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How to Make Scramble Egg


Submitted By chie0320
Words 383
Pages 2
How to Make Scrambled Eggs
* 2 eggs per person * Salt and pepper (optional) * Butter * Cheddar cheese (optional) * Milk (optional)
Prepare the eggs. Break two eggs per person into a bowl or jug. Add one tablespoon of milk, water, or sour cream per egg if you prefer a more tender moist dish; adding liquid to the eggs means the dish is less likely to turn out tough or rubbery.
Mix well until the color and texture are uniform throughout. Add salt and pepper to season, if desired.
Select the right sized pan for the number of eggs you will scramble. Two eggs will require a very small pan, while a dozen eggs requires a much larger one.
Heat a pat of butter (2 teaspoons), bacon grease or oil in a frying pan. Move the pan by its handle, so that the melted fat glides around the surface and coats the entire pan.
Flick some tap water onto the skillet from your fingertips to test the heat. When small droplets sizzle and evaporate, the pan is just hot enough to pour in the egg mixture. Continue to whisk as you pour the egg mixture into the pan. Set the burner on low.
Watch that as the eggs start to cook, the mixture solidifies. As soon as this starts happening, move the mixture around the pan with a spatula to scrape the cooked eggs from the bottom to the top of the mixture and expose the still-wet portions to the heat. This keeps the eggs from developing a leathery brown skin on the bottom.
Look to see if your eggs are almost cooked; when they are, take them off the heat, as the hot pan will continue to cook them. If you prefer drier-textured eggs, leave them on the heat as required. Your eggs are done after there's no liquid of any kind left in the skillet. Remove your eggs from the pan before they lose their moist appearance.You can also add strips of cheese to the eggs to get a more vibrant flavor out of them. Make sure to add cheese

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