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. How Has Management’s Attitude Toward Human Resources Changed in the Past Couple of Decades?


Submitted By lisawllngbr
Words 580
Pages 3
Lisa Raymond
April 12, 2014
Comm 350

Discuss different theories of organization from and objectivist-subjectivist point of view. In other words, which theories view organizations from an objectivist point of view? Which theories view organizations from a subjectivist point of view? According to the book, Organizational Communication, by R. Wayne Pace and Don F. Faules, Classical Structural Theory views organizations from an objectivist point of view, which is in favor of the position than person working within it. Contemporary Theory from a subjectivist point of view focuses on the individual as appose of the position. Classical structural theory from an objectivist point of view focuses on distinctive characteristics of formal organizations; popularly called bureaucracies. To clarify the characteristics of a formal organization, we shall present ideas derived from the writings of Max Weber (1947).
Max Weber felt that ideally bureaucratized organizations suggest the following ten features: position, official duties, authority, hierarchical order, rules and regulations, procedures, discipline, separate private and organizational lives, technical qualifications, and security in the position. These characteristics lead toward rational decision-making and administrative efficiency. Experts with much experience are qualified to make technical decisions. Disciplined performance governed by abstract rules, regulations, or policies and coordinated by hierarchical authority fosters a rational and consistent pursuit of organizational goals.
Based on an objectivist point of view believes that the language of classical structural theory is “thoughtful planning, data-based decision making, forceful leadership, responsible action, accountability, responsiveness, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness sound so right and righteous that it is hard to entertain

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