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How Playdoh Changed My Life

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Playdoh…a child can stretch it, combine it, and shape it into anything it wants it to be. If you think about it, everyone is like playdoh because every individual is shaped by their environment and upbringing. If I could choose the experiences that shaped the way I am today then I would choose two; my mom abandoning me and when my high school counselor laughed at the idea of me going to college. Although said experiences were heart wrecking at the time, I am thankful I experienced them because I learned three of the most valuable lessons: resilience, perseverance, and determination, all which are required for me to become an attorney and help uplift my community. My learning experience began in July 2008 when my mom and I arrived at our destination, the Tijuana International Airport. My mom told me that “we are going on vacation.” After waiting for about 20 minutes my uncle showed up. He and my mom had a 10-minute conversation then my mom said, “I need to go to the restroom.” My mom told me to stay with my uncle. However, my uncle began walking and so I began to follow. We left the airport “because we needed to go to another terminal.” After a 15-minute drive, I saw a sign that said “U.S.A.” and I asked my uncle what was happening and he said, …show more content…
My intuition dictated that I needed an education, therefore I decided to enroll at the local junior college. While at junior college I noticed that nothing much had changed: students got caught up in socioeconomic problems that prevented them from obtaining an education. However, this did not stop me from continuing my education and eventually transferring to the University of California, Davis, thus teaching me what determination

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