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How Is Courage Shown In Macbeth

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There are an expanding variety of themes portrayed in Macbeth, ambition is one of the main themes, it essentially conveys how morality is turned upside down. The main idea is that Macbeth's ambition leads to his own destruction. Initially Macbeth- General of the army and a loyal servant to his king was returning home from battle with Banquo, they come across three witches who state that Macbeth will be made king and so will Banquo's children. They both think that the predictions are absolute crap. However, when Macbeth returns to Cawdor, he is suddenly made thane, which then arouses his lust for power and spikes his ambition, he instantly goes on to murder King Duncan along with the temptation of Lady Macbeth. This creates regret because she …show more content…
Originally, bravery is required to commence in battles and activities that include a danger, bravery introduces loyalty due to the fact that a brave man receives loyalty and is also loyal. On the other hand, if bravery did not exist in the play Macbeth, the story would not progress for Macbeth would not have the courage to gain Duncan's trust and become Thane of Cawdor. In summary, the variety of themes shown in Macbeth eventually leads to his death, Bravery leads to loyalty, loyalty leads to success, and in this case success leads to ambition/greed, and this results in Macbeth's …show more content…
Essentially, supernatural is defined as a force beyond scientific understanding, related to this is paranormal which is a supernatural event that takes place. In Macbeth we see several supernatural events happen like when Macbeth starts to hallucinate and see a dagger before thee, another may include when Macbeth visualises a spirit of Malcolm sitting right in his chair, this is scary and this is the happenings of someone who is paranoid because of all the guilt they have on there shoulders. In summary, there is paranormal activity in Macbeth because of how common it was in the Elizabethan Era witches and ghosts were very

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