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Human Condition Research Paper

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If you ask anyone what the state of the human condition is you may get varying results, some say we're better then we've ever been with the rise of civil rights, and equal opportunity for all genders, creeds, and races. Some may tell you that we're worse than we've ever been, albeit for some of the same reasons stated above, or for reasons such as governmental corruption, theft of data, and countless hackings into our private accounts. But I think regardless of what you think of the current condition, there are a few things we need to think about before we go about trying to better our world.

Human Pride. Pride is a word that has so many connotations to it. One can be proud of an art project they created, then, after selling said item, they become wealthy, gaining renown and respect across the art crowd, the person can then take that renown as tangible and physical proof of their superiority over their fellow artists, valuing only the renown gained and forgetting what made them create in the first place. We've seen this time and time again, whether it be Orson Welles' higher than thou attitude after gaining popularity, or John Lennon's "Bigger than Jesus" quote. Pride changes people, and, in my belief, for the worse. Obviously people are still people, we all make mistakes and sadly some of us decide to only see the good side of ourselves and fearing to see whats wrong is wrong. Pride is the biggest perpetrator of broken promises and war that …show more content…
Is it just a momentary action, done randomly when the time feels right or is it a lifestyle. A lifestyle of choosing to do whats right not only for yourself but also for the good of the rest of the earth. A lifestyle of deciding to not let any past wrongs get in the way of showing love and honor to a human being. Kindness is like blood, you loose to much of it and you just see the color of life shrinking away and becoming grey with anger and

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