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History of Tom Shoes


Submitted By wannneee
Words 298
Pages 2
TOMS Shoes was inspired by a trip to Argentina where Blake Mycoskie saw extreme poverty and health conditions, as well as children walking without shoes. He also noticed that the traditional Argentine alpargata shoe as a simple canvas become apparent as he began seeing it at everywhere whether in cities, farm or even in night club. After discovering the lack of shoes is one of the problem in Argentina, he decide to produce a kind of alpargata for US market with concept for every pair of shoes sold, a pair of shoe free will donate to needy children in developing countries.
Mycoskie run his business with concept ‘one for one’- for every pair of shoe sold, a new pair will give away to the shoeless youth around the world. This business model also have dubbed as ‘philanthropic capitalism’. The countries to which the free product are sent have included Argentina, Ethiopia, Haiti, Rwanda and so on. The company uses word-of-mouth strategy for generated its sales, focus on corporate social responsibility.
During the first year in business, TOMS sold 10,000 pairs of shoes and since 2006, the company has donated more than 150,000 pairs of shoes to children around the world. The company was self-financed, as Mycoskie sold his online driver education company to support the shoe company’s budgeting. The name TOMS Shoes inspired by concept ‘shoes for tomorrow’.

TOMS Shoes become famous when Mycoskie make a deal with owner of smaller local store and they could sell both the shoe and the stories. A few months later, the New York Times heard of Mycoskie’s story and interviewed him. The Article about TOMS Shoes was printed and not long after that, the company receive an order many pairs of

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