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Hr 6000 Final


Submitted By yangm4a136
Words 1973
Pages 8
Question 1 Japan's NEC and U.S. based AT&T most likely formed a strategic alliance in order to ________.
| | reduce political and cultural risks | | | avoid licensing requirements | | | access new technology and new markets | | | develop a mutually useful infrastructure |
2 points
Question 2 A firm that uses an international division structure may experience conflict among all of its divisions because ________.
| | the structure type is not very efficient | | | the international division fails to respond to cultural differences | | | more resources tend to be provided to the international division | | | fewer resources tend to be provided to the international division |
2 points
Question 3 A global firm's success or failure is increasingly dependent upon ________, which cannot be duplicated.
| | human resources | | | raw materials | | | Technology | | | Capital |
2 points
Question 4 A global leader's role is an interaction of which two sets of variables?
| | content and context | | | cultural and societal | | | internal and external | | | personal and professional |
2 points
Question 5 A merit-based reward system would be ineffective in Taiwan because such a system would most likely ________.
| | disturb workplace harmony | | | embarrass senior employees | | | conflict with political norms | | | elevate line supervisors |
2 points
Question 6 A specific strategy that treats the world as one market by using a standardized approach to products and markets is called ________.
| | Globalization | | | Rationalization | | | Differentiation | | | Integration |
2 points
Question 7 A state of disorientation and anxiety that results from not knowing how to behave in an unfamiliar culture is called ________.
| | culture shock | | | Assimilation | | | cultural contingency | | | Integration |
2 points
Question 8 A survey of 200 chief executives in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom concluded that ________.
| | German leaders are more likely than French leaders to consider a position of power as important | | | German, French, and U.K. leaders have similar attitudes about leadership and decision making | | | UK leaders are highly troubled about their decisions | | | French leaders like to make decisions unilaterally |
2 points
Question 9 A visionary leader who inspires subordinates and is performance-oriented would best be described as ________.
| | charismatic | | | team-oriented | | | participative | | | self-protective |
2 points
Question 10 A written, legally binding agreement between employers and labor unions that is valid for a specific period is most common in ________.
| | Southern Europe | | | North America | | | Great Britain | | | France |
2 points
Question 11 According to Adler, what should businesses do regarding female managers and overseas assignments?
| | prepare female executives for the discrimination they will face abroad | | | realize that most women do no want to go abroad due to family concerns | | | give female managers the title, status, and recognition appropriate to the overseas position | | | send women overseas for only short-term assignments that do not require family relocation |
2 points
Question 12 According to Hofstede, employees in countries that rank high on power distance are more likely to prefer a(n) ________ leadership style.
| | autocratic | | | participative | | | charismatic | | | transformational |
2 points
Question 13 According to Hofstede, the critical fact to grasp about leadership in any culture is that it primarily depends upon the ________.
| | leader's personality | | | size of the organization | | | demands placed on the leader | | | values and attitudes of subordinates |
2 points
Question 14 According to Kopp, which of the following is an IHRM problem associated with Japanese firms that use the ethnocentric staffing approach?
| | high turnover among expatriates | | | low number of top level managers | | | employee repatriation difficulties | | | insufficient projection of HR needs |
2 points
Question 15 According to Laurent, managers in Sweden, Denmark, and Great Britain believe that employees prefer which style of leadership?
| | autocratic | | | charismatic | | | participative | | | autonomous |
2 points
Question 16 According to Lazarova and Tarique, which of the following conditions must be met for the successful transfer of knowledge to occur between repatriates and firms?
| | repatriate readiness and organization incentives | | | organization transfer tools and legal guidelines | | | repatriate readiness and cultural preparation | | | organization incentives and legal procedures |
2 points
Question 17 According to Rosenzweig, which of the following American characteristics causes the most problems for Americans in their global alliances with Europeans?
| | Americans tend to have an international perspective. | | | Americans tend to accept the authority of European managers. | | | Americans tend to be too formal in their business relationships. | | | Americans tend to need autonomy and independence on the job. |
2 points
Question 18 According to Tye and Chen, which of the following is the greatest predictive value of expatriate success?
| | gender | | | social skills | | | international experiences | | | domestic work experience |
2 points
Question 19 According to U.S expatriates, Mexican workers primarily need more ________ than U.S. workers.
| | relationship building | | | compensation | | | autonomy | | | Training |
2 points
Question 20 According to a study by Steers, Koreans' hard work was most attributable to ________.
| | loyalty to the company | | | self-oriented achievement | | | need for family harmony | | | religious convictions |
2 points
Question 21 According to a study of global teams by Govindarajan and Gupta, which of the following is the most important task in developing a successful global business team?
| | clarifying the objectives of the team | | | aligning the goals of each team member | | | cultivating trust among all team members | | | ensuring that team members have essential skills |
2 points
Question 22 According to a survey of Alcoa's virtual team members, successful team leaders have the ability to ________.
| | convey goals and resolve conflicts | | | explain the organization's mission | | | provide career planning advice | | | integrate technology systems |
2 points
Question 23 According to experts, managers of foreign companies planning to set up business in Russia should ________.
| | realize that paying bribes is a necessary aspect of conducting business in Russia | | | assign funds for local promotion and advertising to establish a corporate image | | | use only home country managers to avoid problems with local corruption | | | avoid communicating with regional authorities about business activities |
2 points
Question 24 According to research by Chevrie, which of the following is a strategy used to manage transnational teams?
| | using procedures established by headquarters | | | focusing on technical rather than cultural issues | | | linking compensation to individual achievement | | | establishing a single team leader as spokesperson |
2 points
Question 25 According to research by Dovev Lavie, which of the following best describes the bilateral competition strategy?
| | Set organizational and technological buffers between competing partners | | | Avoid partners that compete in your industry if they enjoy superior bargaining power | | | Learn and assimilate network resources in order to develop new skills and capabilities | | | Align organizational units and create a coherent interface with each partner in the alliance |
2 points
Question 26 According to the Meaning of Work (MOW) research study, what is the most important motivation for working in all countries?
| | status and prestige | | | necessary income | | | contacts with others | | | interest and satisfaction |
2 points
Question 27 According to the author, the future for MNC structure most likely lies in a ________.
| | global web of networked companies | | | global functional structure | | | global product structure | | | centralized hierarchy |
2 points
Question 28 Advances in communication technology have facilitated the increasing number of ________ and enabled firms to capitalize on 24-hour productivity.
| | virtual global teams | | | transitional global teams | | | specialized global teams | | | assimilated global teams |
2 points
Question 29 All of the following are HRM changes being made by many Japanese firms to help them compete in a global economy EXCEPT ________.
| | requiring workers to compete for jobs | | | placing more emphasis on lifetime employment | | | basing pay on performance rather than seniority | | | requiring workers to make retirement fund decisions |
2 points
Question 30 All of the following are advantages of using third country nationals to manage foreign subsidiaries EXCEPT ________.
| | having personal connections with local suppliers and distributors | | | reducing resentment between headquarters and locals | | | exhibiting cultural flexibility and adaptability | | | saving firms money in salary and benefits |
2 points
Question 31 All of the following are causes of convergence in labor relations practices EXCEPT ________.
| | political changes | | | increased open trade | | | external competitive forces | | | national labor relations systems |
2 points
Question 32 All of the following are characteristics of a firm with transnational capability EXCEPT ________.
| | local flexibility | | | global integration | | | centralized vertical structure | | | ability to manage across borders |
2 points
Question 33 All of the following are disadvantage of an ethnocentric staffing approach EXCEPT ________.
| | fewer opportunities for local staff's advancement | | | poor adaptation of expatriates in foreign countries | | | lack of managerial effectiveness of parent-country nationals | | | time spent training expatriates on the firm's policies and technologies |
2 points
Question 34 All of the following are examples of international joint venture control mechanisms used by parent firms EXCEPT ________.
| | staffing policies | | | legal contracts | | | regional authorities | | | organizational design |
2 points
Question 35 All of the following are examples of support systems recommended by Tung for a successful repatriation program EXCEPT ________.
| | mentor program | | | special career planning unit | | | domestic and foreign tax assistance program | | | system of maintaining contact with expatriates |
2 points
Question 36 All of the following are examples of the cooperative aspect of strategic alliances EXCEPT ________.
| | creating economies of scale in tangible assets | | | forming upstream - downstream divisions of labor | | | limiting investment risks through shared resources | | | learning new intangible skills from alliance partners |
2 points
Question 37 All of the following are major causes of expatriate failure EXCEPT ________.
| | selection based on headquarters' criteria | | | host government intervention | | | insufficient compensation | | | inadequate training |
2 points
Question 38 All of the following are most likely components of an expatriate's total compensation package EXCEPT ________.
| | health insurance | | | housing allowance | | | relocation expenses | | | performance based pay |
2 points
Question 39 All of the following are potential problem areas related to expatriate assignments EXCEPT ________.
| | inadequate cultural training | | | performance appraisal feedback | | | career needs of expatriate's spouse | | | coordination with headquarters |
2 points
Question 40 All of the following are signs of international organizational malaise EXCEPT ________.
| | clashes among divisions, subsidiaries, and individuals | | | duplication of administrative personnel and services | | | greater demands for information systems | | | unclear lines of reporting |
2 points
Question 41 All of the following are stages in the expatriate transition process EXCEPT ________.
| | host country language transition | | | home country exit transition | | | host country entry transition | | | home country entry transition |
2 points
Question 42 All of the following are suggestions by expatriates regarding how to have a successful experience overseas EXCEPT ________.
| | learn the local customs | | | establish a family routine | | | develop a support network | | | cease contact with headquarters |
2 points
Question 43 All of the following are training techniques classified by Tung EXCEPT ________.
| | sensitivity training | | | host-family surrogates | | | field experiences | | | cultural assimilators |
2 points
Question 44 All of the following are typical reasons for forming cross-border alliances EXCEPT ________.
| | avoiding import barriers | | | sharing R&D costs and risks | | | gaining access to specific markets | | | testing marketing campaigns overseas |
2 points
Question 45 All of the following are typical tasks performed by e-commerce enablers EXCEPT ________.
| | ensuring compliance with trade agreements | | | conducting performance appraisals | | | paying custom charges | | | screening orders |
2 points
Question 46 An international division may be organized along what lines?
| | vertical and horizontal | | | differentiated and integrated | | | centralized and decentralized | | | functional, product, geographic |
2 points
Question 47 An international division with an integrated global structure can be organized along all of the following lines EXCEPT ________.
| | functional lines | | | product lines | | | geographic lines | | | cultural lines |
2 points
Question 48 Firms primarily benefit from repatriated managers' knowledge transfer and application of all of the following EXCEPT ________.
| | local marketing | | | host-country laws | | | cultural differences | | | competitor information |
2 points
Question 49 Firms most likely form cross-border strategic alliances with European companies because ________.
| | technology within the EU changes rapidly | | | EU regulations favor domestic companies | | | franchising and licensing are illegal in the EU | | | EU consumers demand foreign-made products |
2 points
Question 50 Employees in countries that rank low on power distance are more likely to prefer a(n) ________ leadership style.
| | autocratic | | | participative | | | charismatic | | | transformational |
2 points Save and Submit

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