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Submitted By urnotamrb
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Pages 10
World Religions Report
Stanley Akesson
April 7, 2013
Thomas Thiessen

I have decided to compare the Christianity faith of United Church of Christ (UCC) along with Islam. Christianity was started with Jesus and ended with the belief and practice which centers on the resurrection of Christ. I will show how the faiths split and divided into three major branches over the centuries. Protestantism, evolved in the 16th century during the Reformation. United Church of Christ (UCC) was part of the in the 1950’s Congregational Churches of the English Reformation with Puritan New England roots in America, and the Christian. Islam was started by The Prophet Muhammad and according to Muslim belief, the angel Gabriel appeared to Muhammad. His life's work is recorded in the Qur'an, the sacred text of Islam. The Holy Quran is a compilation of the verbal revelations given to the Holy Prophet Muhammad over a period of twenty two years

Summary of Interview
Reverend Joseph Blotz, became a Minister of Faith Formation in August 2010. He is currently assigned to the United Church of Christ (UCC) in Mansfield, Connecticut. Where did everything come from? Reverend Blotz describes where everything comes from with the many stories from the Bible of how the world and everything came to be. It is God’s action that brought the world into existence and order. What is the ultimate problem with the world? A large problem with the world is ultimately broken relationship between God and people, people among people and the rest of creation. This brings us the ultimate problem with the world broken relationships at all levels which are the results from setting up hierarchies of power which demeans and denigrate some while elevation others and ignoring God’s demand for justice. What are the solutions to the world’s problems? The right, relationships and recognizing humanity’s place,

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