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How to Not Procrastinate


Submitted By megandaguiar12
Words 1310
Pages 6
Major Essay 1
ENC 1101
October 14, 2014
1275 words

How to Not Procrastinate

Perfectionism and procrastination go together like peanut butter and jelly. By people expecting too much of themselves, they tend to become scared of writing and the essay not meeting their expectations and therefore procrastinating until the last minute. Although many more elements come into play, priorities and organizational skills are a big role in the way you may procrastinate. Many people may just need help in the organization department in order to not procrastinate and others may need help dealing with many more issues they have with the issue of procrastination.
I believe in order to help prevent or totally eradicate procrastination from your work method; you must first look at yourself. Are you struggling with confidence or is it simply that you are too much of a perfectionist and nothing you seem to write is up to par? Well, the first step would be to stop over thinking everything you decide to put down on paper; it probably isn’t as bad as you think it is. When you stop over thinking, writing will come a lot easier and less forced than before and you may feel that you don't have to wait until the last minute to write your assignments. Also, with putting less pressure on yourself and constantly forcing yourself to rewrite the assignment over and over again; you’ll feel the weight of an elephant being lifted off your chest.
Good organizational skills have been taught to you since you were a young child, for instance, making sure your toys or other objects were put away properly, but somehow most of us lost this skill long ago, or seemed to put it in the back of our minds. By having good organizational skills you are able to make sure you actually have time to put aside for your writing assignment and other activities that are involved with your daily

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