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History of Modern Psychology


Submitted By joshjohn8
Words 728
Pages 3
The History of Modern Psychology


Psychology is not something that came about over night. Through the years and centuries psychology has grown from simple ideals of philosophers into its own kind of science. There are not a lot of people who know very much about when psychology and philosophy first came together, which was during this century, “a period that to a large extent defined the philosophical-methodological distinctiveness of our psychological science in comparison to world psychology” (Abul'khanova & Slavskaia, 2007,p. 1). This paper will look at the early philosophers and the beginning of psychology. I will also research psychology and its development into a real science.

One of the early philosophers was Plato, “Plato is one of the founding fathers of philosophy and has had a massive impact on the history of western thought” (In Great Thinkers A-Z, 2004, p. 1). Another early philosopher was Descartes, he believed that by using your own abilities to reason then the truth will come out (Goodwin, 2008). “Descartes identified the ‘thinking thing’ or mind, with the human soul or consciousness; the body, though somehow interacting with the soul, was a physical machine, secondary to, and in principle separable from, the soul” (The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide, 2009, p. 1). For centuries philosophers and psychologist have tried to figure out what the connection between the mind and body is and they have also tried to find out if the mind and body can function on their own their own.

One of the western philosophers was John Locke. Lock was important to psychology because of ideas he expressed in two of his books, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding and Some Thoughts Concerning Education. The first one explains his thoughts on how knowledge is received, and on how we

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