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Hsc Belonging


Submitted By elizabethtaylor
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Rubric Element | Strictly Ballroom | Tea with Milk | Personal Context | * Perceptions of belonging and not belonging are shaped through an individuals personal context and they way they were brought up * Familial relationships significantly influence an individual’s sense of belonging * Belonging to a family does not necessarily always have positive impacts / provide a sense of belonging * Belonging is enriched by a positive interaction with others and the surrounding world but can also be limited in the sense that the wider community/world can provide barriers to limit the connection individuals need to develop their sense of belonging | | * Doug subjugated and represses his own sense of individuality in order to keep his and Shirley’s marriage steady despite the fact that he always feels isolate and alone * Due to Scott’s lack of inclusion and self-expression within his family, he yearns for cultural group that will accept him. His personal context restricted his feeling of acceptance. This is shown through the strict conformist rules that Shirley and Lez impose on Scott when he dances | * Generational difference – May’s parents have a different view of belonging to American culture. They feels as if they belong more strongly to the Japanese culture which is why they decided to move back to Japan and teach may about Japanese culture. * May and her parents have different perceptions of belonging due to generational difference. This is shown in the image of May outside the front of her house with her mother on the inside (Mis en scene and proxemics). This shows that May’s mother does not feel as if he belongs in the American culture, he is scared of the American society and culture and is physically placing a barrier between the culture and herself. * May’s sense of belonging is contrasted to that of her parents as she has a good and positive relationship with the American culture and people. She has a lot of friends and spends time socialising at their houses (shown through images) * May’s parents have difficulty identifying with the US culture due to their cultural and generational difference. The visual image on the first page depicts May’s mother shyly hiding behind their front door in San Francisco * Reoccurring motif with tea with milk and sugar shows how May’s identity differs from her parents and Japanese society | Cultural Context | * Belonging to a racial or cultural group does not necessarily translate to acceptance with and belonging to that group * In order for a sense of belonging to be established, differences between individual cultures need to be understood and accepted * A strong cultural connection is where an individual feels safe, comfortable and as if they can freely express themselves. If there is a lack of cultural connection and therefore are no connections with others and communities then an individual will be left feeling isolated, lost and will not be able to experience belonging. | | * Scott’s concept of belonging is shaped by his cultural and historical context - that is by important ideas from the second half of the twentieth century regarding the rights of minority groups and individuals * Spanish community’s perception of belonging: patriarchal society, minority group; yet Fran challenges the old patriarchal values and we see that Rico comes to respect her for this | * Belonging to a racial group does not necessarily translate to acceptance within and belonging to that group: as shown in the opening of May leaving home, where vectors draw the viewer’s attention from May’s face to that of a woman in the background, highlighting their physical similarities, yet May’s body language (back turned on the typical Japanese street) shows that she has chosen not to belong. * ‘One country is as good as another’ – Allen suggests that belonging doesn’t come from physical connections but personal ones, which can transcend location. May finds belonging in Japan, despite not wanting to be there, Joseph fulfils her sense of belonging * An absence of connection to a place can lead to the absence of belonging, this is shown through mis en scene where May’s parents feel isolated in San Francisco ‘she felt as through the city places had been welcoming to her’ * Lack of connection to place can lead to isolation and create barriers preventing belonging. (Image of May standing alone in the courtyard) – use of colour and language ‘they call her gaijin. Gaijin means foreigner’ * In order to feel confident and be able to express herself, May’s identity evolves as she adapts to living in Japan but immerses her American heritage with traditional Japanese culture (wearing America clothing amongst all the kimonos) * ‘I’ll never get used to this place’ – image of May looking unhappy in a Kimono (grey colouring suggesting despondency and despair) * ‘I’m a foreigner in my parents country’ but as May found a place within Japan ‘the kimono did not feel so uncomfortable now’ a metaphor for the immersion of cultures * ‘Never got used to sitting on the floor for long’ – repetition shows that May doesn’t feel belonging within the Japanese people * Culture individuals are brought up in can and may always be the one they feel comfortable in | Historical Context | * An individual’s sense of belonging can be shaped by the values and ideas of society. These values and ideas are ever changing due to an individual’s historical context | | * Scott’s concept of belonging is shaped by his cultural and historical context - that is by important ideas from the second half of the twentieth century regarding the rights of minority groups and individuals | | Social Context | * Belonging to a racial group does not necessarily translate to acceptance within and belonging to that group | | * ‘A life lived in fear is a life half lived’ – FranThis quote explores the understanding of ones identity. In this quote Fran is saying that in order to explore your identity and develop who you are, you need to break free of fear which metaphorically in strictly ballroom is the constraints of the ballroom society and the consequences of doing things your own way. Fran says that in order to develop who you are, you need to do what you love, what inspires you and what makes you feel good. * Barry’s perception of belonging is shaped by his social context - in Australia at that time, men were the dominant figures in society; thus he seeks to maintain his power and dominate others, rather than belong with them on their level * Spanish community’s perception of belonging: patriarchal society, minority group; yet Fran challenges the old patriarchal values and we see that Rico comes to respect her for this * | * May’s parents find it easier to know their identity in Japan. This is shown through the written text as they assert the position of authority over May ‘you are going to be a proper Japanese lady’. This is contrasted to May, who has a good relationship with the American culture and the people there (spends time socialising with her friends) * The shadow and the curtain suggest the reclusive nature of May’s parents in America. The shadow bisects the image and May stands in the light, suggesting enlightening and her connection to American culture | Connections Made with People | | | | | Connections Made with Places | * An individual’s sense of belonging emanates from the connections they forge/develop with places. These connection can provide an individual with the confidence to achieve a wider sense of belonging and be able to express themselves * Connections with place can enrich our sense of self and foster a greater sense of belonging | | * The set in the film represents the values of the communities around the characters: * When Scott and Fran dance on the roof, they are escaping the constraints of their two separate communities. The connection they develop here allows them to feel a sense of belonging * The centrality of the dance studio suggests that belonging to a place is integral to a sense of belonging. This is where the community comes together and the rules and regulations of the dance federation are enforced. This can create barriers to belonging, especially for characters like Scott * The dance studio and Fran’s house act as a metaphor for Scott’s comfort in expressing his identity. * Scott’s costume (white singlet) shows that he is an archetypal Australian male * The use of setting establishes the core ideas of belonging: * Fran’s house is intimate (light by lanterns) and has an authentic feel to it * Scott’s home is the dance studio which is glitzy, spacious and typically juxtaposed to the normal ideas of a home * Scott and Fran develop a sense of belonging through the dance studio, this ‘place’ allows them to come together, unite and develop their relationship, fostering a sense of belonging | * ‘One country is as good as another’ – Allen suggests that belonging doesn’t come from physical connections but personal ones, which can transcend location. May finds belonging in Japan, despite not wanting to be there, Joseph fulfils her sense of belonging * An absence of connection to a place can lead to the absence of belonging, this is shown through mis en scene where May’s parents feel isolated in San Francisco * May’s relationship with Joseph helps to establish a sense of belonging as she feels like he understands her and is not afraid to reveal her true self to him * Lack of connection to place can lead to isolation and create barriers preventing belonging. (Image of May standing alone in the courtyard) – use of colour and language ‘they call her gaijin. Gaijin means foreigner’ * In order to feel confident and be able to express herself, May’s identity evolves as she adapts to living in Japan but immerses her American heritage with traditional Japanese culture (wearing America clothing amongst all the kimonos) * ‘I’ll never get used to this place’ – image of May looking unhappy in a Kimono (grey colouring suggesting despondency and despair) * ‘I’m a foreigner in my parents country’ but as May found a place within Japan ‘the kimono did not feel so uncomfortable now’ a metaphor for the immersion of cultures | Connections Made with Communities | | | | | Connections made with the Larger World | | | | | Aspects of Belonging in Terms of Experiences | | | | |

Notions of Identity | | | | * ‘No one called her May and Masako sounded like someone else’s name’ | Relationships | | | | | Acceptance | | | | | Understanding | | | | | Potential of the Individual to Challenge A Community or Group | * Belonging can demand the conformity of an individual, which can hinder an individual’s exploration of their identity, and a true experience of belonging * An individual’s challenging of the status quo can result in the enrichment of the community * An individual has the ability to enrich a group of people through the exploration of their individual identity and the connections they develop with communities and the wider world through the relationships they form | | * Scott challenges the rules of the ballroom community and pressures to conform. He asserts his individuality rather than rote learning the accepted steps given to him by the dance federation (Barry Fife) * When Scott firsts dances his own steps dramatic music is used to show how he is challenging the community. The music is inspiring suggesting that Scott has enriched the ballroom community followed by the little girl saying ‘well I thought that was good’ in reference to Scott’s personalised steps * Scott challenges the values of the ballroom community, as he is passionate about dancing rather than win ‘if you dance your steps, you won’t win’. He eventually decides to ‘dance from the heart’ a recurring motif throughout the film * Scott ultimately enriches the ballroom community by showcasing his own steps which is shown in the final seen where everyone dances together for enjoyment rather than in competition * The final scene shows the change in values, the final song ‘love is in the air’ shows the importance of dancing to express emotion and indicates the importance of values other than winning * As an individual (Scott) challenges the corruptness of the Ballroom community, he gives other confidence to express themselves and be who they truly are. This is seen where the challenging of the federation empowers Lez to jump up and punch Barry * As Scott and Fran showcase the Paso Doble to ballroom community there is a clap of acceptance and admiration for the new type of dance as it ‘comes from the heart’ and symbolises the power of self expression * Belonging to the Spanish community makes Scott believe in himself and gives him the courage to rise above the corrupt world of ballroom dancing. This is shown at the first time where Scott sees Rico dance. The camera zooms in on Scott’s face to shown enlightenment and awe for the way that Rico ‘dances from the heart’ | * May challenges the Japanese community by dressing in ways that make her feel comfortable and ways that allow her to express herself ‘she chose her brightest dress) while in contrast everyone else is wearing black * May enriches her work and colleagues by being able to speak English. This gets her a quick promotion and adds multiculturalism and diversity to her work | Attitudes to Belonging are Modified Over Time | | | | | Barriers That Prevent Belonging | | | | | Choices Not to Belong | * For most people, an experience of belonging is inherently positive. However, others reject the notion of belonging in order to retain their individuality and to not have to conform to the constraints placed upon by a group or individual | | * Dough rejects the notion of belonging to the ballroom community because of his wishes to not conform to the constraints of the ballroom federation * Dough chooses not to belong by dancing alone ‘hiding away doing something’. Doug watches the mementos (videos) from his past alone in the dark, symbolic of his solitude and inability to belong to the ballroom community * Scott chooses to no longer belong to the world of ballroom dancing and to maintain his individuality. Scott explores his individuality and challenges the norms of the ballroom dancing community. This is seen through the mirror scene where Scott practices his own steps, dancing in and out of the spotlight emphasising his rebellious nature. (Lacanian mirror technique) * Scott chooses not to belong to the ballroom community as he rejects the idea of having to conform to the federation. He wants to maintain and develop his individuality unlike his mother Shirley who gives up her individuality in order to belong to the ballroom community | * May literally turns her back on the traditional Japanese street scene, showing that there are stronger aspects of her identity influencing her than her Japanese ethnicity. This is seen through her Western identity as embodied in the repeated phrase ‘but I like my tea with milk and sugar!’ | Perceptions and Ideas of Belonging, or not Belonging, Vary | * Perceptions and the idea of belonging or of not belonging vary among generations, families, cultural groups and the social milieu * In some cases it is better not to ‘belong’ to a place where an individual feels a superficial sense of belonging and has to conform in order to fit in * Belonging varies in terms of meaning to different people as it is based on their perception of the meaning of belonging and their identity | | The nature of belonging in the ballroom community: * The ballroom community is based on fear and power. For example the first time Barry Fife is introduced to us is through a low-angle close up which shows the red curtain behind him. This shot shows us that Barry is the height of power and is a very dominant figure in the ballroom world. The red curtain symbolises fear and corruption * Obedience and conformity - Shirley has conformed to the ideals of the dance community and does nothing to threaten her position in it * The use of mis-en-scene shos that Barry is comfortable in his position and environment (malapropism) ‘one bad egg can rot the whole barrel’. This shows that Barry has power without integrity or intelligenceThe nature of belonging in the Spanish community: * Family comes first * Patriarchal * Very exclusive communityBelonging varies in terms of meaning to different people as it is based on their perception of the meaning of belonging and their identity. In some cases, belonging represents power and control in the group; this can be seen through the character Barry Fife. To Shirley, belonging means following the rules and doing what is expected of her. Shirley subjugates her own personality and reasoning to that of the Ballroom community. Doug’s sense of belonging has varied over time. Due to his social context, Dough acquiesced to the point of supressing his real self for the same of his family, although he comes to understand that suppression of oneself is not a good this. This is shown through his support in the diegetic sound of the clapping in the final scene where Dough encourages Scott to display his individuality to the dancing federation. Belonging to Scott means being able to express you true self and being supported and accepted by a group for doing that. Rico’s sense of belonging is contrasted to Scott, Rico’s sense of belonging is more patriarchal. He makes the decisions for Fran and tells her what she can and can’t do (you will not dance). Rico’s idea of belonging changes throughout the film as he starts to value the new perspective and contribution Scott makes due to Rico’s appreciation of Scott’s will to dance and learn. As Scott struggles as he attempts to mature as an individual yet remain a part of his family he yearns to break away from them yet has is physically and emotionally restrained by them. (Can be seen in the contrasting colours of light from the Toledo milk bar (warm and welcoming light) to his home (artificial bright lights) | * May and her parents have different ideas and meaning of what Belonging is. To May it is in San Francisco where she can identify with the American culture while to her parents it is back in Japan * Like SB, most Japanese people have a very patriarchal idea of belonging. May’s parents want to set her up with a ‘moneylender’ and choose a husband for her much like Shirley, Barry and Lez choosing a partner for Scott to dance with * Belonging to a family does not necessarily always have positive impacts / provide a sense of belonging. For May, her family has a different idea of ‘belonging’ to her. Their different ideas of belonging, caused by a generational differences leads to loneliness and social isolation. |

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...বিবিএি বিবিত পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুবতিঃ-১ িাাংিা-মািরুফ হ াসিন বপ্রয় িদিযিৃন্দ, ১ িক্ষ ৬৩ াজার পরীক্ষার্থীসদর মধ্য হর্থসে হে দশ াজার পরীক্ষার্থী বপ্রবিবমনারী পরীক্ষার িাধ্া পার সত িক্ষম সয়সেন তাাঁসদরসে প্রাণঢািা অবিনন্দন জাবনসয় শুরু েরবে।আপনারা বিবিএি পরীক্ষার িিচাইসত েঠিন িাধ্া অবতক্রম েসর হফসিসেন-আশা েবর িুবনবদি ষ্ট প্রস্তুবতর মাধ্যসম িাবে পর্থটু কু িুি ি সজই পার সত পারসিন। িাাংিা পরীক্ষার জসনয আবম বেিাসি প্রস্তুবত বনসয়বেিাম আজ আবম হি িযাপাসর আপনাসদরসে জানাসিা।পূসিির হিিাগুসিার মত এিাসনও আবম শুরুসতই স্বীোর েসর বনবি হে আপনাসদরসে জ্ঞানদান েরিার মত হোগ্যতা িা অবিপ্রায় হোনটিই আমার হনই-আমার উসেশয শুধ্ুমাত্র এেজন ি োত্রী ব সিসি বনসজর িীমািদ্ধ অবিজ্ঞতার মাধ্যসম আপনাসদরসে েৎবেবিত িা ােয েরা।আপবন েবদ মসন েসরন এ হিিায় হেিি “টিপি” িণিনা েরা হিগুসিা োড়াও আপনার চিসি তা সি অিশযই তাই বিসিচনাসিাধ্ অনয োরও চাইসত েম এমনটি িািার হোন োরণ হনই। অসনে হগ্ৌরচবিো ি-চিুন শুরু েরা োে! সয়সে েরসিন-আপনার শুরুর আসগ্র ের্থা(িযস্ত পাঠে চাইসি এ অাংশটু কু িাদ বদসত পাসরন) বপ্রয় পরীক্ষার্থীিৃন্দ, আমরা অসনসেই ধ্সর বনই িাাংিা হেস তু মাতৃ িাষা-এসে বনসয় ো-ইসি-তাই েরিার অবধ্োর রসয়সে।দুিঃিজনে আমাসদর আমাসদর সিও িতয- অনযানয বিষয় বনসয় আমরা হেরেম প্রস্তুবত বনই তার বিবেিাগ্ও আমরা িাাংিার হপেসন িযয় েবরনা।আমরা িু সি োই হে িাাংিাসত রসয়সে ২০০ নম্বর এিাং এেটি িাসিা িাাংিা জানা পরীক্ষার্থী এই বিষসয় গ্ড়পড়তা অনযসদর চাইসত এমনেী ২০-৫০ নম্বরও হিবশ হপসত পাসর।শুনসত অবিশ্বািয মসন সি? এেটু বিসেষণ েরসিই িযাপারটির িতযতা হটর পাসিন।িাাংিা প্রর্থম পসত্র িযােরসণ ৩০ এর হিতসর ৩০, িাব সতয ৩০ এর মসধ্য ২০-২৫, িাি িম্প্রিারসণ ২০...

Words: 12659 - Pages: 51

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Mbv Hmnb Ghm

...TAMIL NADU PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION NOTIFICATION NO: 14/2013 DATED: 05.09.2013 to the Applications are invited only through online mode upto 04.10.2013 for direct recruitment vacancies for the year 2013-14 in the following posts included in Combined Civil Services Examination–II (Interview Posts) (Group-II Services) [Service Code No.004] Selection for the following posts is made in three successive stages (i) Preliminary Examination (ii) Main Written Examination and (iii) Oral Test Sl. No. 1) Name of the Post and Post Code Deputy Commercial Tax Officer (Post Code No: 1013) Sub Registrar, Grade-II (Post Code No: 1071) Name of the Service Tamil Nadu Commercial Taxes Subordinate Service Tamil Nadu Registration Subordinate Service Tamil Nadu Jail Subordinate Service Tamil Nadu Labour Subordinate Service No. of vacancies 66 2 (ST Carry Forward vacancies) 14 Scale of pay Rs.9300-34800+ Grade Pay Rs.4800/- (PB2) Rs.9300-34800+ Grade Pay Rs.4800/- (PB2) Rs.9300-34800+ Grade Pay Rs.4800/- (PB2) Rs.9300-34800+ Grade Pay Rs.4800/- (PB2) 2) Probation Officer in Prison Department (Post Code No:1023 ) Assistant Inspector of Labour 4) in the Labour Department (Post Code No: 1068) Junior Employment Officer (Non-Differently Abled) in Employment and Training 5) (Employment Wing) Department (Post Code No: 1017) Junior Employment Officer (Differently Abled) in Employment and Training 6) (Employment Wing) Department (Post Code No: 2203) Assistant Section Officer in Finance Department in 7)...

Words: 6660 - Pages: 27

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Electronic Usage Policy

...Policies of the University of North Texas Health Science Center 04.301 Acceptable Electronic Communications Use Policy Chapter 04 – Administration Policy Statement. The University of North Texas Health Science Center (UNTHSC) provides various electronic communication resources for the purpose of conducting business in support of UNTHSC’s organizational mission. UNTHSC is the legal owner and operator of all electronic communication resources purchased or leased with UNTHSC funds. All electronic records are the property of UNTHSC, not of the individuals creating, maintaining, sending or receiving such data or information. Each person granted access to UNTHSC electronic communication resources and electronic records is responsible for appropriate use as stated within this policy as well as adherence to all applicable federal, state and local laws. UNTHSC reserves the right at any time to limit, restrict or deny access to its electronic communication resources and records, as well as to take disciplinary and/or legal action against anyone who is in violation of this policy or applicable laws. Application of Policy. This document establishes organizational policies and procedures regarding the use of electronic communications. This policy applies to: 1. All electronic communication resources owned, leased, provided and/or managed by UNTHSC; 2. All users and types of use of UNTHSC electronic communication resources; 3. All electronic records generated or maintained in the...

Words: 2663 - Pages: 11

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Catchment Study

...[pic] SUMMER TRAINING REPORT ON CATCHMENT STUDY OF FOOD BAZAAR [pic] IILM INSTITUTE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION GURGAON IN THE PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE AWARD OF POST GRADUATE PROGRAMME IN RETAIL MANAGEMENT SUBMITTED BY DEEPAK KUMAR PGPRM 2006-08 CATCHMENT STUDY OF FOOD BAZAAR [pic] DECLARATION This project is my original work done on behalf of IILM INSTITUTE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION under the guidance of Mr.Amit kumar, Food bazaar category head north zone and college mentors Mrs. Swaran Kanta and Mrs. Smita shelly, Faculty IILM. As well as with the great help of Food bazaar category team north zone. The material provided in this report is original and has not been submitted anywhere for any other diploma or degree. This data is completely confidential, hence the findings and analysis would not be shared in this document and outside too . so should not be share with any other places or organization. Signature of student Name : Deepak Kumar Date PREFACE I am Deepak Kumar doing post graduate program in retail management (PGPRM) student of Integrated Institute of Learning Management (IILM), Gurgaon, Haryana. undergone summer training program at Zonal office (North Zone) with Future group in Gurgaon. I have been assigned a task to do the ‘CATCHMENT STUDY OF FOOD BAZAARS IN NORTH ZONE”. In this topic there...

Words: 13875 - Pages: 56

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...Standards for medicines management a We are the nursing and midwifery regulator for England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Islands. • We exist to safeguard the health and wellbeing of the public. • We set the standards of education, training and conduct that nurses and midwives need to deliver high quality healthcare consistently throughout their careers. • We ensure that nurses and midwives keep their skills and knowledge up to date and uphold the standards of their professional code. • We ensure that midwives are safe to practise by setting rules for their practice and supervision. • We have fair processes to investigate allegations made against nurses and midwives who may not have followed the code. b Standards for medicines management Introduction The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) is the UK regulator for two professions: nursing and midwifery. The primary purpose of the NMC is protection of the public. It does this through maintaining a register of all nurses, midwives and specialist community public health nurses eligible to practise within the UK and by setting standards for their education, training and conduct. One of the most important ways of serving the public interest is through providing advice and guidance to registrants on professional issues. The purpose of this booklet is to set standards for safe practice in the management and administration of medicines by registered nurses, midwives and specialist community public health...

Words: 21045 - Pages: 85

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Case Study on Eldercare

...Case Study This assignment will outline my Practice Learning Opportunity (PLO) setting including my role. It will then explore the social work process in reference to one service user which includes; preparation for contact, assessment, intervention, review, endings and an evaluation of my work. Within this, multi- disciplinary work will also be explored identifying its strengths and limitations. The assignment will outline legislation and policy that determine social work roles and responsibilities to service users such as The Human Rights Act (1998) and Transforming Your Care (2011). Furthermore the assignment will consider how knowledge, skills, values, anti-oppressive practice and professional codes of conduct such as the Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC) influenced my practice. My (PLO) is a community eldercare team, which provides a service for elderly people over the age of 65. The eldercare team works with service users, their families and professionals within a framework of anti-discriminatory practice to promote each person’s individual value. The aim of the team is to develop personal, social, health and greater independence for service users to enhance their strengths. Referrals are made by a range of professionals, including Gp’s, Hospital Social Workers and Self/Family referral. The eldercare team is situated in large town with a population of 59,607 according to NINIS (2011). Almost 17% (10,133) of this population is aged over 65, which is...

Words: 4500 - Pages: 18