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History of Global Warming


Submitted By patriots1
Words 408
Pages 2
Global Warming Global warming started long before, almost 18,000 years ago. As the earth started warming its way out of the Pleistocene Ice Age. A time when north America, Europe, and Asia laid beneath great sheets of glacial ice. Global warming is the effect of climate changes taking place in the earths ecosystem or a gradual increase in the earths surface temperature. This will change world wide weather patterns leading to droughts and flooding in some areas. Many think global warming is a man made but its really a natural made cause. Another natural cause is a release of methane gas from arctic tundra and wetlands. Methane is a greenhouse effect gas. Methane is a product of microbial fermentation reactions that is released from environments. This gas if for a purpose in global warming’s natural causes. Greenhouse gas is a gas that traps heat in the earth’s atmosphere. Shorter wavelength radiation from the sun passes through the earth’s atmosphere and it is then absorbed by the surface of the earth causing it to warm. Large amounts of methane entering the atmosphere could lead to abrupt changes in the climate that could be irreversible. Methane has about 20 times the heat trap effect of an amount of carbon dioxide (CO2). If we continue to pollute the air with methane gases and don't do anything about it, then the average global temperature will rise and there will be many consequences. Warming expands ocean water and may melt some glaciers. The sea level could rise one foot in the next 35 years and two in the next 100.Hurricanes, tornadoes and other extreme storms may become more frequent. Centers of large continents, such as the U.S. Great Plains, may be drier even if the overall world rainfall increases somewhat. Heat waves may be more common. Movement of just 1 percent of a future population of 6 billion people due to higher sea level, drought, or other

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