any written language this was informal, oral, and directed at the transmission of cultural values, practices and language and preparation for survival and adulthood in that particular culture and environment. With the development of written language and numeracy came the need for more formal instruction in their use” (, 96). This paper will compared and contrast the recorded views of principals across the 1960s, 1980s, and the 2000s, as well as the philosophy of education that best aligns to each principal, the primary issues and concerns expressed by the principal and what would be the observations of each of the principals if they were sitting in the back of a classroom today.
Americans in the 1960s became aware that the nation was suffering from a shortage of citizens whose education and training were sufficient to meet the technological challenges of modern society. The gap between the learning needs of the country and the capacity of the American educational system to meet those needs was at a crisis point at the beginning of the decade, and the resulting demands for more and better education forced reassessment of every segment of the teaching learning process. The 1960s were also dominated by concerns for equality of opportunity. A new concern for civil rights, and efforts to meet the needs of children,

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