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Hook Up Or Something More By Marlla Fontoura Summary

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Pages 3
Figuring out where you stand with someone can be confusing. You may wonder if the other person really likes you, and wants to keep seeing you and you both possibly evolve in a relationship, or if you are just a simple hookup. The article “Hookup Or Something More” by Marla Fontoura explained how a person could determine whether or not they are a simple continuous hookup, or could the person want something more with you. Fontoura stated that most hookups are involved with young people and alcohol. Hookups are also more private, and there are no strings attached. Dating consists of going out in public places, and getting to know someone on a more personal respective level. I believe Fontoura has strongly increased my belief that there is a significant difference between dating and hooking up.
As stated by Fontoura, a person should start looking for the signs that will answer their question on whether or not they are a hookup or possibly something more serious. By knowing the differences between both, will help. As stated before, hooking up consists of casual sex, with no strings attached. While dating consists of getting to know each other more, and going out on public dates. This process happens a few times …show more content…
They both have an understanding that they may want to get to know each other more before anything sexual happens. When minds think like this, there is a bigger chance for a relationship in the end. Dating consists of going out with a person to public places. Whether it’s dinner, movies, bowling, or even a walk in the park. Each time each person is getting to know that person on a personal level. Not like hooking up, when you’re there to just do what you said you came to do, and then leave. You can also tell if a person if quite into you when you may be invited to family gatherings, or meeting his friends. As stated by Fontoura “You’re not really dating, until you meet the

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