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Human Equality


Submitted By kaleigh08ar
Words 1732
Pages 7
Human Equality
Kaleigh A. Butler
Willmore Kanyongo, PhD
March 1, 2014

The analysis of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech, alongside with Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg address”, reveals that both men had the same idea of human equality. What is the definition of human equality? This is a definition that was brought to the country’s attention by two great men of history. Nearly one hundred years separated two men that both had the same ideals of what human equality means in a free nation. They both came to the same ideal that was set by our founding fathers. All men were created equal and had the rights to liberty and justice, including the prosperity of the American Dream that so many fought for with demonstrations and the wars of our fathers. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln walked on the battlefield of Gettysburg and delivered the Gettysburg address. Compelled by the constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the ideals of the American nation were to be upheld to the highest regard for basic human life. The wars that were fought previously and the war that the President was going through in order to uphold the promises that the founding fathers promised all those living in the new nation. The civil war separated a single nation fighting one another based on the ideals that one man can own another man. This war lasted for 4 years in order to retain what both sides thought to be right. President Lincoln of the Union stated that we were anti-slavery, and fought rigorously in order to defeat the thought that any man is lesser than another. This speech that Lincoln delivered on the battlefield on November 19, 1863 with the blood of many soldiers still soaking the ground was unprecedented. He fully believed that every man was created equal, that no man should have to go through the injustice of slavery to another man due to the

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