Premium Essay

How Did Gallipoli's Impact On Australia

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How the Anzac legend began, what impact has it had on Australian society and how the Gallipoli campaign contributed to the development of Australia and its people. To explain how the Gallipoli campaign impacted on Australia we need to also understand how we ended up at Anzac Cove. Australia was federated in 1901; under an Australian Flag the newly formed Federation committed its support to the British Empire. On August 4th 1914 Britain declared war on Germany and Australia entered the war soon after on September 11th 1914.

The war was entered with great enthusiasm by Australia (as it was allied with many countries). The Australians went to Gallipoli thinking that they couldn’t let their chance for adventure go by and signed up they also went with the intention to avoid the disapproval of friends and family. Some women showed their disapproval of men who were not in uniform by giving them a white feather as a symbol of cowardliness they also needed the extra wages as the pay (six shillings) was quiet a lot of money for them. Then on 25 April 1915 when the Anzacs landed at soon to be named Anzac Cove. Incredibly steep terrain and an aggressive Turkish defence interrupted and slowed their advance. They were soon stopped by the Turks who surrounded both beachheads with their trenches. …show more content…
The conditions that the soldiers experienced tested them by the middle of the year, the weather had become hot and there were plagues of disease-carrying flies and fleas. Supply ships brought in water from Egypt, but there was never enough to keep everyone going, later in the year soldiers had to endure the mud, ice and freezing temperatures, bodies lay rotting in no man’s land, it was nearly impossible to keep clean and dry, toilets were open pit, wounded men lay for hours waiting for medical attention, during some weeks nearly 20% of the soldiers were sick from diseases from the poor conditions and

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