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How Did Elizabeth Blackwell Contribute To American Society

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“If society will not admit of woman's free development, then society must be remodeled.” Elizabeth Blackwell has contributed greatly to American Society. Her intelligence and determination has allowed her to take a leap of faith for women and become the first women´s doctor. Blackwell showed a lot of perseverance when it came to being accepted into medical school. All of her hard work and dedication eventually led her in the direction to becoming the first female doctor. Blackwell was one of the most inspiring figures during the eighteenth century, as she was the turning point in history for women and their health by opening clinics in which only women could attend.
The medical field has always been the career to spark Elizabeth Blackwells …show more content…
With this being said, she opened clinics for just women to attend with all female doctors. She changed the course of modern medicine, founding hospitals and medical colleges for women in the United States and England (AWH). Women started to feel more comfortable and equal when Blackwell opened her clinics for women. Lots of women attended these clinics, hospitals and medical colleges, and many women were trained for these positions. When Elizabeth´s father passed away, his daughters opened a young ladies boarding school to provide for their family (AWH). After her father died, there was not much of an income coming in, because the father worked to make money to live on. With this being said, the daughters had to figure something out quickly. They decided to open up a boarding school, which also brought income to their house so they could live. Elizabeth returned to the United States in 1859 and resumed her work. Her and her sister moved into bigger and better quarters in 1860 (GALE). By doing this with her sister, it allowed her to bring in an income to help support her family and it also allowed her take a step further doing what she loves to do, which is help

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