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History of Security


Submitted By jreric30
Words 724
Pages 3
History of Security:
The Historical Development
University of Maryland University College

Eric Lorenzo Hall Jr.
Professor Maurice Hicks
Criminal Justice 345

Since the beginning of our existence, humans have sought safety and security through our natural instincts to survive. The moment our ancestors figured out there was a there was always going to be good versus evil it became a need for private security. The security industry of today is simply a modern version of security set to protect each other from harm. Since its humble origins in Ancient Egypt on through to the recent events of our post 9/11 world mankind continues to need the industries of private security.

Private security industry in the United States can be traced back to the mid nineteenth century, when knights protected lords and ladies. Over the years the role of private security has changed, from its simplest form of protecting people, property, and information to a more complex form. Now there are more individuals and businesses that provide services to clientele to protect their persons, their private property, or their interests from various hazards. Early in its existence training for private security was non-existent, over the years training has evolved and with that evolution came strict standards and guidelines.

Several factors have led to this growth in the private security industry. One factor is a growth in the population, which will lead to more people to control. Another factor is an increased development in technology, where records are more spread out and accessible by more and can be used in ways not previously able. In the more developed countries, the expendable income has increased and people or companies have security on levels from personal to corporate where they might not if income was not so large. Lastly, because people have morally declined and then

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