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How Did Women's Clothing Change Throughout The 20th Century

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The 20th century experienced many different appearance changes throughout the century. The century began with modesty and ended with a more risqué society. This change in morals changed the way humans presented ourselves in the last century. Women’s fashion, makeup, and hair changed throughout the century based on various factors. In the 1900’s to the 1920’s, women’s clothing changed. For the first time, women’s skirts came above the ankle (Fashion Forward). Less fabric was used than in previous centuries. Dresses gradually showed less of a woman’s bust and began to become a straight line (Fashion Forward). Trail, busts, corsets, and hoop skirts were removed from fashion and each year skirts became shorter (Fashion Forward). Women began to experiment with bold prints and colors as time went on (Fashion Forward). Makeup was not worn during this time. Hair was often worn in hats or in styles like Gibson’s Girl and buns (Adventures of the Reluctant Housewife: Popular Hairstyles of the 20th Century). …show more content…
Women’s clothing became more modern; women abandoned traditional fashion statements. Skirts began to rise to the knee while women began to show their arms and busts (Fashion Forward). For the first time, women began wearing pants (Fashion Forward). Couche hats became popular and dresses were made to fit tight to show youth and the female body (Fashion Forward). The bob was the most famous hairstyle of the 1920’s whereas blonde was the most popular color (20th CENTURY HAIRSTYLES-Los Angeles Lawyers and Movie Stars). Makeup in the twenties was dramatic. Eyes were dark with eyeshadow or kohl and enhanced with mascara (History of Makeup). Red lipstick was applied outside of the natural lip area (History of Makeup). Blush was applied in a circular area on the majority of the face (History of

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