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How Does Santiago Kill The Marlin

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The Old Man and the Sea is a novella written by Ernest Hemingway, a Pulitzer and Nobel Prize winning American author and journalist. Hemingway volunteered in three wars throughout his lifetime- the Spanish Civil War and American World Wars I and II. After surviving two consecutive plane crashes, though with permanent pain and injuries, Hemingway committed suicide in 1961, having lived for sixty-one years. His book The Old Man and the Sea is the story of an epic battle between an aged but seasoned fisherman and the biggest catch of his entire life- a 1,000 pound marlin set on the coasts of Cuba. After going eighty-four days without making a single catch, Santiago sets out on the 85th day on a three day long fishing trip where his endurance, …show more content…
During this time, Santiago develops a deep sense of empathy for the marlin, his brother in strength, suffering, and resolve, as the readers also get to explore some of Santiago’s flashbacks to when he was younger and more fit. Finally on the third day, the marlin tires and follows the current east. In a state of sleep- deprivation induced delirium, Santiago manages to kill the marlin with a harpoon thrust. However, the scent of the dead marlin attracts a countless number of sharks who continuously attack the marlin. When Santiago reaches home, the marlin is completely gone, eaten by the sharks. Only its great skeleton remained. In writing this story, Ernest Hemingway portrays a clear message- the source to greatness is simple yet dangerous- pride and determination. This theme can be proven through an analysis of three characters in the book- Santiago, the marlin, and even the African American man with whom Santiago arm- wrestled …show more content…
Both men held a tie for one day and one night, until finally, Santiago won the tournament. However, the African- American man never, during that twenty four hour tournament, accepted defeat. While it is true that he lost to one man- Santiago, his pride nevers lets him accept defeat. “But man is not made for defeat," he said. "A man can be destroyed but not defeated,” Santiago states during his fishing trip. This can apply heavily to the African- American man’s situation here. His pride could not stop him from losing to Santiago in the arm-wrestling tournament, however it did stop him from truly accepting defeat. Like said in the passage above the African- American man was destroyed, but never

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