Premium Essay

How Culture Affects the Work Place


Submitted By safiyyajay
Words 1755
Pages 8
University of Westminster
Westminster Business School

Module code and title: BBUS 404 Behavioural Aspect of International Business


Student Name: Saffia Jarju Student ID number: w1543258

Seminar leader name: Dr Lisa Matthewman

Word Count: 1490

Date: 05/11/2015

‘A Marketing team from Company X a French Company, consists of members from different European countries. The team is working on a marketing campaign for a new product for the U.S. That is manufactured in China’

This essay touches on how people's culture and having a understanding of organisational behaviour theory’s and research help this campaign and have an impact at the work place. This will be shown through a marketing team from company X. In order for this campaign to be successful. They need to know the differences between their cultures. Psychologist Hofstede defines ‘culture’ as a set of unwritten rules of behaviour that set out what a particular group expects its members to do and believe’( Small,2015). Furthermore, culture is also the characteristics and understanding of a particular group of people defined by everything from language, religion, social habits etc. (, 2015). Moreover understanding organisational behaviour is critical due to the reason that organisational examination of a company can be a useful way for members genet to recognise difficulties or disorganisations that have arisen, but have not yet been spoken on, thus change tactics for dealing with them’(,2015).

As we can see in company X the main countries are France, China, U.S and other European countries all the countries have different or certain similarities when it comes to culture such as their views, norms, languages and other things that define culture. Moreover, factually the French culture was initially

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