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Submitted By Chaimae
Words 427
Pages 2
Figur 1 - there will always be people who do not trust the doctor's advice - Who ved personer, which ved ting - Forkert pronomen

Figur 2 - Wherever he went, he was met by people who wanted his autograph – forkert ordstilling, igefrem ordstilling istedet for omvendt

Figur 3 - The important thing in life is not a matter of making a lot of money – manglende støtteord, adjektiv kan ikke stå alene.

Figur 4 - All morning the envelope marked "Personal and confidential" had laid unopened on the desk in front of him - forkert bøjning af verballed

Figur 5 - The Aborigines were treated well by the new governor - Forkert ordklasse, good er adjektiv, well er adverium(handling eller væremåde)

Figur 6 - Even though he does not like German music, he went to the Ramstein concert last night – DO-omskrivning, hovedverbet “like” skal være infnitiv.

Figur 7 - All the information the spy could offer was of no use to the government - utalligt navneord, information er utølligt, altid 3. Person ental. – Kongruens fejl

8 - News about important events is always posted on the website – kongruens fejl

9 - He meets new friends - forkert ordstilling ligefrem I stedet for omvendt.

10 - responsable person - forkert ordklasse, responsiable er adjektiv, ly, e r adverbium

11 - I slept so badly – bøjnings fejl, uregelmæssig

12 - where i left my sunglasses, stavefejl og forkert

13 - were broken – ‘”leg and tail” er flertal (they) kongruens fejl

14 – Who is eight years old – forkert relativt pronomen

15 - lives up to its - kongruens fejl

16 - about the fact that they had - aldrig præpositioner foran en that-sætning også kaldt præpositionsmønsterfejl

17 - Mental problems, Forkert ordklasse

18 - he became a good.. - forkert ordstilling, ligefrem i stedet for omvendt

19 - Everything has gone downhill - everything er 3. person ental - kongruensfejl

20 - Had fallen ill – forkert bøjningsform – to fall er uregelmæssig

21 - Will end happily - forkert ordklasse, happy er adjektiv, adverbium ly

22 – that there are many thing, kongruens fejl , many things er fleretal

23 – history is written by winners – bøjningsfejl – to write er uregelmæssig

24 – he always came back the next day - forkert ordstilling

25 – having a lot of money, having much money – money er utællige navneord

26 – remind ourselves of the good times – we, our er fleretal = (logisk fleretal)

27 – This dish smells wonderful – forkert ordklasse, adjektiv vs adverbium, wonderful er subjekstprædikat, det vil sige, det lægger sig til subjektet.

28 – whose lives we affect – forkert pronomen, which er om ting, who er om personer. Whose ejefald/genitv

Kongruens fejl
Manglende støtteord
Bøjningsfejl – DO-omskrivning, uregelmæssige
Utællige navneord
Forkert pronomen
Logisk fleretal

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