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How Do Businesses Deal with Bad Publicity?


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How do businesses deal with bad publicity?

Companies and brands work tirelessly to build a strong image and protect the reputation of what that entity represents. Even the most guarded company and/or brand can make mistakes that lead to bad press. Something unexpected has happened and an organization is involved. The media has shown up on one’s doorstep looking for an answer, a response, some sort of comment. Is everyone’s organization ready to deal with bad publicity?
Ethical conduct in business and government is one preventive measure that reduces bad publicity. Anyone who lies creates false records, or who knowingly uses defective materials is creating a potential disaster. The best defense against this type of disaster is to follow ethical standards of behavior. Depending on the nature of a business and the number of people it employs, the organization could face an unexpected public relations crisis such as: 1. An unpopular policy needing to be quickly reversed 2. An unsatisfied customer complaining to the media 3. A disgruntled former employee revealing trade secrets and other inner workings of an organization. 4. A company experiencing a service interruption or blackout that angers thousands of users 5. A human rights complaint being filed against an organization or an employee of that organization. 6. A lawsuit 7. An employee being arrested and charged with a serious crime
The first thing one need to do once they realize that something has gone wrong, is to start working on fixing the actual problem itself, not the bad publicity it has generated. Hopefully they were alerted to the problem before the media started calling for a response. (There is nothing worse than finding out that a client, customer or former employee has gone to the media to complain about one’s organization without letting them know.) Ideally an

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